Lex Cornelia de cursu honorum (Nova Roma)

This lex has been REPEALED.
As a means of consolidating the laws regarding the eligibility of individuals to serve in magisterial positions (Section IV of the Constitution), this law seeks to make it easier for citizens to know the requirements to run and hold office as well as aid magistrates in cross checking the eligibility of candidates who wish to run for office.
This lex repeals the following:
1. To run for and assume the office of Censor one must meet all of these requirements:
- Must be at least 30 years old.
- Must be an Assiduus/Assidua (tax payer).
- Must have been a citizen of Nova Roma for at least 4 years.
- Must have previously held the position of Praetor or Consul for at least 6 months OR held the position of Senator of Nova Roma for a year.
2. To run for and assume the office of Consul one must meet all of these requirements:
- Must be at least 30 years old
- Must be an Assiduus/Assidua (tax payer).
- Must have been a citizen of Nova Roma for at least 4 years.
- Must have previously held the position of Praetor, or Tribune of the Plebs for at least 6 months; or have served as a Provincial Governor for at least 3 years; or Senator for a year.
3. To run for and assume the office of Praetor (NOT Provincial Praetor) one must meet all of these requirements:
- Must be at least 27 years old.
- Must be an Assiduus/Assidua (Tax Payer).
- Must have been a citizen of Nova Roma for at least 3 years.
- Must have previously held one or more of the following positions for at least six months: Tribune of the Plebs, Plebeian Aedile, Curule Aedile, Quaestor, or Senator for 6 months.
3a. To be appointed Provincial Governor one must meet all of these requirements:
- Must be at least 27 years old
- Must be an Assiduus/Assidua (Tax Payer).
- Must have been a citizen of Nova Roma for at least 2 years.
- Must have previously held one or more of the following positions for at least six months: Tribune of the Plebs, Plebeian Aedile, Curule Aedile, Quaestor, or a Senator for 6 months. An applicant may substitute service in an apparitor position for at least one year for the previous requirements.
EXEMPTION: In the case of this position only, the senate may waive the previously held exemption if and only if no other candidate steps forward to serve as Governor/Provincial Praetor of a province.
4. To run for and assume the office of Curule Aedile one must meet all of these requirements:
- Must be at least 25 years old
- Must be an Assiduus/Assidua (Tax payer).
- Must have been a citizen of Nova Roma for at least 2 years.
- Must have previously held the position of Plebeian Aedile, Provincial Governor, Quaestor or a Senator for at least 6 months.
5. To run for and assume the office of Quaestor one must meet all of these requirements:
- Must be at least 21 years old.
- Must be an Assiduus/Assidua (Tax Payer).
- Must have been a citizen of Nova Roma for at least a year.
- Must have previously have held the position of an Apparitor for at least 6 months of service.
6. To be appointed as an election official, minor magistrate, or Apparitor of Nova Roma as defined by IV.A.8 or IV.A.9 of the Constitution of Nova Roma one must meet all of these requirements *:
- Must be at least 18 years of age.
- Must be an Assiduus/Assidua (Tax Payer).
- Must be a citizen of Nova Roma for at least 6 months.
* Serving in the positions that fall under the umbrella that are classified under item 6 are generally described to be our entry level positions within Nova Roma and we encourage any and all citizens to being their process of learning about Nova Roma and volunteering their time in one of the many apparitore positions that are available both within one’s province and within the positions that serve Nova Roma in its entirety (consul, censor, praetor.).
Age Exemption Procedure
An age Exemption can be granted to a person by the approval of both Censors and receiving an age dispensation via Senatus Consultum from the Senate of Nova Roma via 2/3s approval of the Senate of Nova Roma
Citizens who wish to run for office must present the Consuls with their petition for exemption to the age restriction.
In the case of the annual December magisterial elections, such petitions must be presented to the Consuls no later than the 15th of October.
In the case of mid-year elections, such petitions must be presented to the Consuls as soon as possible, but the presentation of such petitions shall not be regarded as sufficient reason to postpone replacement elections more than thirty days as required by the Constitution, and the right of underage cives to run for office shall not override the Constitutional requirement to fill vacant magistracies in a timely manner.
The petition will include the following information: a. Full Roman name b. Length of Citizenship c. Prior experience within Nova Roma d. The office for which the applicant intends to run
The Consuls shall present the petition to the Senate for a vote in such manner as to allow due consideration of the petition.
There shall be no exemption for citizens who are not in the Assiduus/Assidua status or any other magisterial requirement unless directly specified in this lex.