Nones ritual (Nova Roma)
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Acerra - Gutus - Lucerna - Patera - Salinum - Turibulum
Reconstructionism in Nova Roma
Making a lararium
Simple rituals for starters
Daily rites - Kalends rites - Nones rites - Ides rites
These are modern rituals for cultores of the religio Romana to perform on the Nones at their lararium. The Lar Familiaris is celebrated on each Kalends, Nones and Ides as protector of the home, and traditionally Romans decorated their lararium with garlands and wreaths as an offering to the Lar. Accordingly, these restored Nones rituals below specially address the offering of wreaths and garlands to the Lar Familiaris. These Nones rituals are intended for private and domestic worship, and replace the basic daily rituals, so they are practically extended versions of the daily rituals used for the Nones. They are modelled on the prayers found in Cato's De Agricultura and various prayers found on imperial era inscriptions (for example, the Acta Ludorum Saecularium). The rituals should be performed; if possible, in a clean tunica and toga for males, for females in tunica, stola and palla. The toga or palla should be draped capite velato, so as to veil the performer from any and all ill omens that might present themselves in the course of the ritual. It is acceptable to perform this ritual in a more casual manner, without toga and in a cloak instead (e. g. lacerna), or even just in tunica, or even in modern clothes.
You may find more information on household worship in our article on simple rituals for starters.
Contents |
Opening of the Nones ritual
- If others attend, say the following opening expression, but if you pray alone, it is not needed:
- Be favorable by your tongues!
- Favete linguis!
- Be favorable by your tongues!
- Wash both hands in clean salted water and say:
- Father Janus, be blessed.
- Iane pater, macte esto.
- Father Janus, be blessed.
- Approach the lararium capite velato, ignite the fire on your lararium, for example a lucerna, then say:
- Mother Vesta, be blessed.
- Vesta mater, macte esto.
- Mother Vesta, be blessed.
- Perform the adoratio, then you can start the invocations and prayers.
Closing of the Nones ritual
- Extinguish the fire on your lararium, and say:
- Mother Vesta, be blessed.
- Vesta Mater, macte esto.
- Mother Vesta, be blessed.
- Father Janus, be blessed.
- Iane pater, macte esto.
- Father Janus, be blessed.
- This is the end of the ritual. Perform the adoratio, and if others attend, say the following closing expression, but if you pray alone, it is not needed:
- You can go!
- Ilicet!
- You can go!
Shortened Nones rituals
Shortened Nones morning ritual
- Perform the opening for the Nones ritual (see above).
- Decorate your lararium with one or more wreaths or garlands, or if it is not possible, with flowers, burn some incense, and, while touching the altar with your right hand, invoke all your household gods:
- Janus Matutinus, mother Vesta, Father Jupiter, Lar Familiaris, my Manes, (select list of ancestors), my Penates, (list of patron gods), my Genius / Iuno Genialis (Genius / Iuno Genialis of my pater familias), on these Nones, on the beginning of this new day, by honoring you with wreath/wreaths (flowers) and by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers so that you protect me, my hearth, my family and my household today and this month, so that only good, prosperous, happy and fortunate things happen today and this month to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family, and that you be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family.
- Iane Matutine, Vesta mater, Iuppiter, Lar Familiaris, mi Manes (select list of ancestors in vocative), mi Penates, (list of patron deities in vocative), mi Geni / mea Iuno Genialis (Geni / Iuno Genialis patris familias), his Nonis, huiusce novi diei initio, corona data / coronis datis (floribus datis), et hoc thure ommovendo vos precor, ut me, domum familiamque meam hodie et hoc mense bene tutemini, ut omnia bona fausta felicia fortunataque hodie et hoc mense mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae eveniant, et ut sitis volentes propitii mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae.
