Provincia Pannonia - Praetorium (Nova Roma)
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Cn. Cornelius Lentulus |
This page contains the edicts currently in force in Provincia Pannonia. Here you find the officers of the province:
- legatus pro praetore - Cn. Cornelius Lentulus (governor)
General provincial staff
- proquaestor - T. Barbatius Naso
- legata - L. Laelia Laeta Scaevola
- scriba - C. Laelia Laeta
- scriba - T. Popillia Laenas
- scriba - Q. Arrius Nauta
- scriba - L. Claudia Vibiana
- scriba - L. Hortensia Theodora
- scriba - Ti. Caecilia Sabina
- scriba - M. Valerius Maximus
- scriba - M. Licinius Savariensis
- scriba - C. Valeria Terra
- lictor - Sp. Porcius Gemma
- lictor - M. Licinius Savariensis
- lictor - M. Valerius Maximus
- lictor - C. Octavius Delphinus
- lictor - A. Fabricius Pardalas
- Regional provincial staff - Regio Aquincensis
- quaestrix Pannoniae a Regione Aquincensi - T. Popillia Laenas
- Sub-regional provincial staff - Burgus Rostallo
- praefectus cohortis VI Carpathicae qui et burgo - socius et amicus C. Villius Macro Carbo (non-citizen)
- Regional provincial staff - Regio Iazygia
- legatus Regionis Iazygiae - Sp. Porcius Gemma
- Other commanders of non-regional provincial units
- tribunus legionis XXI Rapacis - M. Caecilius Metellus Tocaiensis
- praefectus cohortis I Atiliae - P. Atilius Severus
- scriba praefecti - Sex. Lania Murena
- praefectus cohortis I Ulpiae Pannoniorum - Ti. Barbatius Naso
- praefectus Legionis II Adiutricis - socius et amicus M. Galerius Lupius (non-citizen)
- praefectus cohortis I Legionis II Adiutricis - M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius
- praefectus Legionis Leonum Valentiniani - M. Valerius Paullus Georgius
- praefectus Lanciariorum Savariensium - M. Aemilius Barbula Primus
Provincial law
Edictum legati pro praetore Pannoniae de Regione Aquincensi
- STATUS: In-Force
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. V Id. Ian. ‡ P. Aurelio C. Flavio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVIII a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #101447
I. Effective immediately, I hereby dissolve Regio Rostallonensis, and re-classify our burgus Colonia Rostallo from a fully Nova Roman burgus and its associated fully Nova Roman Cohors VI Carpathica to the status of Friend of Nova Roma, both entities, officially termed as socius et amicus populi Novi Romani. The praefectus of such can be a non-citizen, as well, and I acknowledge the last praefectus in these positions to be our liaison and allied leader for these entities.
II. I hereby establish the Regio Aquincensis, centered around our Colonia Aquincum as its capital, and composed of the former territory of Regio Rostallonensis and from half of Regio Iazygia, regrouping the Hungarian counties Pest, Nógrád and Heves from Regio Iazygia to Regio Aquincensis. For the time being, as a temporary measure, I appoint T. Popillia Laenas as quaestor (quaestrix in Latin) of Pannonia in charge of Regio Aquincensis (quaestrix Pannoniae a Regione Aquincensi), but candidates will be recruited for this office in a short time.
III. At the same time, I include the following Hungarian countries into Regio Iazygia: Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Hajdú-Bihar, Békés.
Datum a.d. V Id. Ian. P. Aurelio Barbato C. Flavio Stilichone coss. 2778 AUC, 28 ANRC.
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
Provincia Pannonia
Edictum Cn. Lentuli legati pro praetore Pannoniae de cohorte I Legionis II Adiutricis
- STATUS: In-Force
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. IX Kal. Sept. ‡ C. Cethego Q. Arrio (IV) cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVI a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #99801
The Hungarian Legio II Adiutrix in my province Pannonia has been a Friend of Nova Roma since Cn. Lentulo T. Domitio coss. (2016) under my imperium. It was, however, never clarified that this legion has two independently functioning cohortes, and the first and original cohors was founded by the Familia Gladiatoria which is an allied gladiatorial group of Nova Roma since L. Sulla cos. sine collega (2013). The Familia Gladiatoria Pannonica founded the Legio II Adiutrix in Hungary as a Roman military reenactment group, which was run by the same people as two aspects of the same community, gladiatorial and military. The founders of the newer cohors of the Legio II Adiutrix which is currently registered as a friendly legion of Nova Roma asked permission from the Legio II Adiutrix of the Familia Gladiatoria Pannonica to be part of the same legion, which was granted by centurio M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius (also lanista of the Familia Gladiatoria). It was this second cohors of the legion which was officially recognized as "a friend of Nova Roma", and the original cohors ran by the Familia Gladiatoria was never officially clarified as to its status. In order to clarify the status of the original cohors of the Hungarian Legio II Adiutrix, I issue this edict:
I. I, Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, legatus pro praetore of Provincia Pannonia, hereby clarify that the Cohors I of the Legio II Adiutrix (maintained by the Familia Gladiatoria, a nonprofit corporation in Hungary) is, and has always been, the same legion as the Legio II Adiutrix, a "friendly legion of Nova Roma", amicus populi Novi Romani. All members of the Familia Gladiatoria have been officially reenactor soldiers of the Legio II Adiutrix that has been recruited in Cn. Lentulo T. Domitio coss.. The cohors made up by the Familia Gladiatoria members was commanded by our fellow citizen M. Cotta Iovius, centurio. The other, newer cohors by an allied centurio who is not a citizen of Nova Roma, Lupius (Mr M. Mészáros) who was the chief commanding officer of the legion.
II. Hereby, I clarify that centurio M. Cotta Iovius has always been in charge of Cohors I, and has held the office of praefectus cohortis in Nova Roma since the establishment of unit in Nova Roma. At the moment, the praefectus legionis is centurio Lupius.
III. It is my intention to upgrade the legion to the status of allied or fully Nova Roman legion in the near future, when a solution will be worked out how to handle the two separately running halves that still consider each other as members of the same legion.
Datum a.d. IX Kal. Sept. C. Cornelio Baroso et Q. Arrio Naura (IV) coss. anno XXVI ANRC, Anniversario XXV Novae Romae, Anno Sacro Concordiae, ante portas triumphales, in campo Martio symbolico.
Imp. Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
Edictum Cn. Lentuli legati pro praetore Pannoniae de legione Leonum Valentiniani et de eius coniunctione ad Legionem XXI Rapacem sub triumpho
- STATUS: In-Force
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. X Kal. Sept. ‡ C. Cethego Q. Arrio (IV) cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVI a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #99797
Having participated in common events, and having built a fruitful relationship in the last couple of years with the Legio Leonum Valentiniani of Hungary, after the preparations regarding recruitment to Nova Roma, as legatus pro praetore of Provincia Pannonia and imperator triumphaturus, I am proclaiming the following edict on the recruitment of the Legio Leonum Valentiniani as a Friendly Legion of Nova Roma, and in preparation for our triumph, temporarily as an auxiliary regiment of the Legio XXI Rapax, this latter point being in force only during the two days of the triumph.
I. I, Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, legatus pro praetore of Provincia Pannonia, hereby recruit and establish the Legio Leonum Valentiniani (maintained by the "TÖRTÉNELMI, KULTURÁLIS ÉS HADTÖRTÉNETI HAGYOMÁNYŐRZÉSÉRT ALAPÍTVÁNY" foundation in Hungary) as a "friendly legion of Nova Roma", amicus populi Novi Romani.
II. I hereby appoint Gyögy Márk Kis as the non-citizen commander of the cohors, under the title praefectus Legionis Leonum Valentiniani, and establish him as the official liaison, coordinator and contact person between the legio and Nova Roma.
III. For the duration of my triumph, I also hereby ceremonial enlist the Legio Leonum Valentiniani as a temporary auxiliary unit and honorary member of our victorious Legio XXI Rapax. This conjunction to the Rapax will automatically expire at the end of the triumphus. Their long time cooperation with our Rapax legion justifies this decision, as they indeed helped our victory during the difficult years.
Datum a.d. IX Kal. Sept. C. Cornelio Baroso et Q. Arrio Naura (IV) coss. anno XXVI ANRC, Anniversario XXV Novae Romae, Anno Sacro Concordiae, ante portas triumphales, in campo Martio symbolico.
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, imperator
Edictum Cn. Lentuli legati pro praetore Pannoniae de Lanciariis Savariensibus et de eius coniunctione ad Legionem XXI Rapacem sub triumpho
- STATUS: In-Force
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. X Kal. Sept. ‡ C. Cethego Q. Arrio (IV) cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVI a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #99797
Having participated in common events, and having built a fruitful relationship in the last couple of years with the Lanciarii Savarienses of Hungary, after the preparations regarding recruitment to Nova Roma, as legatus pro praetore of Provincia Pannonia and imperator triumphaturus, I am proclaiming the following edict on the recruitment of the Lanciarii Savarienses as a Friendly Legion of Nova Roma, and in preparation for our triumph, temporarily as an auxiliary regiment of the Legio XXI Rapax, this latter point being in force only during the two days of the triumph.
I. I, Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, legatus pro praetore of Provincia Pannonia, hereby recruit and establish the Lanciarii Savarienses (maintained by the "Nyugati Gyepűk Pajzsa Haditorna Egyesület" nonprofit corporation in Hungary) as a "friendly legion of Nova Roma", amicus populi Novi Romani.
II. I hereby appoint Barnabás Pospischil as the non-citizen commander of the cohors, under the title praefectus Lanciariorum Savariensium, and establish him as the official liaison, coordinator and contact person between the legio and Nova Roma.
III. For the duration of my triumph, I also hereby ceremonial enlist the Lanciarii Savarienses as a temporary auxiliary unit and honorary member of our victorious Legio XXI Rapax. This conjunction to the Rapax will automatically expire at the end of the triumphus. Their long time cooperation with our Rapax legion justifies this decision, as they indeed helped our victory during the difficult years.
Datum a.d. IX Kal. Sept. C. Cornelio Baroso et Q. Arrio Naura (IV) coss. anno XXVI ANRC, Anniversario XXV Novae Romae, Anno Sacro Concordiae, ante portas triumphales, in campo Martio symbolico.
Imp. Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
Edicta Cn. Lentuli ducis et legati pro praetore et proquaestoris pro praetore variarum provinciarum et praefecti Italiae de apparitoribus
- STATUS: In-Force
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: prid. Kal. Ian. ‡ Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXV a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #99100
Edicta Cn. Lentuli ducis et legati pro praetore et proquaestoris pro praetore variarum provinciarum et praefecti Italiae de apparitoribus
In these edicts joined up in the form of one edict, issued regarding all provinces under my imperium, I hereby assign the evaluation "EXCELLENT" to all of my apparitores in all of the provinces within my imperium, with the exception of M. Cassius Maro, who shall receive UNSATISFACTORY.
