Decretum pontificum de minimis religionibus faciundis (Nova Roma)

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This decretum is currently active.

The Collegium Pontificum having met this 19th and 20th of July 2010, issues the following:

Decretum pontificum de minimis religionibus faciundis

I. Those sacerdotes who are under the administration of the collegium pontificum, including all those sacerdotes who are adlected to the collegium pontificum, shall remain in their sacerdotal offices so long as they maintain an appropriate minimum level of activity.

II. The general authority of the collegium pontificum over institutions of the religio Romana in Nova Roma (Constitution VI.B.1.b) solely concerns ritual responsibilities over the sacra publica and sacra pro populo. This authority does not extend over any other collegia, members of other collegia, or any sacerdotes under the administration of another collegium. Thus this decretum on minimum requirements of sacerdotes pertains solely to those sacerdotes who are members of the collegium pontificum or who are under its administration.

III. During any session of the collegium pontificum following a sacral year, sacerdotes under the administration of the collegium pontificum, including all members of the collegium itself, may be reviewed on the performance of duties assigned to their sacerdotal office. The reviews are specifically to consider whether a given sacerdos has met an acceptable minimum level of activity in his or her sacerdotal assignments.

IV. By a vote of a simple majority of those members of the collegium pontificum present, a sacerdos under its administration may either be removed from a sacerdotal office or reassigned to another sacerdotal office for which the sacerdos is better suited. A reassignment may result in the removal of a member from the collegium pontificum. For a vote to reassign a sacerdos to a new sacerdotal office, or to remove an individual from a sacerdotal office, a quorum of two-thirds of all members of the collegium pontificum must be present.

V. Sacerdotes under the administration of the collegium pontificum will be reviewed on a case by case basis. They may be evaluated on fulfilling sacral obligations, participation in fora and collegia, and on a range of other activities. Sacral obligations may be annual, monthly, or for special occasions only, depending on the sacerdotal office. Likewise participation in and performance of other activities may be assessed in accordance with the office held by a sacerdos.

a.d. XIII Kal. Sext. P. Memmio K. Buteone (II) cos. MMDCCLXIII a.u.c.

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