- Janus Matutinus, mother Vesta, Father Jupiter, Lar Familiaris, my Manes, (select list of ancestors), my Penates, (list of patron gods), my Genius / Iuno Genialis (Genius / Iuno Genialis of my pater familias), on these Nones, on the beginning of this new day, by honoring you with wreath/wreaths (flowers) and by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers so that you protect me, my hearth, my family and my household today and this month, so that only good, prosperous, happy and fortunate things happen today and this month to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family, and that you be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family.
- Sacrifice a spelt cake sprinkled with salt to all your household gods, and wine and garlands separately to the Lar Familiaris, after this prayer:
- For these reasons, be blessed by this libum! Father Lar, for the same reasons be blessed by the wine, be blessed by the wreath/wreaths (flowers).
- Harum rerum ergo macte hoc libo estote! Lar pater, earundem rerum ergo macte hoc vino esto, macte corona/coronis (floribus) esto.
- For these reasons, be blessed by this libum! Father Lar, for the same reasons be blessed by the wine, be blessed by the wreath/wreaths (flowers).
- If you have more time, you should individually invoke, and sacrifice to, all the deities you called upon in the previous general invocation, and you should sacrifice libum, wine (to male deities only) or incense to each one of them, accompanied by this prayer below, repeating this for all of your household deities. Remember when calling upon the Manes that you point your palm and right hand toward the ground (in the direction of the underworld):
- (Name of deity), for the same reason, be blessed by this libum/wine/incense.
- (Name of deity in vocative), eiusdem rei ergo macte hoc libo/vino/thure esto.
- (Name of deity), for the same reason, be blessed by this libum/wine/incense.
- If you think there was an error in your ceremony, make an expiation by adding this prayer, naming all the gods who invoked in your morning ritual:
- Janus Matutinus, Janus, Vesta, Jupiter, Lar Familiaris, my Manes, (select list of ancestors), my Penates, (list of patron gods), my Genius / Iuno Genialis (Genius / Iuno Genialis of my pater familias), if something was unsatisfactory for you in these ceremonies, I expiate you by this libum.
- Perform the closing for the Nones ritual (see above).
Shortened Nones evening ritual
The evening ritual should be performed only if you have already done a standalone (or midday) ritual, or if you specifically want to ask the gods' protection for the night. Otherwise, if your first Nones prayer that day is made in the evening, use the standalone Nones ritual.
- Perform the opening for the Nones ritual (see above).
- Burn some incense, and, while touching the altar with your right hand, invoke all your household gods:
- Father Janus, mother Vesta, Father Jupiter, Lar Familiaris, my Manes, (select list of ancestors), my Penates, (list of patron gods), my Genius / Iuno Genialis (Genius / Iuno Genialis of my pater familias), on these Nones, on the end of this day, by honoring you with wreath/wreaths (flowers) and by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers so that you protect me, my hearth, my family and my household today and this month, so that only good, prosperous, happy and fortunate things happen today and this month to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family, and that you be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family.
- Iane pater, Vesta mater, Iuppiter, Lar Familiaris, mi Manes (select list of ancestors in vocative), mi Penates, (list of patron deities in vocative), mi Geni / mea Iuno Genialis (Geni / Iuno Genialis patris familias), his Nonis, huiusce diei exitio, corona data / coronis datis (floribus datis), et hoc thure ommovendo vos precor, ut me, domum familiamque meam hodie et hoc mense bene tutemini, ut omnia bona fausta felicia fortunataque hodie et hoc mense mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae eveniant, et ut sitis volentes propitii mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae.
- Father Janus, mother Vesta, Father Jupiter, Lar Familiaris, my Manes, (select list of ancestors), my Penates, (list of patron gods), my Genius / Iuno Genialis (Genius / Iuno Genialis of my pater familias), on these Nones, on the end of this day, by honoring you with wreath/wreaths (flowers) and by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers so that you protect me, my hearth, my family and my household today and this month, so that only good, prosperous, happy and fortunate things happen today and this month to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family, and that you be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family.
