Aula Tullia Scholastica (Election MMDCCLIX)
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Praetor |
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A. Tullia Scholastica quiritibus bonae voluntatis S.P.D.
Coram vobis sto, Quirites, petasum in circum iacio et nomen profiteor praeturam petns. Servii Rei Publicae consuli accensa, trium praetorum scriba, magistri araneari scriba, aedilis curulis scriba, censoris scriba et rogatrix, et interpres linguae Latinae; inter nos sunt qui me scribam praetoris Perusiani et magistrorum araneariorum Calvi et Scaevolae proximo anno omnes leges in Tabulario emendavisse meminerint.
Praetrici creata, si necesse sit iudicium exercre, aequa ero; itidem aequa ero d moderamine Fori Novae Romae praecipui; manum graviorem non timendam. Indols mea nec inconstans nec fervido ingenio, sed placida; nihil timendum.
Quirites, I stand before you; I am throwing my hat into the ring and putting forth my name as a candidate for the praetura. I have served the Res Publica as consular accensa, scriba for three praetores, the webmaster, a curule aedile, and a censor, as well as in the capacity of rogatrix and as Latin interpreter; there are among us those who remember that I proofread and corrected all of the laws in the Tabularium last year in my capacity as scriba to Praetor Perusianus and webmasters Calvus and Scaevola.
If I should be elected praetrix, and it would be necessary to administer justice, I shall be fair; likewise, I shall be fair with regard to the moderation of the main list of Nova Roma; an overly-heavy hand should not be feared. My nature is neither temperamental nor hotheaded, but calm; there is nothing to fear.
Curate ut valeatis optime.