Lex Octavia de convocatione tribunicia comitiorum (Nova Roma)

This lex had to be passed by both the Comitia Populi Tributa (24 November, MMDCCLV) and the Comitia Plebis Tributa (26 November MMDCCLV) because it affected both, and the Constitution of the day required such laws to be passed by both. Since this version, the one passed at the Comitia Populi Tributa, was passed under the authority of consul M. Octavius Gracchus, the lex was renamed from lex Salicia (Salvia) to lex Octavia by praetorian edict, under the authority of the lex Hortensia de legibus scribundis.
This lex is currently IN FORCE.
In order to fulfill article VI.7. of the Constitution of Nova Roma, this lex seeks to establish the procedures by which the Tribuni Plebis shall call the Comitia Plebis Tributa and the Comitia Populi Tributa to order.
I. The Tribuni Plebis shall always be allowed to call the Comitia Plebis Tributa to order when the issues at hand concern the internal operation of the Comitia Plebis Tributa themselves, or to elect the plebeian magistrates.
II. On any other occasion, a Tribunus Plebis who wishes to present his proposals to the People shall first announce his intention in the public fora established by the Laws of Nova Roma for magisterial announcements and edicta. This announcement shall include a call for the Censores to publicly disclose the following information:
A. Current total number of citizens of Nova Roma.
B. Current number of members of the Ordo Patricius (Patrician Order).
C. Current ratio between the two figures above (nº of Patrician citizens/total nº of citizens).
The censores shall have three days (seventy-two [72] hours) to present the required information. Should the censores fail to do so, and should the information not be easily available at the Nova Roma main web site (if it is available, the Tribunus Plebis shall use that information as if it had been provided by the Censores), the Tribunus Plebis shall consider that the numbers of the last summoning of the Comitia are still valid.
III. Should the ratio between the number of Patricians and the total number of citizens exceed 0.1 (the Patricians thus representing over ten percent [10%] of the total population of Nova Roma), the Tribunus Plebis shall then proceed to call the Comitia Populi Tributa within fifteen (15) days from the first tribunician announcement mentioned in paragraph II of this lex.
IV. Should the ratio between the number of Patricians and the total number of citizens *not* exceed 0.1 (the Patricians thus representing under ten percent [10%] of the total population of Nova Roma), the Tribunus Plebis shall then proceed to call the Comitia Plebis Tributa within fifteen (15) days from the first tribunician announcement mentioned in paragraph II of this lex.