- Sacrifice a spelt cake sprinkled with salt to all your household gods, after this prayer:
- For these reasons, be blessed by this libum!
- Harum rerum ergo macte hoc libo estote!
- For these reasons, be blessed by this libum!
- If you have more time, you should individually invoke, and sacrifice to, all the deities you called upon in the previous general invocation, and you should sacrifice libum, wine (to male deities only) or incense to each one of them, accompanied by this prayer below, repeating this for all of your household deities. Remember when calling upon the Manes that you point your palm and right hand toward the ground (in the direction of the underworld):
- (Name of deity), for the same reason, be blessed by this libum/wine/incense.
- (Name of deity in vocative), eiusdem rei ergo macte hoc libo/vino/thure esto.
- (Name of deity), for the same reason, be blessed by this libum/wine/incense.
- If you think there was an error in your ceremony, make an expiation by adding this prayer, naming all the gods who invoked in your morning ritual:
- Janus, Vesta, Jupiter, Lar Familiaris, my Manes, (select list of ancestors), my Penates, (list of patron gods), my Genius / Iuno Genialis (Genius / Iuno Genialis of my pater familias), if something was unsatisfactory for you in these ceremonies, I expiate you by this libum.
- Perform the closing for the Nones ritual (see above).
Shortened standalone Nones ritual, or midday ritual, without morning and evening rites
- Perform the opening for the Nones ritual (see above).
- Decorate your lararium with one or more wreaths or garlands, or if it is not possible, with flowers, burn some incense, and, while touching the altar with your right hand, invoke all your household gods:
- Father Janus, mother Vesta, Father Jupiter, Lar Familiaris, my Manes, (select list of ancestors), my Penates, (list of patron gods), my Genius / Iuno Genialis (Genius / Iuno Genialis of my pater familias), on these Nones, by honoring you with wreath/wreaths (flowers) and by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers so that you protect me, my hearth, my family and my household today and this month, so that only good, prosperous, happy and fortunate things happen today and this month to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family, and that you be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family.
- Iane pater, Vesta mater, Iuppiter, Lar Familiaris, mi Manes (select list of ancestors in vocative), mi Penates, (list of patron deities in vocative), mi Geni / mea Iuno Genialis (Geni / Iuno Genialis patris familias), his Nonis, corona data / coronis datis (floribus datis), et hoc thure ommovendo vos precor, ut me, domum familiamque meam hodie et hoc mense bene tutemini, ut omnia bona fausta felicia fortunataque hodie et hoc mense mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae eveniant, et ut sitis volentes propitii mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae.
- Father Janus, mother Vesta, Father Jupiter, Lar Familiaris, my Manes, (select list of ancestors), my Penates, (list of patron gods), my Genius / Iuno Genialis (Genius / Iuno Genialis of my pater familias), on these Nones, by honoring you with wreath/wreaths (flowers) and by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers so that you protect me, my hearth, my family and my household today and this month, so that only good, prosperous, happy and fortunate things happen today and this month to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family, and that you be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family.
- Sacrifice a spelt cake sprinkled with salt to all your household gods, and wine and garlands separately to the Lar Familiaris, after this prayer:
- For these reasons, be blessed by this libum! Father Lar, for the same reasons be blessed by the wine, be blessed by the wreath/wreaths (flowers).
- Harum rerum ergo macte hoc libo estote! Lar pater, earundem rerum ergo macte hoc vino esto, macte corona/coronis (floribus) esto.
- For these reasons, be blessed by this libum! Father Lar, for the same reasons be blessed by the wine, be blessed by the wreath/wreaths (flowers).
- If you have more time, you should individually invoke, and sacrifice to, all the deities you called upon in the previous general invocation, and you should sacrifice libum, wine (to male deities only) or incense to each one of them, accompanied by this prayer below, repeating this for all of your household deities. Remember when calling upon the Manes that you point your palm and right hand toward the ground (in the direction of the underworld):
- (Name of deity), for the same reason, be blessed by this libum/wine/incense.
