NR Gallia events - Between she-owl and she-wolf June 2007, 23th - pictures
Between she-owl and she-wolf
Abbey of Ardenne, Caen, (Normandy, France)
June 2007, 23th - pictures
In the press hall, Vincent Perrot, historian of art, has spoken of a picture painted by Thomas Couture in the 19th century a.d., 'Les Romains de la décadence' ('Decading Romans'), and on how art was viewing Rome, its society, its values, comparing to French mid century society.
Then, all along the afternoon, 'L'Epée d'Aymeric'
association gave a 30 minutes interesting
exhibition on gladiators fights,
involving different types of situations
and of gladiators types.
Regional press
covered the
exhibition while...
gladiators helped
children trying
helmets and weapons.
In the abbey, Msses Delacampagne
and Mr Coulthard,
archeologists for the
Department of Calvados (= county)
presented a last and complete state
of the work done in Normandy.
In the barn, before a conference by reknown architect Henri Gaudin
on ancient Rome, its architecture and how its remains living today,
the movie hall was full to attend the University of Caen presentation
about 3-4 th century a.d. Rome virtual reconstitution work
made by Pr. Fleury's team.
Pr. Fleury specially spoke on the subjects that June 2007 Quirinus have presented:
Mechanical systems in ancient Roman shows
At the end of the afternoon, the amateurs could have, before the evening events and the Roman dinner, some rest and refreshments in the sweet atmosphere of Abbey of Ardenne:
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