Aedilitas plebis MMDCCLXII/Ludi Cereales Certamen
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Ludi Certamen: Regulations
The games were always intended to be fun for the participants, and that is true here too. The Certamen of these Ludi Cereales will not be limited in scope to plebeian history, or even Roman history; every bit of knowledge out there is fair game for these ludi, and things far and wide shall be asked. Answers and results will be given on the final day of the games, 19 April.
The regulations are simple to follow, and are these:
- All citizens are invited to participate in these games. The greater the participation, the greater the fun.
- Responses to the questions posed must be submitted to Aedilis Metellus with "Ludi Cereales Certamen" in the Subject line. Responses must also include the name of the citizen entering the games, the number corresponding to the questions being answered, and, of course, the answers themselves.
- Responses must give complete answer to the question. If ever there is a question, the presiding aedile reserves the right to reject a response or request clarification of an answer.
- Answers to all questions must be received by 06:00 a.m. Roman Time, 19 April to be considered.
- Disqualification: An entrant may be disqualified for giving answers to other competitors. It rests at the discretion of the presiding aedilis whether an entrant should be disqualified.
- Qualification: A citizen wishing to enjoy oneself while expanding their knowledge and showing one's knowledge is qualified to participate.
And so, Quirites, on to the games
Tabula Prima (a.d. XVIII Kal. Mai.)
- Bringing in 52 points in the Series I Ludi Circenses Championship of 2761, this charioteer whose name is pronounced with supreme difficulty for most English speakers prefers to be called "Eva", so says her patron. What is her name?
- Sitting in the Ninth Century are three former Tribuni Plebis, of whom one carries as a nomen the name of a Roman Emperor. In what city is the tomb of this Emperor?
- A Roman citizen, preferring death to possible clemency, commonly known by the epithet 'the Younger', chose to take his life than allow whatever might have been. In the HBO series "Rome", he was in the company of another very prominent Roman who commanded the "Republican" army at Thapsus and was killed in battle. Who is this one killed in battle?
- This isotope, known by a name chosen based on the contents of the nucleus of its atom, containing one proton and one neutron, is a stable isotope of the most abundant chemical element, which comprises roughly three-quarters the Universe's total mass. What is the name of this isotope?
Tabula Secunda (a.d. XVII Kal. Mai.)
- This US presidential candidate and now former US senator went public about a topic which many were otherwise reluctant to discuss, being the original spokesperson for the drug known in generic form as sildenafil citrate. Who was he?
- Stretching 2,250 km, this oceanic feature sits within the Philippine Sea with a maximum depth of 5,212 km and at coordinates 26°20′N 128°40′E. What is this?
- This flying animal, favourite of the presiding aedile, remains very well known for the brilliant green colour seen in the male portion of its species, and is believed, along with the Muscovy, to be the ancestor of all extant domestic varieties. What animal might this be? (In order to receive credit for this answer, the genus and specific epithet must be given.)
- Ninety percent water by volume and comprising the greatest portion of total blood volume, this fluid is used to treat a variety of diseases and conditions, including warfarin overdose. What fluid is it?
Tabula Tertia (a.d. XVI Kal. Mai.)
- The only woman to have held the office, this former Leader of the Conservative Party of the United Kingdom has on her coat of arms the words "Cherish Freedom", as well as the image of Issac Newton. Who is she?
- After his brother was slain by his grandsons Romulus and Remus, this individual was restored to the throne of Alba Longa. Who was he?
- This project begun by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger, first went public after five days associated with a new project on January 15, 2001. What was the original domain for the project?
- Formed by a contraction of its founder's name, Adi Dassler, this company, known for the sports- and sports-related equipment it manufactures, posted revenues of 10.799 billion euros for fiscal year 2008. What company is this?