- (Name of deity in vocative), eiusdem rei ergo macte hoc libo/vino/thure esto.
- (Name of deity), for the same reason, be blessed by this libum/wine/incense.
- If you think there was an error in your ceremony, make an expiation by adding this prayer, naming all the gods who invoked in your morning ritual:
- Janus, Vesta, Jupiter, Lar Familiaris, my Manes, (select list of ancestors), my Penates, (list of patron gods), my Genius / Iuno Genialis (Genius / Iuno Genialis of my pater familias), if something was unsatisfactory for you in these ceremonies, I expiate you by this libum.
- Perform the closing for the Nones ritual (see above).
Full length Nones rituals
Nones morning ritual
- Perform the opening for the Nones ritual (see above).
- Decorate your lararium with one or more wreaths or garlands, or if it is not possible, with flowers, burn some incense, and, while touching the altar with your right hand, invoke Janus Matutinus, Vesta and your Lar Familiaris.
- Janus Matutinus, on these Nones, on the beginning of this new day, by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers so that you be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family.
- Iane Matutine, his Nonis, huiusce novi diei initio, te hoc ture ommovendo bonas preces precor, ut sis volens propitius mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae.
- Janus Matutinus, on these Nones, on the beginning of this new day, by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers so that you be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family.
- Mother Vesta, on these Nones, by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers so that you protect me, my hearth, my family and my household by being benevolent and propitious today and this month.
- Vesta mater, his Nonis te hoc ture ommovendo bonas preces precor, ut me, focum meum, domum meam, familiam meam hodie et hoc mense volens propitia bene tuteris.
- Mother Vesta, on these Nones, by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers so that you protect me, my hearth, my family and my household by being benevolent and propitious today and this month.
- Lar Familiaris, on these Nones, on the beginning of this new day, by honoring you with wreath/wreaths (flowers) and by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers so that you protect my home and my family so that only good, prosperous, happy and fortunate things happen today and this month to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family.
- Lar familiaris, his Nonis, huiusce novi diei initio, te corona data / coronis datis (floribus datis) et hoc ture obmovendo bonas preces precor, ut domum familiamque meam bene tuteris, ut omnia bona fausta felicia fortunataque hodie et hoc mense mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae eveniant.
- Lar Familiaris, on these Nones, on the beginning of this new day, by honoring you with wreath/wreaths (flowers) and by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers so that you protect my home and my family so that only good, prosperous, happy and fortunate things happen today and this month to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family.
- Sacrifice a spelt cake sprinkled with salt, wine and garlands to the Lar Familiaris for the Nones after this prayer:
- Lar Familiaris, as by honoring you with wreath/wreaths (flowers) and by offering the incense I have prayed good prayers to you, for the same reason, blessed by this libum, by this wine and by the wreath/wreaths (flowers) be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family.
- Lar familiaris, ut te te corona data / coronis datis (floribus datis) et ture dato bona prece precatus (precata, if you are a woman) sum, eiusdem rei ergo macte hoc libo libando, hoc vino libando, hac corona data / his coronis datis (his floribus datis) esto fito volens propitius mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae.
- Lar Familiaris, as by honoring you with wreath/wreaths (flowers) and by offering the incense I have prayed good prayers to you, for the same reason, blessed by this libum, by this wine and by the wreath/wreaths (flowers) be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family.
- Sacrifice wine to your Manes (you can invoke some deceased family members by name) after this prayer, and while praying, point your palm and right hand toward the ground (in the direction of the underworld):
- My Manes, (select list of ancestors), on these Nones, I pray that only good, prosperous, happy and fortunate things happen today and this month to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family, and that you be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family. For this reason, be blessed by this wine.
- Mi Manes, (select list of ancestors in vocative), his Nonis vos precor, ut omnia bona fausta felicia fortunataque hodie et hoc mense mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae eveniant, utique sitis volentes propitii mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae. Huius rei ergo macte hoc vino estote.
