Ludi Plebeii 2761 AUC (Nova Roma)

Ludi Circenses
This year's Chariot Race was won by VOLCANUS, owned by Q. SERVILIUS PRISCUS and driven by MERDDYN for FACTIO PRAESINA. Congratulations to him and the whole Green Team - another trophy to be added to their already full collection!
Q. Servilius Priscus is awarded a new Nova Roman coin, which shall be sent to them in due course.
The full accounts of the Quarterfinals, Semifinals and Final races may be found on their own pages, linked below.
Historical Quiz: Ipse Dixit, Part II
The Historical Quiz in this year's Ludi Plebeii was won by GAIUS TERENTIUS VARRO and CAIUS SENTIUS MAXIMIANUS CAESAR who both reached a total score of 66. The full standings are as follows:
1. C. Terentius Varro with 66 points (WINNER)
1. C. Sentius Maximianus Caesar with 66 points (WINNER)
3. Cn. Equitius Marinus with 62 points.
4. M. Iulius Perusianus with 60 points.
5. Pompeia Minucia Strabo with 29 points.
5. Gallus Solaris Alexander with 29 points.
7. T. Galerius Paulinus with 28 points.
- The last three entrants did not reply to both batches of questions for the quiz.
On behalf of the Aedilitas of Nova Roma, congratulations to the winners from Plebeian Aedile Publius Constantinus Placidus!
Both winners are awarded a new Nova Roman coin, which shall be sent to them in due course.