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This is one of the Nova Roma wiki help files.
We have a large set of templates that simplify inserting Roman-style dates into wiki articles. The inserted dates also provide modern date glosses as hover text.
Contents |
Templates always use pairs of braces. If you enter:
{{Jul 7}} {{2000}}
This is what will appear in the article:
Non. Quin. ‡ Q. Maximo M. Minucio cos. ‡ MMDCCLIII a.u.c.
Templates convert recent years to Roman-style consular dating. (List of available templates).
to get:
Cn. Salvio Cn. Equitio cos. ‡ MMDCCLVII a.u.c.
For years BCE add a negative sign before the date:
to get:
L. Iunio L. Tarquinio cos.‡ (CCXLV a.u.c.)
This year AUC
to get the current year AUC in Arabic numerals:
This year Consular
to get the current year in Consular form:
P. Aurelio C. Flavio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVIII a.u.c.
Roman Dates
Templates convert dates in month-day format into Roman dates:
{{Jan 1}}
to get:
Kal. Ian. ‡.
- Months use three letter abbreviations without a period: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
- Days are not padded with leading zeroes.
Leap year
For dates that fall during a leap year, use the following special templates:
- {{Feb 25b}}
- {{Feb 26b}}
- {{Feb 27b}}
- {{Feb 28b}}
to get today in Roman dating:
a.d. IV Id. Mar. ‡
"Today is a.d. IV Id. Mar. ‡." or "Hodiernus dies a.d. IV Id. Mar. ‡ est."
Market day
Nundinal letter this year
for the current market day. It is now set to G.
Nundinal letter today
{{#switch: {{ #expr: {{ #time: z }} mod 8 }} | 0=A | 1=B | 2=C | 3=D | 4=E | 5=F | 6=G | 7=H }} or {{TodayLetter}}
for the nundinal letter for "today". The letter today is G.
Time in Rome
Due to caching of pages, it is not possible to get the accurate time within the wiki. The LOCALTIME template should *NOT* be used.