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A city on the Bay of Naples, destroyed by an eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 CE.

The eruption of 79 is described in detail by Pliny the Younger in a letter to the historian Tacitus.



Temple of Jove in Pompeii


Contributed by Agricola

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From Villa of the Mysteries



Pompeii: A Sourcebook

Cooley, M.G.L.. (2004). Routledge. ISBN 0415262127
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The Complete Pompeii

Joanne Berry. (2007). London: Thames & Hudson. ISBN 050005150X
256 pages with color illustrations. BMCR review
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Gladiators at Pompeii

Luciana Jacobelli. Tran. Mary Becker. (2003). Los Angeles: The J. Paul Getty Museum. ISBN 0892367318
Originally published in Italian, L'Érma di Bretschneider 2003. 128 pages. BMCR review
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The Lost World of Pompeii

Colin Amery, Brian Curran Jr. Pp. 192. ISBN. (2002). Los Angeles: Getty Publications. ISBN 0892366877
Introduction by Andrew Wallace-Hadrill. 192 pages. BMCR review.
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Pompeii: The Last Day

Paul Wilkinson. (December 30, 2004). BBC Books. ISBN 0563522399
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The Letters of the Younger Pliny

Pliny the Younger (Author), Betty Radice (Introduction, Translator). (1963). Penguin Classics. ISBN 0140441271
Paperback, 320 pages. The standard English translation. Contributed by Agricola
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Ashen Sky: The Letters of Pliny The Younger on the Eruption of Vesuvius

Pliny. (September 17, 2007). Getty Trust Publications: J. Paul Getty Museum. ISBN 0892369000
Hardcover, 40 pages. This slim volume features Barry Moser engravings. Contributed by Agricola
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The port was used by Greek and Phoenician sailors.

Foundation by Oscans in the 7th or 6th century BCE.

Captured by Etruscans

Captured by Cumae

Captured by Samnites in the 5th century BCE.

Roman colony Colonia Cornelia Veneria Pompeianorum.

Earthquake of February 62 CE.

Destruction in 79 CE.

Excavated Pompeii

Private Homes

Fourth style wall painting from the house of M. Lucretius Fronto, Pompeii. Courtesy of VROMA.
Two houses belonging to Lucretii have been identified. The house of M. Lucretius was found in Regio IX [1]

and that of M. Lucretius Fronto in Regio V [2]

Marcus Lucretius Fronto's house in Pompeii is notable for the quantity and quality of the art found therein. [3]


The following graffito was found in Pompeii: "Twenty pairs of gladiators furnished by Decimus Lucretius Satrius Valens perpetual priest of Nero, son of the Emperor, and ten pairs of gladiators furnished by Decimus Lucretius Valens his son, will fight at Pompeii April 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. There will be a big hunt and awnings. Aemilius Celer wrote this by the light of the moon." [4]


  1. Leach, E.W., "House of Marcus Lucretius IX.3.5" at https://oncourse.iu.edu/access/content/user/leach/www/c409/mlplan.html
  2. Leach, E.W., "House of M. Lucretius Fronto" at https://oncourse.iu.edu/access/content/user/leach/www/c409/fronto.html
  3. Pompeii Art Gallery (BBC) at http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/romans/pompeii_art_gallery_06.shtml
  4. Ancient History Sourcebook: Inscriptions From Pompeii at http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/pompeii-inscriptions.html

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