Decretum pro qui in collegium pontificum et collegium augurum (Nova Roma)

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DECRETUM PRO QUI IN COLLEGIUM PONTIFICUM ET COLLEGIUM AUGURUM (Enacted by dictatorial edictum 7/30/99 with the force and authority of a decretum.)

In accordance with section VI. of the Constitution of Nova Roma, the Decretum Pro Qui In Collegium Pontificum et Collegium Augurum is hereby enacted to set forth the rules and procedures for what positions exist within the collegium pontificum and collegium augurum, who may present candidates for consideration for those offices, and other relevant information regarding them.

I. Only the pontifex maximus may present candidates for the position of rex and regina sacrorum to the collegium pontificum for consideration. Such candidates must be married to one another, and willing and able to fulfill the religious functions attendent upon the positions.

II. The collegium pontificum shall elect from among the pontifices a Pontifex Maximus. Such elections shall be held within one month of the position of Pontifex Maximus being vacant.

III. Either any two pontifices or the pontifex maximus may present candidates for the position of pontifex to the collegium pontificum.

IV. The flamines maiores (major flamines) shall be defined as the flamen dialis (priest of Iuppiter), flamen martialis (priest of Mars), and flamen quirinalis (priest of Quirinus). Only the pontifex maximus may present candidates for these positions to the collegium pontificum for consideration.

V. The flamines minores (minor flamines) shall be defined as the flamen carmentalis (priest of Carmentis), flamen cerealis (priest of Ceres), flamen falacer (priest of Falacer), flamen floralis (priest of Flora), flamen furinalis (priest of Furrina), flamen palatualis (priest of Palatua), flamen pomonalis (priest of Pomona), flamen portunalis (priest of Portunvs), flamen volcanalis (Priest of Vulcan), and the flamen volturnalis (Priest of Volturnus). Either any two pontifices or the pontifex maximus may present candidates for these positions to the collegium pontificum for consideration.

VI. Only the pontifex maximus may present a candidate for the position of vestalis maxima, from the ranks of the sacerdotes vestales.

VII. Either the vestalis maxima, any two pontifices, or the pontifex maximus may present candidates for the position of sacerdotes vestales to the collegium pontificum for consideration. There may be up to six sacerdotes vestales at any given time, including the vestalis maxima.

VIII. Either two pontifices or the pontifex maximus may present candidates for the position of augur.

IX. Unless otherwise stated, all positions as priests of the public practice of the religio romana shall be held for life, or until the holder of the position resigns in writing to the pontifex maximus or in public before at least three witnesses.

X. Augures shall hold their positions for life, with no exceptions.