- My Manes, (select list of ancestors), on these Nones, I pray that only good, prosperous, happy and fortunate things happen today and this month to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family, and that you be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family. For this reason, be blessed by this wine.
- Sacrifice a spelt cake sprinkled with salt to your Penates and, if you have any, to your patron deities after this prayer. Insert the list of your patron deities after the invocation of the Penates:
- My Penates, (list of patron gods), on these Nones, I pray that only good, prosperous, happy and fortunate things happen today and this month to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family, and that you be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family. For this reason, be blessed by this libum.
- Mi Penates, (list of patron gods in vocative), his Nonis vos precor, ut omnia bona fausta felicia fortunataque hodie et hoc mense mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae eveniant, utique sitis volentes propitii mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae. Huius rei ergo macte hoc libo estote.
- My Penates, (list of patron gods), on these Nones, I pray that only good, prosperous, happy and fortunate things happen today and this month to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family, and that you be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family. For this reason, be blessed by this libum.
- If you have more time or if you want to a make more solemn ritual because of the importance of the day, you should individually invoke all your patron deities after the previous general invocation, and you should sacrifice libum to each one of them, accompanied by this prayer, repeating this for all of your patron deities:
- (Name of patron deity), for the same reason, be blessed by this libum.
- (Name of patron deity in vocative), eiusdem rei ergo macte hoc libo esto.
- (Name of patron deity), for the same reason, be blessed by this libum.
- Sacrifice a wine to your Genius or Iuno Genialis if you are the head of your family, if not, then to the Genius or Iuno Genialis of your pater familias. If you sacrifice to the Genius or Iuno Genialis of your pater familias, you still can offer a second sacrifice to your own Genius or Iuno Genialis, although it is not necessary each day:
- My Genius / Iuno Genialis (Genius / Iuno Genialis of my pater familias), on these Nones, I pray that you help me on this day and this month and be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family. For this reason, be blessed by this wine.
- Mi Geni / mea Iuno Genialis (Geni / Iuno Genialis patris familias), his Nonis te precor, ut me hodie et hoc mense adiuves et sis volens propitius/propitia mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae. Huius rei ergo macte hoc vino esto.
- My Genius / Iuno Genialis (Genius / Iuno Genialis of my pater familias), on these Nones, I pray that you help me on this day and this month and be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family. For this reason, be blessed by this wine.
- If you think there was an error in your ceremony, make an expiation by adding this prayer, naming all the gods who invoked in your morning ritual:
- Janus Matutinus, Janus, Vesta, Jupiter, Lar Familiaris, my Manes, (select list of ancestors), my Penates, (list of patron gods), my Genius / Iuno Genialis (Genius / Iuno Genialis of my pater familias), if something was unsatisfactory for you in these ceremonies, I expiate you by this libum.
- Perform the closing for the Nones ritual (see above).
Nones evening ritual
The evening ritual should be performed only if you have already done a standalone (or midday) ritual, or if you specifically want to ask the gods' protection for the night. Otherwise, if your first Nones prayer that day is made in the evening, use the standalone Nones ritual.
- Perform the opening for the Nones ritual (see above).
- Burn some incense, and, while touching the altar with your right hand, invoke Janus Matutinus, Vesta and your Lar Familiaris.
- Father Janus, on these Nones, on the end of this day, by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers so that you be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family.
- Iane pater, his Nonis, huiusce diei exitio, te hoc ture ommovendo bonas preces precor, ut sis volens propitius mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae.
- Father Janus, on these Nones, on the end of this day, by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers so that you be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family.
- Mother Vesta, on these Nones, by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers so that you protect me, my hearth, my family and my household by being benevolent and propitious tonight and this month.
- Vesta mater, his Nonis te hoc ture ommovendo bonas preces precor, ut me, focum meum, domum meam, familiam meam hac nocte et hoc mense volens propitia bene tuteris.
