II Conventus Novae Romae in North America
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To confirm that you will attend and for information regarding program, travel, meals, lodging etc. please join the Conventus Yahoo group.

Opportunities for Novi Romani
- This Conventus is a volunteer venture of Nova Roma citizens and we encourage all Novi Romani to take part. There are still some volunteer positions open for Novi Romani in set up and take down of booths and exhibitions and also to help out during the Convivium, food will be provided free during periods of service. Contact C. Aquillius Rota at castra.rota@yahoo.com please put "Volunteer" in the subject line.
- Novi Romani interested in volunteering to offer a presentation or demonstration in their field of expertise/interest or who would like to have a free booth in which to sell or display Roman oriented items please notify L. Iulia Aquila at luciaiuliaaquila@hotmail.com please put "Volunteer" in the subject line. There is not much room left so we will honor valid requests in the order received.
- Camping is available onsite throughout the Conventus.
Day 1 - Friday 08 October
Admission Free to Novi Romani
9:00 – 9:45 am: Ientaculum; Novi Romani only.
10:00 am – 4 pm: Open to the Public. Detailed programs will be distributed at the gates for these two days.
Legionaries will guard the Praetorium as security at the Gates of the Castra.
The Market Place: Vendors and Exhibits:
- Culinaria Romana – Roman Culinary Delights; eat some now, take some home for later!
- Roman Military Replicas; Sword and Shield Display
- Ancient Roman Plants, Produce, Herbs and Spices, Consultation, Demonstrations, Plants, Jewelry and Trinkets for purchase
- Roman Emporium– Marble Statues, Exotic Lamps & other Treasures for purchase.
- Spinning Demonstrations – Wool and Produce for purchase
- Pottery Demonstrations for Children and Adults
- Children's Corner
- Rest Station
- Nova Roma Info and Recruiting
The Forum: Orators and Games:
- Ritual demonstration
- Ancient Roman Military
- Ancient Roman Roots of the US Government
- Ancient Roman Medicine
- Latin workshop for Adults, Students and Children
- Roman Virtues
- Reading of Virgil's Aeneid in Latin
- Roman Storytelling for children and those young at heart
- Javelin Throw Contest for Children and Adults
- Dancing Girls
- Open Forum for Novi Romani
•Presentations and Demonstrations will vary within each Topic daily.
4 – 5 pm:
Closed to the Public/Break
Cocktail Hour for Ticket Holders to the Convivium: Mulsum, Water
5 – 9 pm: (Friday and Saturday Evenings)
- Cena in the Triculum – Novi Romani and Guests Only
- Wine, Romans and Song!
- Multi Course Roman Feast
- Poetry Reading
- Humorous Oratory
- Dancing Girls
- Fire Dancers
- Raffles
- Auction
- Great Conversation
This is an Ancient Roman Gourmet Event for Novi Romani and Guests with Prepaid Tickets only.
All Novi Romani may purchase tickets at discounted prices for both nights.
Novi Romani Only: Special Programs will be distributed for these two days prior to the meetings.
Day 2 - Saturday 09 October
Admission Free to Novi Romani
9:00 – 9:45 am: Ientaculum; Novi Romani only.
10:00 am – 4 pm: Open to the Public. Detailed programs will be distributed at the gates for these two days.
Legionaries will guard the Praetorium as security at the Gates of the Castra.
The Market Place: Vendors and Exhibits:
- Culinaria Romana – Roman Culinary Delights; eat some now, take some home for later!
- Roman Military Replicas; Sword and Shield Display
- Ancient Roman Plants, Produce, Herbs and Spices, Consultation, Demonstrations, Plants, Jewelry and Trinkets for purchase
- Roman Emporium– Marble Statues, Exotic Lamps & other Treasures for purchase.
- Spinning Demonstrations – Wool and Produce for purchase
- Pottery Demonstrations for Children and Adults
- Children's Corner
- Rest Station
- Nova Roma Info and Recruiting
The Forum: Orators and Games:
- Ritual demonstration
- Ancient Roman Military
- Ancient Roman Roots of the US Government
- Ancient Roman Medicine
- Latin workshop for Adults, Students and Children
- Roman Virtues
- Reading of Virgil's Aeneid in Latin
- Roman Storytelling for children and those young at heart
- Javelin Throw Contest for Children and Adults
- Dancing Girls
- Open Forum for Novi Romani
•Presentations and Demonstrations will vary within each Topic daily.
4 – 5 pm:
Closed to the Public/Break
Cocktail Hour for Ticket Holders to the Convivium: Mulsum, Water
5 – 9 pm: (Friday and Saturday Evenings)
- Cena in the Triculum – Novi Romani and Guests Only
- Wine, Romans and Song!
- Multi Course Roman Feast
- Poetry Reading
- Humorous Oratory
- Dancing Girls
- Fire Dancers
- Raffles
- Auction
- Great Conversation
This is an Ancient Roman Gourmet Event for Novi Romani and Guests with Prepaid Tickets only.
All Novi Romani may purchase tickets at discounted prices for both nights.
Novi Romani Only: Special Programs will be distributed for these two days prior to the meetings.
Day 3 - Sunday 10 October
Meetings • Discussions • Presentations • Camaraderie
Sunrise Religio Romana Ritual with Altar Dedication
9 – 11 am: Ientaculum
11 – 2 pm: General Meetings
2 – 4 pm: Break/ Midday Repast
4- 6 pm: Presentations
6 – 9 pm: Dinner and Conversation
C. Aquillius Rota filius dons the Toga Virilis
Day 4 - Monday 11 October
Meetings • Discussions • Presentations • Camaraderie
•All Novi Romani Invited to attend although focus is intended to be on A.Ae Provincia.
Any important discussions from Day III can be brought forward.
Sunrise Religio Roman Ritual
9 – 11 am: Ientaculum
11 – 2 pm: General Meetings
2 – 4 pm: Break/ Midday Repast
4- 6 pm: Presentations
6 – 9 pm: Dinner and Conversation
Closing and Farewells
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