Lex Cassia de ratione comitiorum centuriatorum (Nova Roma)

The Lex Vedia de Ratione Comitiorum Centuriatorum is hereby amended:
- I. Paragraph V.A.1 is altered to read as follows:
1. In the case of a magisterial election, each century shall cast a number of votes equal to the number of vacancies for the magistracy in question or the number of candidates who received individual votes from members of that century, whichever is less. Votes shall be assigned to those candidates who received votes by members of the century, with those candidates receiving the most valid individual votes receiving the century's vote first, then working down in descending order until either all the century's votes have been assigned, or there are no remaining candidates who received votes from citizens in that century.
- II. The following paragraph is inserted after Paragraph V.A.3.
4. No candidate may win a century unless he or she has received at least one vote from a citizen within that century.
- III. In paragraph V.B.1, the phrase "97 of the 193 centuries" shall be replaced with "a simple majority of the centuries casting votes".
- IV. In paragraph V.B.2, the phrase "97 of the 193 centuries" shall be replaced with "a simple majority of the centuries casting votes".
- V. Paragraph V.B.3 is added:
3. "A simple majority" is hereby defined as "one half of the number of centuries casting votes, plus one". Abstentions are not considered votes, and a century in which all voters abstained shall not be counted toward this total.