Datum pridie Kal. Ian. Sex. Lucilio II A. Tullia II coss. anno XXV a.N.R.c. (2775/2022)
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, imperator
Edictum legati pro praetore Pannoniae de praemiis civium Pannonicorum Ludis Appollinaribus Sex. Lucilio A. Tullia coss.
The Pannonian Governor's Awards for an Achievement in NR from the occasion of Ludi Apillinares
I. From the occasion of the Ludi Apollinares, authorized by the lex Arria, as legatus pro praetore of Provincia Pannonia, I am awarding the following citizens the Pannonian Governor's Award:
M. Caecilius Metellus Tocaiensis receives the GOVERNOR'S AWARD for his excellent work, dedication and many years of service as tribunus founding the Gladius Reenactment Association and the Legio XXI Rapax of Pannonia, for making this group part of Nova Roma, which for a long time was the most important group within our Pannonia, and it still excels in Roman civilian reenactment. The GOVERNOR'S AWARD distinguishes M. Caecilius Metellus Tocaiensis as an example to follow, and thanks him for his dedication and work for the benefit of Nova Roma and the world of Roman reconstructionism.
C. Villius Vulso receives the GOVERNOR'S AWARD for his excellent past work, dedication and many years of service as praefectus founding the Cohors VI Carpathica and the burgus Colonia Rostallo of Nova Roma which became the most important group within our province. The GOVERNOR'S AWARD distinguishes C. Villius Vulso as an example to follow, and thanks him for his dedication and work for the benefit of Nova Roma and the world of Roman reconstructionism.
M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius receives the GOVERNOR'S AWARD for founding the Familia Gladiatoria Pannonica as its lanista, the oldest gladiatorial group of the world, for making his group part of Nova Roma, and for his dedicated work of many years as a co-organizing partner of the events of Nova Roma in Pannonia. The GOVERNOR'S AWARD distinguishes M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius as an example to follow, and thanks him for his dedication and work for the benefit of Nova Roma and the world of Roman reconstructionism.
M. Flavius Memnon receives the GOVERNOR'S AWARD for founding the Ludus Gladiatorum "Aquincum" as its lanista, for making his group part of Nova Roma, and for his dedicated work of the last couple of years as a co-organizing partner of many events of Nova Roma in Pannonia. The GOVERNOR'S AWARD distinguishes M. Flavius Memnon as an example to follow, and thanks him for his dedication and work for the benefit of Nova Roma and the world of Roman reconstructionism.
C. Villius Macro receives the GOVERNOR'S AWARD for his excellent work as praefectus developing the Cohors VI Carpathica and the burgus Colonia Rostallo to a level of great authenticity which is archaeologically researched, and raising the cohors and the burgus to a status within the provincia which is now celebrated as the most authentic ancient Roman reenactment group in Pannonia. The GOVERNOR'S AWARD distinguishes C. Villius Macro as an example to follow, and thanks him for his dedication and work for the benefit of Nova Roma and the world of Roman reconstructionism.
L. Claudia Vibiana receives the GOVERNOR'S AWARD for her excellent work as scriba developing the burgus Colonia Rostallo to a level of great authenticity which is archaeologically researched, and to introduce and develop the natural dying, authentic sewing technologies, and several Roman female practices (hairstyle, cosmetics et alia), which she is now continuing in her own preliminary group. The GOVERNOR'S AWARD distinguishes L. Claudia Vibiana as an example to follow, and thanks her for her dedication and work for the benefit of Nova Roma and the world of Roman reconstructionism.
D. Castricius Ursus receives the GOVERNOR'S AWARD for his excellent performance as legionary soldier, assisting the development and the events of the Cohors VI Carpathica, and helping raise the cohors and the burgus to a status within the provincia which is now celebrated as the most authentic ancient Roman reenactment group in Pannonia. The GOVERNOR'S AWARD distinguishes D. Castricius Ursus as an example to follow, and thanks him for his work for the benefit of Nova Roma and the world of Roman reconstructionism.
M. Valerius Maximus receives the GOVERNOR'S AWARD for his past works and performance as decanus, assisting the development and the events of the Cohors VI Carpathica and the burgus Colonia Rostallo, and especially for creating the twelve fasces of the province which became one of the most useful additions and unique feature of Pannonia currently unparalleled in the world. The GOVERNOR'S AWARD distinguishes M. Valerius Maximus as an example to follow, and thanks him for his work for the benefit of Nova Roma and the world of Roman reconstructionism.
Sp. Porcius Gemma receives the GOVERNOR'S AWARD for his excellent work, dedication and many years of service as proquaestor and optio organizing the camps and missions of the Legio XXI Rapax of Pannonia which for a long time was the most important group within our Pannonia, and it still excels in Roman civilian reenactment. The GOVERNOR'S AWARD distinguishes Sp. Porcius Gemma's commitment and enthusiasm as an example to follow, and thanks him for his loyal dedication and work for the benefit of Nova Roma and the world of Roman reconstructionism.
Ti. Caecilia Sabina receives the GOVERNOR'S AWARD for her excellent work as scriba assisting the development and the events of the Cohors VI Carpathica, the burgus Colonia Rostallo, the Legio XXI Rapax, and the provincial government and organization, transportation and preparation for events in general. Her contributions to the overall, inter-group organizational work in Provincia Pannonia were essential in the last couple of years. The GOVERNOR'S AWARD distinguishes Ti. Caecilia Sabina as an example to follow, and thanks her for her work and dedication for the benefit of Nova Roma and the world of Roman reconstructionism.
T. Popilla Laenas receives the GOVERNOR'S AWARD for her excellent work, dedication and 15 years of service as scriba of Pannonia, assisting the provincial government and organization, transportation and preparation for events in general, especially within the Legio XXI Rapax. Her contributions to the overall organizational work in Provincia Pannonia were essential in the previous 15 years. The GOVERNOR'S AWARD distinguishes T. Popillia Laenas as an example to follow, and thanks her for her dedication and work for the benefit of Nova Roma and the world of Roman reconstructionism.
L. Hortensia Theodora receives the GOVERNOR'S AWARD for her excellent work as scriba of Pannonia, assisting the events of our province and the cooperation of several Pannonian groups of Nova Roma, especially within the civilian section of the Legio XXI Rapax and the burgus of Colonia Rostallo. The GOVERNOR'S AWARD distinguishes L. Hortensia Theodora as an example to follow, and thanks her for her dedication and work for the benefit of Nova Roma and the world of Roman reconstructionism.
M. Licinius Savariensis receives the GOVERNOR'S AWARD for his excellent performance as legionary soldier, assisting the events of the Cohors VI Carpathica, and those of our province in general, and helping inter-group cooperation and collaboration between the Nova Roman groups of Pannonia. The GOVERNOR'S AWARD distinguishes M. Licinius Savariensis as an example to follow, and thanks him for his work for the benefit of Nova Roma and the world of Roman reconstructionism.
T. Abonia Calida receives the GOVERNOR'S AWARD for her organizational works of the Floralia Festival at Aquincum, and for all the support and work for other events at Aquincum she organized or assisted to happen for Nova Roma and for Roman reenactors in general, making Aquincum the number one museum and especially the Floralia the number one event both for Pannonian non-reenactor members of Nova Roma, and for all the reenactment groups of Nova Roma in Pannonia, but also for Nova Roma internationally, as well. Her work contributed to the international recognition of the living history festivals of Aquincum, and with that, the contributions of Nova Roma both in Pannonia and internationally were also enhanced and improved. The GOVERNOR'S AWARD distinguishes T. Abonia Calida as an example to follow, and thanks her for her support and work for the benefit of Nova Roma and the world of Roman reconstructionism.
D. Septimius Ursus receives the GOVERNOR'S AWARD for his many years of organizational works of the Floralia Festival at Aquincum, and for all the support and work for other events at Aquincum he organized or assisted to happen for Nova Roma and for Roman reenactors in general, making Aquincum the number one museum and especially the Floralia the number one event both for Pannonian non-reenactor members of Nova Roma, and for all the reenactment groups of Nova Roma in Pannonia, but also for Nova Roma internationally, as well. The GOVERNOR'S AWARD distinguishes D. Septimius Ursus as an example to follow, and thanks him for his support and work for the benefit of Nova Roma and the world of Roman reconstructionism.
C. Aelia Saturnina receives the GOVERNOR'S AWARD for her financial contributions, donations and sponsorship of our events in Pannonia. Her financial contributions made the overall organizational work in Provincia Pannonia easier which is an essential element of government. The GOVERNOR'S AWARD distinguishes C. Aelia Saturnina as an example to follow, and thanks her for her dedication for the benefit of Nova Roma and the world of Roman reconstructionism.
Datum ludis Apollinaribus a.d. XIV Kal. Sextiles Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) coss. anno XXV ANRC et 2775 AUC.
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
Edictum XXIX. Legati pro praetore Pannonae Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de scriba Pannoniae nominada
Edictum De Scriba Pannoniae Nominanda Edict on Appointing a Scriba of Pannonia
I. In order to recognize and reward her work conducted so far, and in order to make her as official part of the Government of Provincia Pannonia, I give a Diploma of Excellency and appoint Lucia Hortensia Theodora (Boglárka Teodóra Kertész) as scriba legati pro praetore Pannoniae, with the shorter title SCRIBA PANNONIAE, 4th rank Official, as academic secretary of the Provincial Governor; archaeological researcher and advisor to the Governor, cultural event organization executive assistant to the Governor, member of the Event Organization and Reconstructive Manufacturing Office.
II. Specific duties
II.A. As academic secretary of the Legatus Pro Praetore, the scriba shall complete various academic assistancy and archaeological research tasks, entrusted to her by the governor.
II.B. As archaeological researcher and advisor to the Legatus Pro Praetore, the scriba shall research certain topics requested by the Legatus Pro Praetore and shall advise the Legatus Pro Praetore in matters of Roman archaeology.
II.C. As cultural event organization executive assistant to the Legatus Pro Praetore and member of the Event Organization and Reconstructive Manufacturing Office, the scriba shall assist in the realization of the events and programs of Nova Roman Pannonia, working in the preparation or during the events, and she shall give advise as archaeology expert on the topics of reconstructive manufacturing.
III. For the sake of these duties quick accessibility on internet, by phone, and if necessary, personal presence are a requirement.
IV. Oath of office is not required.
V. This edictum becomes effective immediately.
Datum a.d. V Kal. Feb. Q. Arrio Nauta (III) A. Tullia Scholastica coss. 2774 AUC / 24 NRC / 2021 AD
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
Edictum XXIV. Legati Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de Praefecto Legati Pro Praetore nominando
Edictum XXIV. Legati Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de Praefecto Legati Pro Praetore nominando
Edictum XXIV. of Legatus Pro Praetore Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus about appointment of Praefectus Leg. Pr. Pr.
