Decretum pontificum de pontificibus minoribus (Nova Roma)

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This decretum is currently active.

The Collegium Pontificum has met and decreed the following:

  1. In accordance with the Mos Maiorum the Collegium Pontificum restores and establishes the office of Pontifex Minor.
  2. A Pontifex Minor shall act as an assistant and scriba to a Pontifex, to the Collegium as a whole, or for a project established by the Collegium Pontificum.
  3. Pontifices Minores shall be appointed by an affirmative majority vote of the Collegium Pontificum and may be removed by
    1. the Pontifex to whom the Pontifex Minor is assigned,
    2. the Pontifex Maximus for any Pontifex Minor appointed to the Collegium as a whole or any project thereof, or
    3. an affirmative majority vote of the Collegium Pontificum.
  4. The office of Pontifex Minor shall carry no century points.
  5. Individual Pontifices may request appointment of a specific candidate as Pontifex Minor in accordance with III of this decretum.
  6. No individual Pontifex may be assigned more than two Pontifices Minores except by an affirmative majority vote of the Collegium Pontificum.
  7. Pontifices Minores shall not be members of the Collegium Pontificum. Ponrtifices are not permitted to participate in discussions of the Collegium Pontificum except in connection with their official duties.
  8. No Pontifex Minor shall discuss the internal business of the Collegium Pontificum with anyone except a member of the Collegium Pontificum except as authorised by the Pontifex to whom the Pontifex Minor is assigned or by the Pontifex Maximus for Pontifices Minor assigned generally to the Collegium Pontificum or to a specific project.
  9. A candidate for Pontifex Minor must be a practitioner of the Religio Romana.


a Collegio Pontificum decretum a.d. IV Kal. Iun. Cn. Salvio Cn. Equitio cos. MMDCCLVII a.u.c.

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