Visum pontificum de comitiis curiatis (Nova Roma)

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Enacted a.d. V Kal. Ian. L. Sulla (III) cos. sine collega MMDCCLXVI a.u.c.

The collegium pontificum recommends the consules to modify the rules of convening the comitia curiata in the Constitution, by changing this section:

"III. Comitia A. The comitia curiata (Assembly of Curiae) shall be made up of thirty lictores curiati (lictors of the curia), appointed to their positions by the collegium pontificum (college of pontiffs). It shall be called to order by the Pontifex Maximus, and the collegium pontificum shall set the rules by which the comitia curiata shall operate internally. It shall have the following responsibilities:"

To this:

"III. Comitia A. The comitia curiata (Assembly of Curiae) shall be made up of thirty lictores curiati (lictors of the curiae), appointed to their positions by the collegium pontificum (college of pontiffs). It shall be called to order by the Pontifex Maximus, or when passing a lex curiata de imperio, it may be called either by the Pontifex Maximus or by any magistrate who has the right to convene the comitia centuriata. The collegium pontificum shall set the rules by which the comitia curiata shall operate internally. It shall have the following responsibilities:"
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