Lex Fabia centuriata (Nova Roma)

This lex has been REPEALED.
In accordance with paragraph II. E. 2. of the Constitution of Nova Roma, the Lex Fabia Centuriata is hereby enacted to instruct the Censors in the matter of the division of the voting citizenry of Nova Roma into their respective centuries. This Lex Fabia replaces the item II. B of the Lex Vedia Centuriata, enacted in 30 Jul. 2752. The Lex Iunia Centuriata, approved in 22 Dec. 2752, is hereby rescinded.
Item II. B shall be read as follows: II. B. The record of public service of each citizen shall be quantified according to the following rules. (Except for points awarded for term of citizenship, points shall be awarded cumulatively, but shall not carry over from year to year).
Century points will be recalculated for all citizens. Points will be awarded for all relevant events in each citizen's records based upon the values established in this lex. The law will take effect on the 1st of January 2757 AUC
II.B.1. MAGISTRATVS ORDINARII If a magistrate only serves part of his term as a suffectus or resigns his/her office while in office, Past Service points will be awarded partially. This will be based on two-month increments rounding down. Current Service points will be awarded for the period remaining, also based on two-month increments rounding down.
Censor: 30 CP 15 CP (past service)
Consul: 30 CP 15 CP (past service)
Praetor and Tribunus Plebis: 20 CP 10 CP (past service)
Aedilis Curulis 14 CP 7 CP (past service)
Aedilis Plebis: 12 CP 6 CP (past service)
Quaestor and Vigintisexvir: 10 CP 5 CP (past service)
Dictator: 30 CP 15 CP (past service)
Interrex: 6 CP 3 CP (past service)
II.B.3. APPARITORES Citizens may hold more than one position in a magistrate's staff, but get points for the highest one only.
Accensus: 5 CP 2 CP (past service)
Scriba: 5 CP 2 CP (past service)
II.B.4. PROVINCIAL POSITIONS Citizens may hold more than one provincial position, but get points for the highest one only. The ranks and titles of officials included in each rank are defined by each governor. The LEX VEDIA PROVINCIALIS (now a part of the Constitution) was "enacted to enable governors and the Senate more flexibility in establishing and maintaining the administrative institutions and mechanisms of provinciae." The main idea of this part of this law is also founded on flexibility. No limit is set for each rank of officials, except for the first rank officials.
Governor: 20 CP 10 CP (past service)
1st rank Official (one per provincia): 8 CP 4 CP (past service)
2nd rank Official: 6 CP 3 CP (past service)
3rd rank Official: 4 CP 2 CP (past service)
4th rank Official: 2 CP 1 CP (past service)
Provincial Sacerdos: 14 CP
Pontifex Maximus, Rex/Regina Sacrorum, Flamen Maior, Vestal Maxima: 30 CP
Pontifex, Flamen Minor, Augur, Vestal: 20 CP
Other Sacerdotes: 20 CP
Senator: 20 CP
Pater Patriae: 10 CP
The Senate shall have the authority to issue points for special appointed positions, as well as rewards for special services performed on behalf of the State. Such rewards must be announced at the time of the appointment, and may not be awarded retroactively.
II.B.7. SODALITATES POSITIONS (officially sanctioned sodalitates only) Citizens may hold more than one sodalitas position, but get points for the highest one only. The positions and titles of officials included in each rank are defined by each Head.
Head of a Sodalitas 10 CP
Person of High Authority: 6 CP
Person of Minor Authority: 3 CP
Ordines: Ordo Patricius - 10 CP Ordo Plebeius - 5 CP Ordo Equester - 7 CP, which is in addition to those already awarded for membership in the Patrician or Plebeian orders.
Length of citizenship: Less than 6 months - 2 CP More than 6 months - 5 CP More than 12 months - 10 CP Each year after 1 year - + 10 CP (up to 50)
Unsuccesssfully run for office: 2 CP
It is not possible to accumulate century points by unsuccessfully running for more than one office per year.
Section headers in double parentheses are unofficial and have been inserted for convenience.