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Praetori Jogkörű Kormányzó XXIV. Rendelete Civitasi kormányzóhelyettes (Prefektus) kinevezéséről
I. I hereby appoint Tiberius Iulius Nerva to the rank of Praefectus Legati Pro Praetore to fulfill the following functions:
I.1. Personal Representative of the Provincial Governor and the Regional Lieutenant-Governor in Civitas Boihaemum (the area of Czechia);
I.2. Praefectus Civitatis Boihaemi: Deputy Lieutenant-Governor assigned to Civitas Boihaemum as Superior of the administration of Civitas Boihaemum (the area of Czechia);
II. Special Obligations:
II.A. Personal Representative of the Provincial Governor and the Regional Lieutenant-Governor in Civitas Boihaemum (the area of Czechia);
II.A.1. Representation of the Legatus Pro Praetore and the Legatus Regionis Marcomanniae in any case when there is an occasion to promote Nova Roma in Civitas Boihaemum (the area of Czechia). In this role, he has right to act in the name of the Legatus Pro Praetore or the Legatus Regionis Marcomanniae, but cannot make any governmental decision without the authorization of the Legatus Pro Praetore or the Legatus Regionis Marcomanniae. For the sake of these duties quick accessibility on internet, by phone, and if necessary, personal presence are a requirement.
II.A.2. Representation of the Legatus Pro Praetore or the Legatus Regionis Marcomanniae in Civitas Boihaemum in special cases when it is ordered by the Legatus Pro Praetore or by the Legatus Regionis Marcomanniae. In this role, he has the right to act in the name of the Legatus Pro Praetore or the Legatus Regionis Marcomanniae, and can make governmental decisions independently, but only in that special matter to which he has given this authorization from the Legatus Pro Praetore or the Legatus Regionis Marcomanniae.
II.B. Superior of the administration of Civitas Boihaemum (the area of Czechia)
II.B.1. Representation of the Legatus Pro Praetore and Legatus Regionis Marcomanniae in Civitas Boihaemum;
II.B.2. Control of the Civitas Boihaemum, representation and administration of the Nova Roman citizens of this Civitas;
II.B.3. Supervision and coordination of the officers appointed in the territory of Civitas Boihaemum;
II.B.4. Execution of any orders concerning the administration of Civitas Boihaemum given by the Legatus Pro Praetore and by the Legatus Regionis Marcomanniae.
III. General Obligations:
III.A. Regular accessibility on internet, (or, if the situation requires, by phone). For the sake of this cause, to answer the e-mails, weekly at least.
III.B. In so far as the weekly accessibility cannot be warranted, to inform the Legatus Pro Praetore in a privat message or on the Provincial Mailinglist about the date of the absence.
IV. Oath of office is required.
V. This Edictum becomes effective immediately.
Given the 4th of July, 2766 AUC.
Datum a. d. IV. Non. Quin. L. Sulla (III) cos. sine collega anno MMDCCLXVI AUC.
- Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
I. - Ezennel kinevezem Tiberius Iulius Nervát Praefectus Legati Pro Praetore rangba, a következő funkciók ellátására:
I.1. A Kormányzó és a Regionális Alkormányzó személyes képviselője Civitas Boihaemumban (Csehország területén);
I.2. Praefectus Civitatis Boihaemi: Helyettes Alkormányzóként Civitas Boihaemum (Csehország) adminisztrációjának felügyelete;
II. Különleges kötelezettségek:
II.A. A Legatus Pro Praetore és a Legatus Regionis Személyes Képviselője Civitas Boihaemumban (Csehország területén)
II.A.1. A Legatus Pro Praetore és a Legatus Regionis Marcomanniae képviselete minden olyan esetben, amikor Nova Roma ügyének előmozdítására Civitas Boihaemumban (Csehország területén) lehetőség adódik. Ilyen szerepkörben joga van a Legatus Pro Praetore és a Legatus Regionis nevében eljárni, de nem hozhat semmilyen kormányzati döntést a Legatus Pro Praetore vagy a Legatus Regionis Marcomanniae felhatalmazása nélkül. Ezen feladat ellátasa érdekében fokozott követelmény a gyors elérhetőség interneten és telefonon, és ha szükséges, a személyes jelenlét biztosítása.
II.A.2. A Legatus Pro Praetore vagy a Legatus Regionis Marcomanniae képviselete Civitas Boihaemumban olyan különleges esetekben, amikor a Legatus Pro Praetore vagy a Legatus Regionis Marcomanniae külön így rendelkezik. Ilyen szerepkörben joga van a Legatus Pro Praetore vagy a Legatus Regionis Marcomanniae nevében eljárni, és önállóan kormányzati döntéseket hozni, de csak és kizárólag abban a külön kérdésben, amelyre a felhatalmazását kapta a Legatus Pro Praetorétől vagy a Legatus Regionistól.
II.B. Civitas Boihaemum (Csehország) adminisztrációjának felügyelete
II.B.1. A Legatus Pro Praetore és a Legatus Regionis Marcomanniae képviselete Civitas Boihaemumban;
II.B.2. Civitas Boihaemum területének felügyelete, az odatartozó polgárok képviselete, ügyeinek intézése;
II.B.3. Civitas Boihaemum területére kinevezett tisztviselõk ellenõrzése, koordinálása;
II.B.4. A Legatus Pro Praetorének és a Legatus Regionis Marcomanniaenak Civitas Boihaemum adminisztrációjával kapcsolatban adott bármely utasításának végrehajtása.
III. Általános kötelezettségek:
III.A. Rendszeres elérhetõség interneten, (vagy ha a helyzet megkívánja telefonon). Ennek érdekében legkevesebb hetente válaszolni az e-mailekre.
III.B. Amennyiben a heti elérhetõség nem biztosítható, elõre tájékoztatni a Legatus Pro Praetorét magánlevélben vagy levelezõlistán keresztül a távolmaradás idõpontjáról.
IV. A praefectusnak hivatali esküt kell tennie.
V. Ez az Edictum azonnali hatállyal életbe lép.
Kelt, a. u. c. 2766. július 4-én.
Datum a. d. IV. Non. Quin. L. Sulla (III) cos. sine collega anno MMDCCLXVI AUC.
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
Edictum XXIII. Legati Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de Civitate Boihaemo creando
Edictum XXIII. Legati Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de Civitate Boihaemo creando
Edictum XXIII. of Legatus Pro Praetore Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus about creating Civitas Boihaemum
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Praetori Jogkörű Kormányzó XXIII. Rendelete Civitas Boihaemum létrehozásáról
I. I hereby establish and create Civitas Boihaemum as an administrative subdivision of Regio Marcomannia of Provincia Pannonia, consisting the area and of the Nova Roman citizens of Czechia.
II. The Regio shall be governed by the Praefectus Civitatis Boihaemi, appointed by the Governor.
III. This Edictum becomes effective immediately.
Given the 4th of July, 2766 AUC.
Datum a. d. IV. Non. Quin. L. Sulla (III) cos. sine collega anno MMDCCLXVI AUC.
- Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
I. Ezennel létrehozom és megalakítom a Provincia Pannonián belüli Regio Marcomannia Civitas Boihaemum elnevezésű új adminisztratív kerületét, mely Csehország területéből és nova római polgáraiból áll.
II. A Regiót a Praefectus Civitatis Boihaemi kormányozza, akit a Kormányzó nevez ki.
III. Ez az Edictum azonnali hatállyal életbe lép.
Kelt, a. u. c. 2766. július 4-én.
Datum a. d. IV. Non. Quin. L. Sulla (III) cos. sine collega anno MMDCCLXVI AUC.
- Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
Edictum XXII. Legati Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de Legato Legati Pro Praetore nominando
Edictum XXII. Legati Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de Legato Legati Pro Praetore nominando
Edictum XXII. of Legatus Pro Praetore Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus about appointment of Legatus Leg. Pr. Pr.
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Praetori Jogkörű Kormányzó XXII. Rendelete Regionális Alkormányzó (Legátus) kinevezéséről
I. I hereby appoint Sextus Lucilius Tutor to the rank of Legatus Legati Pro Praetore to fulfill the following functions:
I.1. Personal Representative of the Governor in Regio Marcomannia (the area of Czechia and Slovakia);
I.2. Legatus Regionis Marcomanniae: Lieutenant-Governor assigned to Regio Marcomannia as Superior of the administration of Regio Marcomannia (the area of Czechia and Slovakia);
II. Special Obligations:
II.A. Personal Representative of the Governor in Regio Marcomannia (the area of Czechia and Slovakia);
II.A.1. Representation of the Legatus Pro Praetore in any case when there is an occasion to promote the Nova Roman province of Pannonia in Regio Marcomannia (the area of Czechia and Slovakia). In this role, he has right to act in the name of the Legatus Pro Praetore, but cannot make any governmental decision without the authorization of the Legatus Pro Praetore. For the sake of these duties quick accessibility on internet, by phone, and if necessary, personal presence are a high requirement.
II.A.2. Representation of the Legatus Pro Praetore in Regio Marcomannia in special cases when it is ordered by the Legatus Pro Praetore. In this role, he has the right to act in the name of the Legatus Pro Praetore, and can make governmental decisions independently, but only in that special matter to which he has given this authorization from the Legatus Pro Praetore.
II.B. Superior of the administration of Regio Marcomannia (Czechia and Slovakia)
II.B.1. Representation of the Legatus Pro Praetore in Regio Marcomannia;
II.B.2. Control of the Regio Marcomannia, representation and administration of the Nova Roman citizens of this Regio;
II.B.3. Supervision and coordination of the officers appointed in the territory of Regio Marcomannia;
II.B.4. Execution of any orders concerning the administration of Regio Marcomannia given by the Legatus Pro Praetore.
III. General Obligations:
III.A. Regular accessibility on internet, (or, if the situation requires, by phone). For the sake of this cause, to answer the e-mails, weekly at least.
III.B. In so far as the weekly accessibility cannot be warranted, to inform the Legatus Pro Praetore in a privat message or on the Provincial Mailinglist about the date of the absence.
IV. This Edictum becomes effective immediately.
Given the 4th of July, 2766 AUC.
Datum a. d. IV. Non. Quin. L. Sulla (III) cos. sine collega anno MMDCCLXVI AUC.
