Provincia Canada Occidentalis (Nova Roma) - Edictum Seventeen

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Edictum Seventeen - Adoption of Rules for the Consilium


I, Quintus Sertorius, Propraetor Canada Occidentalis, issue the following Edicta to announce the adoption of the following Rules of Order for the Consilium for the Provinica of Canda Occidentalis. I would like to thank the Propraetor for Thule, Caeso Fabius Quintilianus, for the use for his very good rules of order for a Provincial Consilium.

Rules of Order for the Consilium Provincia Canada Occidentalis -

1. During the Consilium members will use the Egroup set up for the Consilium to discuss items on the Agenda.

2. The Propraetor will call the Consilium to order when he feels the new Agenda is full. The Consilium will continue for a period decided by the Propraetor(usually no more than ten days). During the Consilium the Propraetor will act as Chairman, if he hasn't appointed the Senior Legatus as his stand-in. The Propraetor will make the final decisions on all matters during the Consilium.

3. The Propraetor will table the Agenda for the Consilium at the start of the meeting. (Any citizen wanting to have an item placed on the Agenda should send an email to the Propraetor requesting such, and if the Propraetor agrees, that item may be placed on the next Consilium.)

4. The Propraetor, or another member of the Consilium appointed by the Propraetor in advance, will write a short introduction to each item on the Agenda. Each member of the Consilium will respond to each item in their reply to the Tabled Agenda sent out at the start of each Consilium by the Propraetor.

5. Each item can be debated until such time as the Propraetor deems that there has been enough input, he will then, if required, send an advisory note to move on to the next item. Once all the items on the Agenda have been covered there will be a Vote Email sent out by the Propraetor containing all the items to be voted on. All members of the Consilium will record their vote, along with a closing comment if they desire, in their reply to the Vote Email. If the Consilium casts their votes against an item on the Agenda, no final decision will be made on that item during that Consilium, and will be moved over to the next Consilium. This will allow time for the item to be further debated. At the next Consilium the Propraetor can than take what ever decision he deems proper.

6. The Propraetor will call an end to the Consilium once all the items on the Agenda have been covered, and when he deems proper.