- Mother Vesta, on these Nones, by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers so that you protect me, my hearth, my family and my household by being benevolent and propitious tonight and this month.
- Lar Familiaris, on these Nones, on the end of this day, by honoring you with wreath/wreaths (flowers) and by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers so that you protect my home and my family so that only good, prosperous, happy and fortunate things happen tonight and this month to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family.
- Lar familiaris, his Nonis, huiusce diei exitio, te corona data / coronis datis (floribus datis) et hoc ture obmovendo bonas preces precor, ut domum familiamque meam bene tuteris, ut omnia bona fausta felicia fortunataque hac nocte et hoc mense mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae eveniant.
- Lar Familiaris, on these Nones, on the end of this day, by honoring you with wreath/wreaths (flowers) and by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers so that you protect my home and my family so that only good, prosperous, happy and fortunate things happen tonight and this month to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family.
- Sacrifice a spelt cake sprinkled with salt, wine and garlands to the Lar Familiaris for the Nones after this prayer:
- Lar Familiaris, as by honoring you with wreath/wreaths (flowers) and by offering the incense I have prayed good prayers to you, for the same reason, blessed by this libum, by this wine and by the wreath/wreaths (flowers) be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family.
- Lar familiaris, ut te te corona data / coronis datis (floribus datis) et ture dato bona prece precatus (precata, if you are a woman) sum, eiusdem rei ergo macte hoc libo libando, hoc vino libando, hac corona data / his coronis datis (his floribus datis) esto fito volens propitius mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae.
- Lar Familiaris, as by honoring you with wreath/wreaths (flowers) and by offering the incense I have prayed good prayers to you, for the same reason, blessed by this libum, by this wine and by the wreath/wreaths (flowers) be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family.
- Sacrifice wine to your Manes (you can invoke some deceased family members by name) after this prayer, and while praying, point your palm and right hand toward the ground (in the direction of the underworld):
- My Manes, (select list of ancestors), on these Nones, I pray that only good, prosperous, happy and fortunate things happen tonight and this month to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family, and that you be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family. For this reason, be blessed by this wine.
- Mi Manes, (select list of ancestors in vocative), his Nonis vos precor, ut omnia bona fausta felicia fortunataque hac nocte et hoc mense mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae eveniant, utique sitis volentes propitii mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae. Huius rei ergo macte hoc vino estote.
- My Manes, (select list of ancestors), on these Nones, I pray that only good, prosperous, happy and fortunate things happen tonight and this month to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family, and that you be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family. For this reason, be blessed by this wine.
- Sacrifice a spelt cake sprinkled with salt to your Penates and, if you have any, to your patron deities after this prayer. Insert the list of your patron deities after the invocation of the Penates:
- My Penates, (list of patron gods), on these Nones, I pray that only good, prosperous, happy and fortunate things happen tonight and this month to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family, and that you be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family. For this reason, be blessed by this libum.
- Mi Penates, (list of patron gods in vocative), his Nonis vos precor, ut omnia bona fausta felicia fortunataque hac nocte et hoc mense mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae eveniant, utique sitis volentes propitii mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae. Huius rei ergo macte hoc libo estote.
- My Penates, (list of patron gods), on these Nones, I pray that only good, prosperous, happy and fortunate things happen tonight and this month to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family, and that you be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family. For this reason, be blessed by this libum.
- If you have more time or if you want to a make more solemn ritual because of the importance of the day, you should individually invoke all your patron deities after the previous general invocation, and you should sacrifice libum to each one of them, accompanied by this prayer, repeating this for all of your patron deities:
- (Name of patron deity), for the same reason, be blessed by this libum.
- (Name of patron deity in vocative), eiusdem rei ergo macte hoc libo esto.
- (Name of patron deity), for the same reason, be blessed by this libum.