I. - Ezennel kinevezem Sextus Lucilius Tutort Legatus Legati Pro Praetore rangba, a következő funkciók ellátására:
I.1. A Kormányzó személyes képviselője Regio Marcomanniában (Csehország és Szlovákia területén);
I.2. Legatus Regionis Marcomanniae: Regio Marcomannia (Csehország és Szlovákia) adminisztrációjának felügyelete;
II. Különleges kötelezettségek:
II.A. A Legatus Pro Praetore Személyes Képviselője Regio Marcomanniában (Csehország és Szlovákia területén)
II.A.1. A Legatus Pro Praetore képviselete minden olyan esetben, amikor Nova Roma Pannonia Provinciája ügyének előmozdítására Regio Marcomanniában (Csehország és Szlovákia területén) lehetőség adódik. Ilyen szerepkörben joga van a Legatus Pro Praetore nevében eljárni, de nem hozhat semmilyen kormányzati döntést a Legatus Pro Praetore felhatalmazása nélkül. Ezen feladat ellátasa érdekében fokozott követelmény a gyors elérhetőség interneten és telefonon, és ha szükséges, a személyes jelenlét biztosítása.
II.A.2. A Legatus Pro Praetore képviselete Regio Marcomanniában olyan különleges esetekben, amikor a Legatus Pro Praetore külön így rendelkezik. Ilyen szerepkörben joga van a Legatus Pro Praetore nevében eljárni, és önállóan kormányzati döntéseket hozni, de csak és kizárólag abban a külön kérdésben, amelyre a felhatalmazását kapta a Legatus Pro Praetorétől.
II.B. Regio Marcomannia (Csehország és Szlovákia) adminisztrációjának felügyelete
II.B.1. A Legatus Pro Praetore képviselete Regio Marcomanniában;
II.B.2. Regio Marcomannia területének felügyelete, az odatartozó polgárok képviselete, ügyeinek intézése;
II.B.3. Regio Marcomannia területére kinevezett tisztviselõk ellenõrzése, koordinálása;
II.B.4. A Legatus Pro Praetore Regio Marcomannia adminisztrációjával kapcsolatban adott bármely utasításának végrehajtása.
III. Általános kötelezettségek:
III.A. Rendszeres elérhetõség interneten, (vagy ha a helyzet megkívánja telefonon). Ennek érdekében legkevesebb hetente válaszolni az e-mailekre.
III.B. Amennyiben a heti elérhetõség nem biztosítható, elõre tájékoztatni a Legatus Pro Praetorét magánlevélben vagy levelezõlistán keresztül a távolmaradás idõpontjáról.
IV. Ez az Edictum azonnali hatállyal életbe lép.
Kelt, a. u. c. 2766. július 4-én.
Datum a. d. IV. Non. Quin. L. Sulla (III) cos. sine collega anno MMDCCLXVI AUC.
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
Edictum XXI. Legati Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de Regione Marcomannia creanda
Edictum XXI. Legati Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de Regione Marcomannia creanda
Edictum XXI. of Legatus Pro Praetore Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus about creating Regio Marcomannia
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Praetori Jogkörű Kormányzó XXI. Rendelete Regio Marcomannia létrehozásáról
I. I hereby establish and create Regio Marcomannia as an administrative subdivision of Provincia Pannonia, consisting the area and of the Nova Roman citizens of Czechia and Slovakia.
II. The Regio shall be governed by the Legatus Regionis, appointed by the Governor.
III. This Edictum becomes effective immediately.
Given the 4th of July, 2766 AUC.
Datum a. d. IV. Non. Quin. L. Sulla (III) cos. sine collega anno MMDCCLXVI AUC.
- Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
I. Ezennel létrehozom és megalakítom Provincia Pannonia Regio Marcomannia elnevezésű új adminisztratív kerületét, mely Csehország és Szlovákia területéből és nova római polgáraiból áll.
II. A Regiót a Legatus Regionis kormányozza, akit a Kormányzó nevez ki.
III. Ez az Edictum azonnali hatállyal életbe lép.
Kelt, a. u. c. 2766. július 4-én.
Datum a. d. IV. Non. Quin. L. Sulla (III) cos. sine collega anno MMDCCLXVI AUC.
- Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
Edictum XX. Legati Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de Quaestore Legati Pro Praetore nominando
Edictum XX. Legati Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de Quaestore Legati Pro Praetore nominando
Edictum XX. of Legatus Pro Praetore Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus about appointment of Provincial Quaestor of the Legatus Pro Praetore
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Praetori Jogkörű Kormányzó XX. Rendelete a Kormányzó Provinciai Quaestorának kinevezéséről
I. Ezennel kinevezem Proquaestrix L. Livia Plauta utódjaként Sp. Porcius Gemma Quaestort Pannonia Provincia és a Legatus pro Praetore Quaestorává.
II. Ezen minőségében a provincia quaestorának feladata a provincia kormányzójának általános, teljeskörű és abszolút helyettesítése, teljes fennhatósággal a provincia összes hivatala felett.
III. Ez az Edictum azonnali hatállyal életbe lép.
Kelt, a. u. c. 2765. január 1-jén.
Datum Kal. Jan. Cn. Iulio Caesare C. Tullio Valeriano Germanico consulibus anno MMDCCLXV AUC.
I. I hereby appoint Quaestor Sp. Porcius Gemma as Quaestor of Pannonia Provincia and of the Legatus pro Praetore, succeding Proquaestrix L. Livia Plauta.
II. In this capacity, the duty of the Provincial Quaestor is to act as vicar and first, general deputy for the Legatus Pro Praetore in all and any provincial businesses, with supreme oversight over all provincial offices.
III. This Edictum becomes effective immediately.
Given the 1st of January, 2765 AUC.
Datum Kal. Jan. Cn. Iulio Caesare C. Tullio Valeriano Germanico consulibus anno MMDCCLXV AUC.
Edictum XIX. Legati Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de Praefecto Legati Pro Praetore nominando
Edictum XIX. Legati Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de Praefecto Legati Pro Praetore nominando
Edictum XIX. of Legatus Pro Praetore Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus about appointment of Praefectus Leg. Pr. Pr.
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Praetori Jogkörű Kormányzó XIX. Rendelete Regionális Kormányzóhelyettes (Prefektus) kinevezéséről
I. - Ezennel kinevezem Gaius Villius Vulsót Praefectus Legati Pro Praetore rangba, a következő funkciók ellátására:
I.1. A Kormányzó személyes képviselője Regio Rostallonensisben (a magyarországi Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Megye területén);
I.2. Praefectus Regionis Rostallonsis: Regio Rostallonensis (a magyarországi Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Megye) adminisztrációjának felügyelete;
I.3. Praefectus Cohortis VI Carpathicae: az irányítása alá rendelt Regióban állomásozó Cohortis VI Carpathica parancsnoksága.
II. Különleges kötelezettségek:
II.A. A Legatus Pro Praetore Személyes Képviselője Regio Rostallonensisben (a magyarországi Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Megye területén)
II.A.1. A Legatus Pro Praetore képviselete minden olyan esetben, amikor Nova Roma Pannonia Provinciája ügyének előmozdítására Regio Rostallonensisben (a magyarországi Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Megye területén) lehetőség adódik. Ilyen szerepkörben joga van a Legatus Pro Praetore nevében eljárni, de nem hozhat semmilyen kormányzati döntést a Legatus Pro Praetore felhatalmazása nélkül. Ezen feladat ellátasa érdekében fokozott követelmény a gyors elérhetőség interneten és telefonon, és ha szükséges, a személyes jelenlét biztosítása.
II.A.2. A Legatus Pro Praetore képviselete Regio Rostallonensisben olyan különleges esetekben, amikor a Legatus Pro Praetore külön így rendelkezik. Ilyen szerepkörben joga van a Legatus Pro Praetore nevében eljárni, és önállóan kormányzati döntéseket hozni, de csak és kizárólag abban a külön kérdésben, amelyre a felhatalmazását kapta a Legatus Pro Praetoré-től.
II.B. Regio Rostallonensis (a magyarországi Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Megye) adminisztrációjának felügyelete
II.B.1. A Legatus Pro Praetore képviselete Regio Rostallonensisben;
II.B.2. Regio Rostallonensis területének felügyelete, az odatartozó polgárok képviselete, ügyeinek intézése;
II.B.3. Regio Rostallonensis területére kinevezett tisztviselõk ellenõrzése, koordinálása;
II.B.4. Regio Rostallonensis adminisztrációjával kapcsolatban adott bármely utasításának végrehajtása.
II.C. Az irányítása alá rendelt Regióban állomásozó Cohortis VI Carpathica parancsnoksága
II.C.1. Vezényli és irányítja a Cohors VI Carpathicát mint saját katonai egységét teljes hatáskörrel, felősséggel és függetlenséggel.
II.C.2. Jelentést tesz a Legatus Pro Praetoré-nak saját és Cohorsának működéséről, tevékenységéről.
II.C.3. Kinevezheti a Cohors alárendelt tisztjeit, azonban ajánlatos kinevezésüket a Legatus Pro Praetoré-től kérni, vagy legalább egyeztetni vele a kinevezésekről és előléptetésekről való döntések meghozatala előtt.
III. Általános kötelezettségek:
III.A. Rendszeres elérhetõség interneten, (vagy ha a helyzet megkívánja telefonon). Ennek érdekében legkevesebb hetente válaszolni az e-mailekre.
III.B. Amennyiben a heti elérhetõség nem biztosítható, elõre tájékoztatni a Propraetort magánlevélben vagy levelezõlistán keresztül a távolmaradás idõpontjáról.
IV. Ez az Edictum azonnali hatállyal életbe lép.
Kelt, a. u. c. 2764. október 8-án.
Datum a.d. VIII Id. Oct. P. Ullerio Stephano Venatore C. Equitio Catone consulibus anno MMDCCLXIV AUC.
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
I. I hereby appoint Gaius Villius Vulso to the rank of Praefectus Legati Pro Praetore to fulfill the following functions:
I.1. Personal Representative of the Governor in Regio Rostallonensis (the area of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County of Hungary);
I.2. Praefectus Regionis Rostallonsis: Superior of the administration of Regio Rostallonensis (the area of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County of Hungary);
I.3. Praefectus Cohortis VI Carpathicae: Commander of Cohors VI Carpathica, stationed in his assigned Regio.
II. Special Obligations:
II.A. Personal Representative of the Governor in Regio Rostallonensis (the area of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County of Hungary);
II.A.1. Representation of the Legatus Pro Praetore in any case when there is an occasion to promote the Nova Roman province of Pannonia in Regio Rostallonensis (the area of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County of Hungary). In this role, he has right to act in the name of the Legatus Pro Praetore, but cannot make any governmental decision without the authorization of the Legatus Pro Praetore. For the sake of these duties quick accessibility on internet, by phone, and if necessary, personal presence are a high requirement.
II.A.2. Representation of the Legatus Pro Praetore in Regio Rostallonensis in special cases when it is ordered by the Legatus Pro Praetore. In this role, he has the right to act in the name of the Legatus Pro Praetore, and can make governmental decisions independently, but only in that special matter to which he has given this authorization from the Legatus Pro Praetore.
