Decretum pontificum de membris collegiorum (Nova Roma)

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This decretum is currently active.


It is the desire of the Collegium Pontificum to return the religio Romana to a simpler form. We look to the original sacerdotal offices as first established by Rex Numa Pompilius, to the Republican reform of the sacerdotal collegia, and to the wording of the Nova Roma Constitution.

  1. De Membris Collegii Pontificum
    1. The Collegium Pontificum shall be limited to the following members, in rank of dignity:
      1. The Rex and Regina Sacrorum
      2. The Flamen and Flamenica Dialis
      3. The Flamen Martialis
      4. The Flamen Quirinalis
      5. The Pontifex Maximus
      6. Eight Pontifices
      7. The Virgo Vestalis Maxima
      8. Five Vestales Virgines
      9. The Flamines and/or Flamenicae Minores
    2. Each of the individual members of the Collegium Pontificum shall hold a single vote and not be given a vote for each office he or she may hold in the Collegium Pontificum.
    3. All members of the Collegium Pontificum shall be privy to its discussions. All members shall be allowed to express their opinion during sessions of the Collegium. All voting members of the Collegium shall be allowed to vote on any decretum brought up during a session. The Pontifices may provide their commentary (in the form of a responsum or visum) on any matter brought before the Collegium Pontificum. Flamines and Vestales may contribute their own commentary when the issue of concern relates to their particular cultus Deorum. All members of the Collegium shall be eligible to take part in those rituals in which the Collegium Pontificum as a whole is involved.
  2. De Membris Collegii Augurum
    1. The Collegium Augurum shall be formed by the following, in rank of dignity:
      1. The Magister Collegii
      2. Eight Augures
    2. The members of the Collegium Augurum may administer their own internal affairs by issuing a decretum (pl. decreta) as per the Constitution VI.B.2.a.2.
    3. All members of the Collegium Augurum shall be privy to the discussions of the Collegium Augurum. All members shall be allowed to express their opinion during sessions of the Collegium. All members of the Collegium Augurum shall be voting members and shall be given the opportunity to vote on any decretum brought up during a session. Each member of the Collegium Augurum shall be eligible to take auspicia and to issue responsa on the ius augurale independently of other members of the Collegium.
  3. De Membris Collegii Duovirum Sacris Faciudis
    The Collegium Duovirum Sacris Faciundis, not being originally organized by Rex Numa Pompilius, shall be disbanded until such time as a suitable restoration or substitution for the Sibylline Oracles may be found.
  4. De Membris Collegii Septemvirorum Epulonum
    The Collegium Septemvirorum Epulum, not being originally organized by Rex Numa Pompilius, shall for the time being be disbanded and reorganized at a future date.
  5. De Insignia
    The traditional insigna to distinguish between members of the Collegium Pontificum and Collegium Augurum are noted for informational porpuses.
    1. The Rex Sacroum shall be designated bya toga trabea of purple trimmed with white or silver.
    2. The Regina Sacrorum shall be designated by wearing her hair up off of her neck and tied with purple fillets, and by wearing a long gown; she may wear purple.
    3. The Flamen Dialis shall be designated by a toga praetexta, laena with purple stripe, and albogalerus.
    4. The Flamen Martialis shall be designated by a toga pura, laena with scarlet stripe, and apex.
    5. The Flamen Quirinalis shall be designated by a toga pura, laena pura, and apex.
    6. The Pontifex Maximus shall be designated by a toga praetexta, and culullus.
    7. The Pontifices shall be designated by a toga praetexta and simpuvium.
    8. The Vestales Virgines shall be designated by a tunica recta with cingulum, flammeum, and by their hair tied with white woolen fillets in the distinctive seni crines (six braids of a bride), and by the culullus.
    9. Flamines Minores shall be designated by donning a laena pura and apex during official functions.
    10. Augures shall be designated by a toga trabea of three scarlet stripes and a hem of purple, by the lituus and by the capis, and additionally shall wear a purple-hemmed laena at sacrifices.

a Collegio Pontificum decretum a.d. V Non. Mar. M. Curiatio M. Iulio cos. MMDCCLXII a.u.c.

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