Ordo sacerdotum

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The sourcescitation needed tell that there was an order of precedence given to the sacerdotes publici populi Romani. This order, in general, included the Rex Sacrorum, Flamines Maiores, and the Pontifex Maximus[1]

 As it is extant, the Ordo Sacerdotum was:
  1. Rex Sacrorum
  2. Flamen Dialis
  3. Flamen Martialis
  4. Flamen Quirinalis
  5. Pontifex Maximus

To this, the remaining pontifices may be added, in order by seniority (pontifices minores did not factor into the Ordo; they were not, in fact, sacerdotes proper). It is currently uncertain whether the minor flamines were included in the Ordo, though it is known that they were rankedcitation needed. About this, it is known only that the Flamen Pomonalis was the most juniorcitation needed; there are speculations which may authoritatively be raised, however nothing can be stated with certainty -- there are few extant lists which seem to give the order, but it is yet unsure as to whether or not they actually do give the ordercitation needed. At any rate, following these, that the Virgines Vestales ranked last in the College of Pontiffs, after which were the Augures, in order of seniority, then the [Quin]Decemviri Sacris Faciundis, followed by the Septemviri Epulones are knowncitation needed.


  1. Dumézil, Georges. Religion Romaine Archaïque. ISBN 0801854806 p. 103

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