II.B. Superior of the administration of Regio Rostallonensis (Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County of Hungary)
II.B.1. Representation of the Legatus Pro Praetore in Regio Rostallonensis;
II.B.2. Control of the Regio Rostallonensis, representation and administration of the Nova Roman citizens of this Regio;
II.B.3. Supervision and coordination of the officers appointed in the territory of Regio Rostallonensis;
II.B.4. Execution of any orders concerning the administration of Regio Rostallonensis given by the Legatus Pro Praetore.
II.C. Commander of Cohors VI Carpathica, stationed in his assigned Regio.
II.C.1. He shall lead and manage the Cohors VI Carpathica as his military unit with full power, responsibility and independence.
II.C.2. He shall report about his and his cohors' activities to the Legatus Pro Praetore.
II.C.3. He can appoint the subordinate officers of the cohors, but it is recommended to request their appointment from the Legatus Pro Praetore, or, at least to discuss it before making a decision about appointments or promotions.
III. General Obligations:
III.A. Regular accessibility on internet, (or, if the situation requires, by phone). For the sake of this cause, to answer the e-mails, weekly at least.
III.B. In so far as the weekly accessibility cannot be warranted, to inform the Legatus Pro Praetore in a privat message or on the Provincial Mailinglist about the date of the absence.
IV. This Edictum becomes effective immediately.
Given the 8th of October, 2764 AUC.
Datum a.d. VIII Id. Oct. P. Ullerio Stephano Venatore C. Equitio Catone consulibus anno MMDCCLXIV AUC.
Edictum XVIII. Legati Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de Regione Rostallonensi creanda
Edictum XVIII. Legati Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de Regione Rostallonensi creanda
Edictum XVIII. of Legatus Pro Praetore Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus about creating Regio Rostallonensis.
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Praetori Jogkörű Kormányzó XVIII. Rendelete Regio Rostallonensis létrehozásáról
I. Ezennel létrehozom és megalakítom Provincia Pannonia Regio Rostallonensis elnevezésű új adminisztratív kerületét, mely a magyarországi Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Megye területéből és nova római polgáraiból áll, és a nova római burgus Rostallo köré szerveződik.
II. A Regiót a Praefectus Regionis kormányozza, akit a Kormányzó nevez ki.
III. Ez az Edictum azonnali hatállyal életbe lép.
Kelt, a. u. c. 2764. október 8-án.
Datum a.d. VIII Id. Oct. P. Ullerio Stephano Venatore C. Equitio Catone consulibus anno MMDCCLXIV AUC.
I. I hereby establish and create Regio Rostallonensis as an administrative subdivision of Provincia Pannonia, consisting the area and of the Nova Roman citizens of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County of Hungary, and centered around the Nova Roman burgus Rostallo.
II. The Regio shall be governed by the Praefectus Regionis, appointed by the Governor.
III. This Edictum becomes effective immediately.
Given the 8th of October, 2764 AUC.
Datum a.d. VIII Id. Oct. P. Ullerio Stephano Venatore C. Equitio Catone consulibus anno MMDCCLXIV AUC.
Edictum XVII. Legati Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de burgo Rostallone condendo
Edictum XVII. Legati Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de
burgo Rostallone condendo
Edictum XVII. of Legatus Pro Praetore Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus about founding burgus Rostallo.
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Praetori Jogkörű Kormányzó XVII. Rendelete Rostallo burgus alapításáról
I. Rostallo burgus alapítása
I.A. Ezennel létrehozom és megalapítom Nova Roma Rostallo burgusát a Cohors VI Carpathicának és civil kíséretének állandó állomáshelyéül. Rostallo burgus a magyarok számára Rostallóként ismert területen római katonai hagyományőrzést művelő polgárok helyi pannóniai nova római közössége.
I.B. E helyi közösség megnevezése "burgus", mely elsődleges természetére hivatott utalni mint a Cohors VI Carpathica hagyományőrző katonai állomáshelye civil jelenléttel, de a távlati terv az, hogy a jövőben rendes coloniává vagy municipiummá fejlődjék.
I.C. Ezen edictumnak a burgus létrehozásával nem szándéka, hogy ütközzék a lex Fabia de oppidis et municipiis rendelkezéseivel, és nem támaszt igényt más jogosultságokra vagy kiváltságokra a burgus polgárai számára, mint amit alapvető polgári jogaik biztosanak a gyülekezésre és belső szabályokkal rendelkező magánjellegű csoportosulások alapítására.
II. Szállásjog
II.A. Tartós szállásjogot kap automatikusan Cohors VI Carpathica minden hagyományőrző katonája, aki nova római polgárjoggal rendelkezik.
II.B. Tartós szállásjog kérvényezés útján nyitva áll minden nova római polgár előtt, aki Rostalló 50 km-es körzetén belül él.
II.C. Ideiglenes burgus szállásjogot kap automatikusan ott tartózkodásának idejére minden nova római polgár, aki Rostalló területén állomásozik.
III. Igazgatás
III.A. A burgus parancsnoka és feje a Praefectus Cohortis VI Carpathicae.
III.B. A Praefectus az egyedüli végső döntéshozó és ő felelős mindenért a burguson belül.
III.C. A Praefectus tetszés szerinti számban nevezhet ki katonai vagy civil tisztségviselőket, ahogy azt a burgus igazgatásához és működtetéséhez szükségesnek ítéli, de a kinevezettek címeit a Legatus Pro Praetore által jóvá kell hagyatni.
IV. Ez az Edictum azonnali hatállyal életbe lép.
Kelt, a. u. c. 2764. október 8-án.
Datum a.d. VIII Id. Oct. P. Ullerio Stephano Venatore C. Equitio Catone consulibus anno MMDCCLXIV AUC.
I. Foundation of burgus Rostallo
I.A. I hereby establish and found burgus Rostallo of Nova Roma as the permanent station of the Cohors VI Carpathica and its civilian attendance. Burgus Rostallo shall be the Nova Roman Pannonian local community of citizens focusing on Roman military reenactment at the area known for the Hungarians as Rostalló.
I.B. The definition of this local community is "burgus", which indicates its primary nature as a reenactor military station of the Cohors VI Carpathica with civilian presence, but with the intention of development into a colonia or municipium in the future.
I.C. This edictum, by establishing a burgus, does not intend to interfere with the lex Fabia de oppidis et municipiis, and does not claim any rights or privilages for the citizens of this burgus other than their basic civil right to assemble and form any private groups with internal rules.
II. Residentship
II.A. Permanent residentship in burgus Rostallo is automativally given to all reenactor soldiers of the Cohors VI Carpathica who are Nova Roman citizens.
II.B. Permanent residentship in burgus Rostallo is open upon request to Nova Roman citizens living within 50 km distance from Rostalló.
II.C. Temporary burgus residentship is automativally given to any Nova Roman citizen who is being stationed in the area of Rostalló for the duration of time while he is stationed in the burgus.
III. Administration
III.A. The commander and head of the burgus is the Praefectus Cohortis VI Carpathicae.
III.B. The Praefectus is the sole final decion maker and he is responsible for everything within the burgus.
III.C. The Praefectus can appoint any number of military or civilian officers that he deems necessary to the administration and management of the burgus, but the titles of the appointees must be approved by the Legatus Pro Praetore.
IV. This Edictum becomes effective immediately.
Given the 8th of October, 2764 AUC.
Datum a.d. VIII Id. Oct. P. Ullerio Stephano Venatore C. Equitio Catone consulibus anno MMDCCLXIV AUC.
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
Edictum XVI. Cn. Lentulus legati pro praetore Pannoniae de scriba amittendo
I. I hereby dismiss my scriba P. Vestricius Spurinna.
II. Effective immediately.
Datum: ad XI Kal Iun (May 22) P. Ullerio C Equitio COSS
Cn. Lentulus
Edictum XIV. Legati Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de proquaestrice
Edictum XIV. Legati Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de proquaestrice
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Praetori Jogkörű Kormányzó XIV. Edictuma Proquaestrix kinevezéséről
I. - Ezennel kinevezem most leköszönő provinciai quaestrixemet, _Lucia Livia Plautát_ Provinciai Proquaestrixszé , rangelső helyettesemmé .
II. - A Proquaestor (Proquaestrix) ugyanazt a tisztséget, rangot, ugyanazokat a jogokat és kötelezettségeket birtokolja mint a Provinciai Quaestor (Quaestrix) és a provincia Kormányzóhelyettese és teljes jogú képvisleője.
III. - Ez az Edictum azonnali hatállyal életbe lép.
Kelt MMDCCLXIII. Január 1.
Datum est Kal. Ian. P. Memmio Albucio K. Fabio Buteoni Quintiliano consulibus, anno MMDCCLXIII. AUC.
Edictum XIV. Legati Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de proquaestrice
Edictum XIV. of Legatus Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelius Lentulus about a proquaestrix
I. - I hereby appoint _Lucia Livia Plauta former Provincial Quaestrix and Legata_ as Proquaestrix Legati Pro Praetore Pannoniae to be my first vicar and deputy in the province.
II. - The Proquaestor (Proquaestrix) has the same rights and obligations as the Provincial Quaestor (Quaestrix) and is Assistant Governor and the Governor's deputy and vicar with full rights.
III. - This Edictum becomes effective immediately.
Given the 1st of January, anno MMDCCLXIII. AUC.
Datum est Kal. Ian. P. Memmio Albucio K. Fabio Buteoni Quintiliano consulibus, anno MMDCCLXIII. AUC.
Edictum XII. Legati Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de annis sacris millennaribus Pannoniae
PREAMBLE The Roman province of Pannonia was established between 9 and 10 CE. In the year 9 CE, the legions of Imperator Caesar Augustus conquered Pannonia, so Pannonia Provincia now celebrates the 2000th anniversary of its foundation. As governor of the Nova Roman Provincia Pannonia, I declare the years 2762-2763 AUC (2009-2010) the MILLENNIAL JUBELEE YEARS OF THE 2000th ANNIVERSARY OF PANNONIA.
Edictum XII. Legati Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de annis sacris millennaribus Pannoniae
Edictum XI. of Legatus Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelius Lentulus about the Millennial Jubilee Years of the 2000th Anniversary of Pannonia:
I. - I hereby officially declare the years 2762-2763 AUC (2009-2010) the MILLENNIAL JUBELEE YEARS OF THE 2000th ANNIVERSARY OF PANNONIA.
II. - During these Jubilee Years celebration, promotion and study of the Roman province of Pannonia, its history, especially its founding is a high priority in the provincial activities.
