Decretum pontificum de camillis et de novis sacerdotibus instruendis (Nova Roma)

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This decretum is currently active.

Enacted a.d. V Kal. Ian. L. Sulla (III) cos. sine collega MMDCCLXVI a.u.c.

I. Application for priesthoods.

I.A. The collegium pontificum may not appoint any citizen to priesthood directly, but an applicant shall be first appointed camillus (or camilla, fem.), and shall serve in this position for a period of time, during which they shall learn everything they need to know in their future position.

I.B. The camilli shall have the right to perform basic religious activities and rituals on behalf of the Nova Roman Republic in the capacity of the priesthood for which they have applied, except the rights and powers assigned to the priesthood, and any ritual they intend to offer may be performed only after revision and approval by at least one pontifex.

I.C. The camilli are considered preliminary priest positions, and from the point of view of assigning Census Points they are considered at the same positions as Other Sacerdos/Priests, and they get 5 Census Points for their service.

I.D. The scriba pontificius shall be considered a camillus for the purposes of this decretum.

II. Training program.

II.A. The camilli shall go through a priestly training program conducted and led by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus. Other citizens (not necessarily priests) he appoints as assistant teachers may also be involved.

II.B. Other pontifices may observe but not interfere during the lessons, but notifications must be sent to the teacher privately; only the collegium pontificum as a body shall be entitled to compel the program leader to change or terminate parts or the entirety of his training program.

II.C. The training program shall have the following courses:

  • II.C.1. Introduction to the theory and reconstruction of Roman religion;
  • II.C.2. Basic Roman prayer composition;
  • II.C.3. The basics of performing Roman rituals.

II.D. The way of conducting these courses, their content, the requirements to pass the courses shall be at the discretion of the program leader until a more developed and detailed system is worked out.

II.E. The camilli shall pass examinations on all three subjects. If a camillus does not pass an examination, he has the right to repeat it three times, after which the collegium pontificum shall reconsider his inclusion among the camilli.

II.F. Those camilli who passed the examination successfully, may be appointed sacerdotes, with the simple title "sacerdos".

II.G. Any higher priesthood, such as flamonium, pontificatus etc., shall only be granted to them after they have spent an undefined period of time in service as plain sacerdos of their deity, and have demonstrated they are able to perform correct rituals, advise others on sacred matters, available to work, responsive, dedicated and dutiful. This higher appointment is dependent on a new application of theirs to the specific higher priesthood.

III. Conclusion and further instructions.

This decree shall be a temporary instruction dealing with the current priesthood applicants, but may be used as a legal basis to handle future cases, depending on the availability of pontifex Cn. Cornelius Letulus or other pontifices to teach new individuals.

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