- Sacrifice a wine to your Genius or Iuno Genialis if you are the head of your family, if not, then to the Genius or Iuno Genialis of your pater familias. If you sacrifice to the Genius or Iuno Genialis of your pater familias, you still can offer a second sacrifice to your own Genius or Iuno Genialis, although it is not necessary each day:
- My Genius / Iuno Genialis (Genius / Iuno Genialis of my pater familias), on these Nones, I pray that you help me on this night and this month and be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family. For this reason, be blessed by this wine.
- Mi Geni / mea Iuno Genialis (Geni / Iuno Genialis patris familias), his Nonis te precor, ut me hac nocte et hoc mense adiuves et sis volens propitius/propitia mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae. Huius rei ergo macte hoc vino esto.
- My Genius / Iuno Genialis (Genius / Iuno Genialis of my pater familias), on these Nones, I pray that you help me on this night and this month and be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family. For this reason, be blessed by this wine.
- If you think there was an error in your ceremony, make an expiation by adding this prayer, naming all the gods who invoked in your morning ritual:
- Janus, Vesta, Jupiter, Lar Familiaris, my Manes, (select list of ancestors), my Penates, (list of patron gods), my Genius / Iuno Genialis (Genius / Iuno Genialis of my pater familias), if something was unsatisfactory for you in these ceremonies, I expiate you by this libum.
- Perform the closing for the Nones ritual (see above).
Nones standalone ritual, or midday ritual, without morning and evening rites
This ritual should be performed if you can do only one domestic ritual on a specific day, and you don't do a separate morning and night ritual that day. If, at the evening, you get a chance to perform the evening ritual, you are free to do that, too: this standalone or midday ritual doesn't inhibit the possibility for performing either or both the morning and the evening rituals, as well. If you want to do morning ritual but you are late and it is already afternoon, you should do this midday ritual instead of the morning Nones ritual.
- Perform the opening for the Nones ritual (see above).
- Decorate your lararium with one or more wreaths or garlands, or if it is not possible, with flowers, burn some incense, and, while touching the altar with your right hand, invoke Janus Matutinus, Vesta and your Lar Familiaris.
- Father Janus, on these Nones, by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers so that you be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family.
- Iane pater, his Nonis, te hoc ture ommovendo bonas preces precor, ut sis volens propitius mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae.
- Father Janus, on these Nones, by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers so that you be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family.
- Mother Vesta, on these Nones, by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers so that you protect me, my hearth, my family and my household by being benevolent and propitious today and this month.
- Vesta mater, his Nonis te hoc ture ommovendo bonas preces precor, ut me, focum meum, domum meam, familiam meam hodie et hoc mense volens propitia bene tuteris.
- Mother Vesta, on these Nones, by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers so that you protect me, my hearth, my family and my household by being benevolent and propitious today and this month.
- Lar Familiaris, on these Nones, by honoring you with wreath/wreaths (flowers) and by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers so that you protect my home and my family so that only good, prosperous, happy and fortunate things happen today and this month to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family.
- Lar familiaris, his Nonis, te corona data / coronis datis (floribus datis) et hoc ture obmovendo bonas preces precor, ut domum familiamque meam bene tuteris, ut omnia bona fausta felicia fortunataque hodie et hoc mense mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae eveniant.
- Lar Familiaris, on these Nones, by honoring you with wreath/wreaths (flowers) and by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers so that you protect my home and my family so that only good, prosperous, happy and fortunate things happen today and this month to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family.
- Sacrifice a spelt cake sprinkled with salt, wine and garlands to the Lar Familiaris for the Nones after this prayer:
- Lar Familiaris, as by honoring you with wreath/wreaths (flowers) and by offering the incense I have prayed good prayers to you, for the same reason, blessed by this libum, by this wine and by the wreath/wreaths (flowers) be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family.
