Feriae Latinae

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The original Feriae Latinae were a celebration of unity among the various Latin peoples, and later of the pact between Rome and her Latin allies. The festival evolved from rites established by the Latin king Ascanius, founder of the Latin city of Alba Longa, who also selected the site.

The dates for the Feriae were irregular and were proclaimed each year by either the pontifices or that year's magistrates. Romans and Latins gathered atop Mons Albanus, near Alba Longa in the region of Latium. The purpose of the Feriae was to resolve any disputes between rival Latin towns, or later between Rome and the Latins. A sacred truce was enforced and hostilities banned during this time. A white bull was sacrificed to Jupiter Latiaris ("Jupiter of the Latins") at the temple or shrine on Mons Albanus, the offerings from the sacrifice then being distributed among the participant towns, thus sharing out the blessing.

See also: Feriae Latinae in Nova Roma.

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