III. - The provincial priests shall perform rituals for the Nova Roman Provincia Pannonia on every Kalends.
IV. - Additional rituals will be required according to the possibilities, including some big public celebrations.
VI. - This Edictum becomes effective immediately.
Given the 1st of January, anno MMDCCLXII. AUC. In the 2000th year of Pannonia.
Datum est Kal. Ian. M. Curiatio Complutense et M. Iulio Sabino consulibus, anno MMDCCLXII. AUC. Anno 2000. Pannoniae.
Edictum XI. Legati Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de Legatis et una Scriba nominandis et promovendis
In my birthday, the 30th May, I issue this edict to honour my fellow citizens who are working so hard for Pannonia.
Edictum XI. Legati Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de Legatis et una Scriba nominandis et promovendis
Edictum XI. of Legatus Pro Praetore Cn. Cornelius Lentulus about preferments and appointments of Legates of the Legatus Pro Praetore and Scibes:
I. - I hereby elevate _Lucia Livia Plauta_ as Legata Legati Pro Praetore Pannoniae to be my first vicar and deputy in the province.
II. - I hereby elevate _Lucia Laelia Laeta Scaevola_ as Legata Legati Pro Praetore Pannoniae to be my vicar and deputy in the province.
III. - I hereby elevate _Quintus Arrius Nauta_ as 2nd Rank Scriba Legati Pro Praetore Pannoniae, to be my assisitant and to administer the province.
IV. - I hereby appoint _Tita Popillia Laenas_ as 3rd Rank Scriba Legati Pro Praetore Pannoniae, to be my assistant and to administer the province.
V. - Further details abot the duties and powers of these officials shall be described by another Edictum.
VI. - This Edictum becomes effective immediately.
Given the 30th of May, anno MMDCCLXI. AUC.
Datum est a.d. III Kal. Iun. M. Moravio Piscino et T. Iulio Sabino consulibus, anno MMDCCLXI. AUC.
Edictum XI. Legati Pro Praetore Gnaei Cornelii Lentuli de Scriba Legati Pro Praetore nominando
Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus, Legatus Pro Praetore XI. Edictuma Alkormányzók és Kormányzói Titkártok előléptetéséről és kinevezéséről:
I. - Ezennel előléptetem _Lucia Livia Plautát_ Legata Legati Pro Praetore Pannoniae-vé, mint elsőszámú helyettesem és képviselőm a provinciában.
II. - Ezennel előléptetem _Lucia Laelia Laeta Scaevolát_ Legata Legati Pro Praetore Pannoniae-vé, mint helyettesem és képviselőm a provinciában.
III. - Ezennel előléptetem _Quintus Arrius Nautát_ 2. Rangosztályú Scriba Legati Pro Praetore Pannoniae-vé, hogy alárendelt hivatalnokomké nt segítsen a provincia kormányzásában.
IV. - Ezennel kinevezem _Tita Popillia Laenast_ 3. Rangosztályú Scriba Legati Pro Praetore Pannoniae-vé, hogy alárendelt hivatalnokomként segítsen a provincia kormányzásában.
V. - További részletek ezen tisztségviselők feladatait illetően egy következő Edictumban kerülnek meghatározásra.
VI. - Ez az Edictum azonnali hatállyal életbe lép.
A. u. c. 2761. május 30.
Datum est a.d. III Kal. Iun. M. Moravio Piscino et T. Iulio Sabino consulibus, anno MMDCCLXI. AUC.
Edictum X. Legati Pro Praetore Gnaei Cornelii Lentuli de Scriba Legati Pro Praetore nominando
EDICTUM X. LEGATI PRO PRAETORE PANNONIAE Edictum X. Legati Pro Praetore Gnaei Cornelii Lentuli de Scriba Legati Pro Praetore nominando Edictum X. of Legatus Pro Praetore Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus about appointment of Scriba Legati Pro Praetore:
I. - I hereby appoint _Quintus Arrius Nauta_ as a 4th Rank Scriba Legati Pro Praetore Pannoniae to moderate the mailinglist of Pannonia, to create a new Provincial Website and Forum, to help the Legatus Pro Praetore in any matter concerning information technology in the businesses of Provincia Pannonia.
II. - This Edictum becomes effective immediately.
Given the 18th of October, anno MMDCCLX. AUC.
Datum est a.d. XV Kal. Nov. Ti. Galerio Paulino L. Arminio Fausto consulibus, anno MMDCCLX. AUC.
Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus
EDICTUM X. LEGATI PRO PRAETORE PANNONIAE Edictum X. Legati Pro Praetore Gnaei Cornelii Lentuli de Scriba Legati Pro Praetore nominando Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus, Legatus Pro Praetore X. Edictuma Kormányzó Titkár kinevezésérõl:
I. - Ezennel kinevezem _Quintus Arrius Nautát_ !. rangosztályú Scriba Legati Pro Praetore Pannoniae-vá a pannoniai mailinglista igazgatásának, egy provinciai honlap és forum szerkesztésének feladatával, valamint hogy segítse a Legatus Pro Praetoré-t bármely nova római vonatkozású informatikai kérdésben.
II. - Ez az Edictum azonnali hatállyal életbe lép.
Given the 18th of October, anno MMDCCLX. AUC.
Datum est a.d. XV Kal. Nov. Ti. Galerio Paulino L. Arminio Fausto consulibus, anno MMDCCLX. AUC.
Edictum IX. Legati Pro Praetore Gnaei Cornelii Lentuli de Scriba Legati Pro Praetore nominanda
Edictum IX. Legati Pro Praetore Gnaei Cornelii Lentuli de Scriba Legati Pro Praetore nominanda:
Edictum IX. of Legatus Pro Praetore Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus about appointment of Scriba Legati Pro Praetore
I. - I hereby appoint _Lucia Livia Plauta_ to the 2nd rank Scriba Legati Pro Praetore Pannoniae to fulfill the following functions:
- Special Obligations:
Personal Representative of the Governor
1) a) Representation of the Legatus Pro Praetore in any case when there is an occasion to promote the Nova Roman province of Pannonia. In this role, she has right to act in the name of the Legatus Pro Praetore, but cannot make any governmental decision without the authorization of the Legatus Pro Praetore. For the sake of these duties quick accessibility on internet, by phone, and if necessary, personal presence are a high requirement.
b) Representation of the Legatus Pro Praetore in special cases when it is ordered by the Legatus Pro Praetore. In this role, she has the right to act in the name of the Legatus Pro Praetore, and can make governmental decisions independently, but only in that special matter to which she has given this authorization from the Legatus Pro Praetore.
Italian Interpreter of the Governor
2) Spoken and written interpretation and translation from Hungarian to Italian and from Italian to Hungarian if Legatus Pro Praetore needs it.
- General Obligations
3) a) Regular accessibility on internet, (or, if the situation requires, by phone). For the sake of this cause, to answer the e-mails, weekly at least.
b) In so far as the weekly accessibility cannot be warranted, to inform the Legatus Pro Praetore in a privat message or on the Provincial Mailinglist about the date of the absence.
II. - This Edictum becomes effective immediately.
Given the 17th of October, 2760 AUC.
Datum est a.d. XVI Kal. Nov. L. Arminio Fausto Ti. Galerio Paulino consulibus anno MMDCCLX AUC.
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
Edictum IX. Legati Pro Praetore Gnaei Cornelii Lentuli de Scriba Legati Pro Praetore nominanda:
Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus, Pannonia Kormányzója IX. Edictuma Kormányzói Titkár kinevezéséről:
I. - Ezennel kinevezem_Lucia Livia Plautát_ 2. rangosztályú Scriba Legati Pro Praetoré-vé, a következő funkciók ellátására:
- Különleges kötelezettségek:
A Legatus Pro Praetore Személyes Képviselője
1) a) A Legatus Pro Praetore képviselete minden olyan esetben, amikor Nova Roma Pannonia Provinciája ügyének előmozdítására lehetőség adódik. Ilyen szerepkörben joga van a Legatus Pro Praetore nevében eljárni, de nem hozhat semmilyen kormányzati döntést a Legatus Pro Praetore felhatalmazása nélkül. Ezen feladat ellátasa érdekében fokozott követelmény a gyors elérhetőség interneten és telefonon, és ha szükséges, a személyes jelenlét biztosítása. b) A Legatus Pro Praetore képviselete olyan különleges esetekben, amikor a Legatus Pro Praetore külön így rendelkezik. Ilyen szerepkörben joga van a Legatus Pro Praetore nevében eljárni, és önállóan kormányzati döntéseket hozni, de csak és kizárólag abban a külön kérdésben, amelyre a felhatalmazását kapta a Legatus Pro Praetoré-től.
A Kormányzó Olasz Tolmácsa
2) Szóbeli és írásbeli tolmácsolás és fordítás magyarról olaszra és olaszról magyarra, ha a Legatus Pro Praetore igényli.
- Általános kötelezettségek:
3) a) Rendszeres elérhetõség interneten, (vagy ha a helyzet megkívánja telefonon). Ennek érdekében legkevesebb hetente válaszolni az e-mailekre. b) Amennyiben a heti elérhetõség nem biztosítható, elõre tájékoztatni a Propraetort magánlevélben vagy levelezõlistán keresztül a távolmaradás idõpontjáról.
II. - Ez az Edictum azonnali hatállyal életbe lép.
Kelt, a. u. c. 2760.október 17-én.
Datum est a.d. XVI Kal. Nov. L. Arminio Fausto Ti. Galerio Paulino consulibus anno MMDCCLX AUC.
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
Edictum VIII Propraetoris Gnaei Cornelii Lentuli de Scriba Propraetoris nominanda
Edictum VIII Propraetoris Gnaei Cornelii Lentuli de Scriba Propraetoris nominanda:
Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus propraetor VIII. Edictuma kormányzói titkár kinevezéséről:
I. - Ezennel kinevezem_Lucia Laelia Laeta Scaevolát_ 2. rangosztályú Scriba Propraetoris-szá, a következő funkciók ellátására:
A Propraetor Személyi Titkára
- Különleges kötelezettségek:
1) a) A Propraetor feladatainak és szervezési tevékenységének közvetlen, személyes segítése, és tanácsadás. Ennek érdekében fokozott követelmény a gyors elérhetőség interneten és telefonon, és ha szükséges, a személyes jelenlét biztosítása. b) Az 1. ragosztályú Scriba Propraetoris helyettesítése, annak akadályoztatása esetén minden funkciójának ellátása. c) A Propraetor Pannónia adminisztrációjával kapcsolatban adott bármely utasításának végrehajtása.
- Általános kötelezettségek:
2) a) Rendszeres elérhetõség interneten, (vagy ha a helyzet megkívánja telefonon). Ennek érdekében legkevesebb hetente válaszolni az e-mailekre. b) Amennyiben a heti elérhetõség nem biztosítható, elõre tájékoztatni a Propraetort magánlevélben vagy levelezõlistán keresztül a távolmaradás idõpontjáról.