- Lar familiaris, ut te te corona data / coronis datis (floribus datis) et ture dato bona prece precatus (precata, if you are a woman) sum, eiusdem rei ergo macte hoc libo libando, hoc vino libando, hac corona data / his coronis datis (his floribus datis) esto fito volens propitius mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae.
- Lar Familiaris, as by honoring you with wreath/wreaths (flowers) and by offering the incense I have prayed good prayers to you, for the same reason, blessed by this libum, by this wine and by the wreath/wreaths (flowers) be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family.
- Sacrifice wine to your Manes (you can invoke some deceased family members by name) after this prayer, and while praying, point your palm and right hand toward the ground (in the direction of the underworld):
- My Manes, (select list of ancestors), on these Nones, I pray that only good, prosperous, happy and fortunate things happen today and this month to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family, and that you be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family. For this reason, be blessed by this wine.
- Mi Manes, (select list of ancestors in vocative), his Nonis vos precor, ut omnia bona fausta felicia fortunataque hodie et hoc mense mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae eveniant, utique sitis volentes propitii mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae. Huius rei ergo macte hoc vino estote.
- My Manes, (select list of ancestors), on these Nones, I pray that only good, prosperous, happy and fortunate things happen today and this month to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family, and that you be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family. For this reason, be blessed by this wine.
- Sacrifice a spelt cake sprinkled with salt to your Penates and, if you have any, to your patron deities after this prayer. Insert the list of your patron deities after the invocation of the Penates:
- My Penates, (list of patron gods), on these Nones, I pray that only good, prosperous, happy and fortunate things happen today and this month to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family, and that you be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family. For this reason, be blessed by this libum.
- Mi Penates, (list of patron gods in vocative), his Nonis vos precor, ut omnia bona fausta felicia fortunataque hodie et hoc mense mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae eveniant, utique sitis volentes propitii mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae. Huius rei ergo macte hoc libo estote.
- My Penates, (list of patron gods), on these Nones, I pray that only good, prosperous, happy and fortunate things happen today and this month to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family, and that you be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family. For this reason, be blessed by this libum.
- If you have more time or if you want to a make more solemn ritual because of the importance of the day, you should individually invoke all your patron deities after the previous general invocation, and you should sacrifice libum to each one of them, accompanied by this prayer, repeating this for all of your patron deities:
- (Name of patron deity), for the same reason, be blessed by this libum.
- (Name of patron deity in vocative), eiusdem rei ergo macte hoc libo esto.
- (Name of patron deity), for the same reason, be blessed by this libum.
- Sacrifice a wine to your Genius or Iuno Genialis if you are the head of your family, if not, then to the Genius or Iuno Genialis of your pater familias. If you sacrifice to the Genius or Iuno Genialis of your pater familias, you still can offer a second sacrifice to your own Genius or Iuno Genialis, although it is not necessary each day:
- My Genius / Iuno Genialis (Genius / Iuno Genialis of my pater familias), on these Nones, I pray that you help me on this day and this month and be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family. For this reason, be blessed by this wine.
- Mi Geni / mea Iuno Genialis (Geni / Iuno Genialis patris familias), his Nonis te precor, ut me hodie et hoc mense adiuves et sis volens propitius/propitia mihi (liberisque meis) domo familiaeque meae. Huius rei ergo macte hoc vino esto.
- My Genius / Iuno Genialis (Genius / Iuno Genialis of my pater familias), on these Nones, I pray that you help me on this day and this month and be benevolent and propitious to me (and to my children), to my household and to my family. For this reason, be blessed by this wine.
- If you think there was an error in your ceremony, make an expiation by adding this prayer, naming all the gods who invoked in your morning ritual:
- Janus, Vesta, Jupiter, Lar Familiaris, my Manes, (select list of ancestors), my Penates, (list of patron gods), my Genius / Iuno Genialis (Genius / Iuno Genialis of my pater familias), if something was unsatisfactory for you in these ceremonies, I expiate you by this libum.
- Perform the closing for the Nones ritual (see above).