Most recent citizens (Nova Roma)

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Here are Nova Roma's most recent citizens, who have completed their legal probationary period (PP) recently. Please join us to wish them the best welcome in Nova Roma !

a nb Name NR cit. nb. End of PP(auc) Province State etc. Age Full citizen Instr. off. Censor
1 Lucius Septimus Barcella 13602 May 15, 2764 Brasilia Brazil 30 yes PMA PMA
2 Lucia Ovidia Naso 13661 May 04, 2764 Britannia England 24 yes CMC PMA
3 Titus Scribonius Curio 13662 May 06, 2764 Thule Norway 40 no CPD PMA
4 Marcus Villius Leo 13669 May 15, 2764 Sarmatia Kazakhstan 46 yes PMA PMA
5 Aulus Equitius Longinus 13671 May 11, 2764 America austroccidentalis Arizona 22 no CnIC PMA
6 Gnaea Octavia Lupa 13673 May 12, 2764 California California 43 no CnIC PMA
7 Lucius Manlius Russinus 13677 May 14, 2764 Britannia England 20 no CMC PMA
8 Sextus Curius Novellus 13683 May 16, 2764 Britannia England 77 no CPD PMA
9 Marcus Albius Agrippa 13714 May 30, 2764 Sarmatia Ukraine 24 no CPD PMA
10 Marcus Sergius Atellus 13731 June 5, 2764 Sarmatia California 24 no CPD QCMPP

In the column "Full citizen", a "no" means that the concerned civis has not taken and/or passed the entry test : though (s)he has the right to vote, (s)he cannot be elected or appointed to any public position.

Updated Csr PMA June 19, 2764 auc.
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