II. - Ez az Edictum a. u. c. 2760. július 1-jei hatállyal lép életbe.
Kelt, a. u. c. 2760. június 30-án.
Datum est pridie Kal. Quintiles L. Arminio Fausto Ti. Galerio Paulino consulibus anno MMDCCLX AUC.
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
Edictum VIII Propraetoris Gnaei Cornelii Lentuli de Scriba Propraetoris nominanda:
Edictum VIII. of Propraetor Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus about appointment of Scriba Propraetoris
I. - I hereby appoint _Lucia Laelia Laeta Scaevola_ to the 2nd rank Scriba Propraetoris Pannoniae to fulfill the following functions:
Personal Secretary of the Governor
- Special Obligations:
1) a) Immediate help and direct furtherance of the work and organizational activity of the Propraetor and advisory service. For the sake of these duties quick accessibility on internet, by phone, and if necessary, personal presence are a high requirement.
b) Acting as a vicar for the 1st Rank Scriba Propraetoris, and in the case of incapacitation of the 1st Rank Scriba Propraetoris, fulfilling his every function.
c) Execution of any order concerning the administration of the whole Pannonia given by the Propraetor
- General Obligations
2) a) Regular accessibility on internet, (or, if the situation requires, by phone). For the sake of this cause, to answer the e-mails, weeklyat least
b) In so far as the weekly accessibility cannot be warranted, to inform the Propraetor in a privat message or on the Provincial Mailinglist about the date of the absence
II.- This Edictum becomes effective on the 1st of July, 2760 AUC.
Given the 30th of June, 2760 AUC
Datum est pridie Kal. Quintiles L. Arminio Fausto Ti. Galerio Paulino consulibus anno MMDCCLX AUC.
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
Edictum VII Propraetoris Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de Websitu Temporario Provinciae Pannoniae
Edictum VII Propraetoris Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de Websitu Temporario Provinciae Pannoniae: Edictum VII of Propraetor Cn. Cornelius Lentulus about the Temporary Provincial Website of Pannonia:
I. - I hereby establish the following website to be the Temporary Provincial Website of Pannonia:
and with that the present official website
is replaced.
II. - The Temporary Provincial Website will be the provincial website of Pannonia until the ordinary one will reach completion.
III. - This Edictum becomes effective immediately.
Given the 15th of June, MMDCCLIX. AUC
Datum est ante diem XVII Kal. Quinctiles C. Fabio Buteone Poompeja Minucia Strabone consulibus
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
Edictum VI Propraetoris Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de Summo Sacerdote Provinciae nominando
Edictum VI Propraetoris Cn. Cornelii Lentuli de Summo Sacerdote Provinciae nominando: Edictum VI of Propraetor Cn. Cornelius Lentulus about appointment of Supreme Provincial Sacerdos:
Because Pannonia Provincia does not have other person with satisfying skills and dedication regarding the Religio Romana, and because the practice of other provinciae is permitting that Provincial Sacerdotium and Governorship can be filled by the same person, and because the religious development of Pannonia requires the establishment of the local priesthood:
I. - I hereby appoint myself _Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus_ as Summus Sacerdos Provinciae Pannoniae to fulfill the following functions:
- Special Obligations
1) To lead and supervise the religious life of Pannonia, 2) conduct public sacrificies, odbserve the religious festivities, 3) promote the Religio Romana in Pannonia. 4) All these activities have to act upon the prescriptions and authoprity of the central religious government.
- Universal Obligations
1) Regular accesibility on internet, (or, if the situation requires, by phone). For the sake of this cause, to answer the e-mails, weeklyat least. 2) In so far as the weekly accessibility cannot be warranted, to inform the citizenry of Pannonia on the Provincial Mailinglist about the date of the absence.
II.- This Edictum becomes effective the 1st of January, 2759 AUC.
Given the 30th of December, MMDCCLVIII. AUC
Datum est ante diem III Kal. Ianuarias Fr. Apulo Caesare C. Popillio Laenate consulibus
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
Edictum V Propraetoris Gnaei Cornelii Lentuli de Relatione Annuali Provinciae Pannoniae
Edictum V Propraetoris Gnaei Cornelii Lentuli de Relatione Annuali Provinciae Pannoniae: Edictum V of Propraetor Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus about the Annual Provincial Report of Pannonia Provincia:
I. - I, as the Propraetor of the Pannonian Province of the Nova Roman People, hereby report the Senate and People of Nova Roma from the annual situation of my Provincia, Pannonia, by this Edictum.
II. - This Edictum serves to inform not only the Senate but also the Peolpe of Nova Roma of the life of Pannonia Provincia, therefore it has to be published on the Nova Roma Announce and the main mailinglist of Nova Roma so that every citizen can be informed because Pannonia is one of the least known province of Nova Roma.
III. - The Propraetor is responsible for all details of the Report and has to answer any question and provide further information if asked regarding this Report.
IV. - This Edictum contains below the Annulal Provincial Report of Pannonia Provincia which was written as a letter to the Senate and People of Nova Roma.
Datum est ante diem Kal. Decembres Fr. Apulo Caesare C. Popillio Laenate consulibus
Given the 1st of December, anno MMDCCLVIII. AUC
Letter to the Senate and People of Nova Roma
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, Propraetor of Pannonia, salutes the Consuls, the Praetors, the Tribunes of the Plebs, the Senate and the People of Nova Roma.
Esteemed Consuls, Fr. Apulus and C. Laenas, and Honoured Senators,
I. 1) As the Governor of Your Provincia in Pannonia, I have the duty to make the annual report of the provincia. It is a great pleasure to me, because I can demonstrate to You, Patres Conscripti, that Pannonia has developed so much, and in a good way since we started its reorganization in this April. We have a whale of things to do still, but the grounds of the Romanization are already done with this year -- and this is the most important event in the life of our Pannonia till now.
2) Pannonia Provincia was restored by the decision of the Senate and People of Nova Roma on November 15th 2752 A.U.C. (1999) during the consulate of L. Cornelius Sulla and Decius Iunius Palladius. The province includes the two regions of Pannonia Inferior (Slovakia) and Pannonia Superior (Hungary), in those times goverened by separate Legates. Since March 15th 2754 A.U.C. (2001) there was established a Civitas Bohemiae (Czech Republic) associated with the province and governed by Praefectus Civitatum. The first Propraetor was Alexander Iulius Caesar Probus Macedonicus (01 Jan 2000 - 27 Feb 2002), the second C. Marcius Coriolanus (27 Feb 2002 - 12 Mar 2004). In this period our provincia developed almost only in Slovakia, though the number of the citizens was about 30-35, but these citizens were mostly just passive.
II. 1) After the resignation of Propraetor C. Marcius, Pannonia did not have governor and all its activity let up. This miserable situation ended on April 1st of this year when I was appointed as Propraetor of Pannonia by You. I had some friends with whom I had founded a little group called "Consociatio Hungarica Ad Rem Romanam Reficiundam" and with some of these friends I started in on reorganizing the provincia. Unfortunately from these old 30-35 cititens I couldn't find anyone who would responded to my insistently sent messages, only Alexander Iulius Caesar Probus Macedonicus ex-senator, ex-proparetor; C. Marcius Coriolanus ex-propraetor; and finally, Tib. Petrus Bellangus citizen. Alexander Probus however resigned from Nova Roma and disapeared. C. Marcius said he wanted to be only a passive citizen for the time being. Only Tiberius Petrus Bellangus helped me from the old citizens.
2) From the new citizens who came with me into Nova Roma I appointed C. Laelia Laeta as Scriba Propraetoris 1st Rank Official. She is a very helpful and dedicated citizen but does not send messages frequently to the main mailinglist of Nova Roma. With my friends the number of the citizens was augmented to 40 or so.
3) Then I apponted Tib. Petrus Bellangus as my Scriba Propraetoris who controls Slovakia and the Czech Republic in general. I myself am Hungarian and with Laelia Laeta I personally control Hungary. I appointed Sex. Lucilius Tutor as Scriba Propraetoris to control the Czech Republic under the guidance of Tib. Petrus Bellangus as his superior. Sex. Lucilius send messages to the main list from time to time and he is good man, but doesn't do may things for this reorganization. The long distance between Hungary and the Czech Republic impedes me to do much for the Romanization of that area. And, being the only active citizen in the Czech Republic, I was constrained to appoint him.
4) As You could see, Patres Conscripti, what kind of administration I have created in Pannonia -- even if it's temporary because we have many of prospective citizens who did not still register themselves in Nova Roma but during our annual programs they expressed their intention to join in, and these future citizens are involved in our real life activities, so I know there are some of them who will be appointed as Scriba, Legate, Procurator and so on -- I come to the point of the activities, events and developments of the year.
III. 1) Firstly, we have established a provincial mailinglist I invite You with pleasure to visit it and join in if they are interested:
This became a quite active mailinglist, we have several discussion in Hungarian, but with the Czech Sex. Lucilius Tutor and with other non-Hungarian members of the list we discuss in English. Some Latin appears from time to time. This mailinglist is the main base of the communication with Slovakian and the Czech regions, but we, in Hungary, keep the contact personally or by phone as usual.
2) The other important step of the initial times was the creation of an official Pannonian Nova Roma Website. It's done, too: (Please visit:)
This website is also temporary, we want to have a site, with a much more beautiful design. The English translation of the site is under way.
3) These are, Esteemed Consuls and Patres Conscripti, the first steps in the developing the virtual base of the Nova Roman Pannonia Province. Let the report continue now with the real life events.
IV. 1) Before I was apponted as Propraetor I had had a good relationship with Italia Provincia, especially with Praetor M. Iulius Perusianus, then Aedilis Curulis; and the Propraetor of Italia, Aedilis Plebis M' Constantinus Serapio who informed me of everything important about Nova Roma and last year I met M. Iulius in Rome when we discussed about the restoration of Pannonia. When I was appointed Propraetor, on these grounds I started the work with my friends to bring to life our province. We met every second week as usual and planned our future projects. We sought a reenactment group we can grow the number of the citizens with and get help in our work. And in the beginning of the summer, we found it: the "Gladius" Roman and Sarmata Historical Reenactment Association, leaded Mr. János Tokai, with his unofficial Roman name (because he is not citizen yet) M. Caecilius Metellus.
2) Nova Roma Pannonia and the Gladius Association worked out a good project of an Roman Summer Camp in which people who aren't memebers of neither of the organizations can participate by fee. We rent a camp in Szolnok city, Hungary, and buit a Roman "castrum" after ancient sources. Tib. Fabricius, one of the Gladius Association, made Roman armours (lorica segmentata) from cartboard, but with such an artifice that You cannot notice they are from cardboard when You look the photos on our website! The Szolnok Roman Camp was taken from 17 July to 23 July. I can state it was really fantastic and had a great success. As the Propraetor of the Provincia I opened the program with an Latin speach, which was interpreted by M. Caecilius Metellus, tribunus militaris of his reenactor cardboard-legion, the XXIth Rapax. We performanced some battles, gladiatorial combats, Roman dinners. Outsider children who participated by fee have gained a military training conducted by centurio Fabricius and myself. There was held a Mithras ritual (look at the photo) and a prayer to Iuppiter offerred by me. The regional television channel and the local press were present in this event which was very important for our promotion. Please look at these very nice pictures made in the Szolnok Roman Camp, our first demonstration:
We will place little descriptions under the photos: it's under way. In the pictures you can see me in the white toga, centurio Fabricius, the old and the young Metellus, my scribe Laelia Laeta, my lictor Laelius, the legionar children, and some barbarians too. So welcome in the living New Pannonia!
2) After this Szolnok Roman Camp, Pannonia Provincia together with the Gladius Association have participated in the biggest Roman Reenactment Festival in Europe: the Ludi Savarienses, Savaria-Games, on 26-27-28 August, held in the ancient Roman Savaria, now the Hungarian city Szombathely. We preparate ourselves very well to this demonstration. We have made throwaways about Nova Roma and Pannonia Provincia to introduce ourselves in this grandiose festival and to gain more new members. You can see pictures from the Ludi Savarienses with Nova Roma Pannonia here: (Please have a look at these gorgeous photos:)
In this event we met some Italian Nova Romans and I have talked long with Q. Fabius Allectus, now Quaestor Candidate. This was the first Inter-Pannonian meeting too, because there was present Tib. Petrus Bellangus my Scriba for the Slovakian Region and his girlfriend. So: with Italian, Hungarian and Slovakian Nova Romans it was a little second "Conventus Novae Romae" of Central Europe, while the real Conventus ran in Rome. In 27 August we celebrated our provincial feast by a great ritual to the all gods and godess of Rome giving thanks for the Roman Rebirth and prayin them in order to help us in the restoration of Rome.
3) In the beginning of September we have participated in another program of Szolnok city on the fundation day of the city. We have held a little military and civil clothes demonstration and a passage of arms and distributed our Nova Roman throwaways. Some photos made but not placed on the website still.
4) Since I have returned to the university I have made efforts to gain new members from the Latin Department (where I graduate student) and from the whole university. Some of our citizens frequent this university so we can usually meet. We hold every second week a little meeting and from time to time a little scientific session where one of us give a lecture on a Roman subject and then we discuss about. I have started to organize an Egressus Club according to the Go Roman Project, but this is in a very inchoative stage for the time being. I have to make contact with the Go Roman staff and so on.
5) We are making a website too, where the authentic way of drapping the toga will be explained with photos and descriptions. This will be a great help for all the reenactors because it will be very detailed and accurate with more than 30 picture of each step of the drapping.
5) These were our main activities this year, Patres Conscripti, I hope this demonstrates we worked hardly any have met with great success. There are however -- and I am fully aware of this -- many things to do and I can promise only more and more hard work. We have good relationship with Italia Provincia, Dacia Provincia and Venedia Provincia. The only problem in our province that the most of our citizens can't speak English and so cannot represent themselves on the main mailinglist of Nova Roma: I look for people with English knowledge. We also have the intention to register Nova Roma Pannonia as a legal person in Hungary to be able to gain subventions from the State.
V. Esteemed Consul Fr. Apulus and C. Popillius; Praetor M. Iulius and L. Arminius; Honoured Senators, I have arrived to the end of the Annual Report of Pannonia Provincia. I hope You are content with this Report but if You have any question or doubt, I am ready to answer to You as I am the servant of the Senate and the People of the New Rome, promagistrate of the Republic. Please forgive me for my bad English: I would gladly write this Report in Latin, the language of Rome, but our times in which we do live don't favour the language of our ancestors: we have the duty to change these times. Therefore I pray the gods for protect our Republic and expand the Romanitas through all the world as well as in our Pannonia, wishing that it become the pride of Nova Roma someday.
Cnaeus Cornelius Lentulus,
Propraetor Provinciae Pannoniae
Accensus Consulis Fr. Apuli Caesaris
Scriba Aedilis Curulis L. Iulii Sullae
Scriba Interpretis Linguae Latinae Tulliae Scholasticae Senior
Scriba Magistri Araneari C. Minuci Scaevolae Iunior
Sodalis Sodalitatis Latinitatis
Latinista, Classicus Philologus
Edictum IV Propraetoris Cnaei Cornelii Lentuli de Scriba Propraetoris nominando
Edictum IV Propraetoris Cnaei Cornelii Lentuli de Scriba Propraetoris nominando: Edictum IV of Propraetor Cnaeus Cornelius Lentulus about appointment of Scriba Propraetoris:
I. - I hereby appoint _Sextus Lucilius Tutor_ as
Scriba Propraetoris Pannoniae to fulfill the following
Superior of the administration of the Czech Republic
- Special Obligations:
1) a) Representation of the Propraetor in the Czech Republic
b) Control of the Czech Republic, representation and administration of the Novaroman citizens of this region
c) Furtherance of the communication of the nations of the Provincia; Slovakian and Czech translation
d) Execution of any orders concerning the administration of the Czech Republic given by the Propraetor and by the Scriba Propraetoris in higher rank
- Universal Obligations
a) Regular accesibility on internet, (or, if the situation requires, by phone). For the sake of this cause, to answer the e-mails, weeklyat least
b) In so far as the weekly accessibility cannot be warranted, to inform the Propraetor in a privat message or on the Provincial Mailinglist about the date of the absence
II.- This Edictum becomes effective immediately.
Given the 25th of July, anno MMDCCLVIII. AUC
Datum est ante diem VIII Kal. Sextiles Francisco Apulo Caesare Gaio Popillio Laenate consulibus
Cnaeus Cornelius Lentulus
Edictum III Propraetoris Cnaei Cornelii Lentuli de Scriba Propraetoris gradanda
Edictum III Propraetoris Cnaei Cornelii Lentuli de Scriba Propraetoris gradanda: Edictum III of Propraetor Cnaeus Cornelius Lentulus about preferment of Scriba Propraetoris:
I. - I hereby advance _Gaia Laelia Laeta_ to the 1st
rank Scriba Propraetoris Pannoniae to fulfill the
following functions:
Superior of the administration of the whole Pannonia beside of the Propraetor
- Special Obligations:
1) a) Representation of the Propraetor in the whole Pannonia
b) Control of the whole Pannonia, representation and administration of the Novaroman citizens of the provincia
c)Supervision and coordination of the officers appointed in the territory of whole Pannonia
d) Execution of any orders concerning the administration of the whole Pannonia given by the Propraetor
e) To fulfill all the functions given by Edictum I. Propraetoris Pannoniae Cn Cornelius Lentulus
- Universal Obligations
a) Regular accesibility on internet, (or, if the situation requires, by phone). For the sake of this cause, to answer the e-mails, weeklyat least
b) In so far as the weekly accessibility cannot be warranted, to inform the Propraetor in a privat message or on the Provincial Mailinglist about the date of the absence
II.- This Edictum becomes effective immediately.
Given the 25th of July, anno MMDCCLVIII. AUC
Datum est ante diem VIII Kal. Sextiles Francisco Apulo Caesare Gaio Popillio Laenate consulibus
Cnaeus Cornelius Lentulus
Edictum III Propraetoris Cnaei Cornelii Lentuli de Scriba Propraetoris gradanda: Cnaeus Cornelius Lentulus propraetor II. Edictuma kormányzói titkár előléptetéséről:
I. - Ezennel előléptetem_Gaia Laelia Laetát_ 1. rangosztályú Scriba Propraetoris-szá, következő funkciók ellátására:
Egész Pannónia adminisztrációjának elõljárója
- Különleges kötelezettségek:
1) a) A Propraetor képviselete egész Pannóniában b) Egész Pannónia felügyelete, az odatartozó polgárok képviselete, ügyintézése c) Egész Pannónia területére kinevezett tisztviselõk ellenõrzése, koordinálása d) A Propraetor Pannónia adminisztrációjával kapcsolatban adott bármely utasításának végrehajtása e) Mindazon feledatok betöltése, melyeket a Cn. Corn. Lent., Pannonia propraetorának I. Edictuma ráruházott
- Általános kötelezettségek:
a) Rendszeres elérhetõség interneten, (vagy ha a helyzet megkívánja telefonon). Ennek érdekében legkevesebb hetente válaszolni az e-mailekre. b) Amennyiben a heti elérhetõség nem biztosítható, elõre tájékoztatni a Propraetort magánlevélben vagy levelezõlistán keresztül a távolmaradás idõpontjáról
II. - Ez az Edictum azonnali hatállyal életbe lép.
Datum est ante diem VIII Kal. Sextiles Francisco Apulo Caesare Gaio Popillio Laenate consulibus
Cnaeus Cornelius Lentulus
Edictum II Propraetoris Cnaei Cornelii Lentuli de Scriba Propraetoris nominando
Edictum II Propraetoris Cnaei Cornelii Lentuli de Scriba Propraetoris nominando: Edictum II of Propraetor Cnaeus Cornelius Lentulus about appointment of Scriba Propraetoris:
I. - I hereby appoint _Tiberius Petrus Bellangus_ as
Scriba Propraetoris Pannoniae to fulfill the following
1) Superior of the administration of Slovakia and the Czech Republic 2) General commissioner of the Propraetor in Hungary
- Special Obligations:
1) a) Representation of the Propraetor in Slovakia and in the Czech Republic
b) Control of Slovakia and the Czech Republic, representation and administration of the Novaroman citizens of these regions
c)Supervision and coordination of the officers appointed in the territory of Slovakia and the Czech Republic
d) Furtherance of the communication of the 3 nations of the Provincia; Hungarian, Slovakian and Czech translation
e) Execution of any orders concerning the administration of Slovakia and the Czech Republic given by the Propraetor
2)Execution of any orders concerning the administration of Hungary given by the Propraetor
- Universal Obligations
a) Regular accesibility on internet, (or, if the situation requires, by phone). For the sake of this cause, to answer the e-mails, weeklyat least
b) In so far as the weekly accessibility cannot be warranted, to inform the Propraetor in a privat message or on the Provincial Mailinglist about the date of the absence
II.- This Edictum becomes effective immediately.
Given the 25th of July, anno MMDCCLVIII. AUC
Datum est ante diem VIII Kal. Sextiles Francisco Apulo Caesare Gaio Popillio Laenate consulibus
Cnaeus Cornelius Lentulus
Edictum II Propraetoris Cnaei Cornelii Lentuli de Scriba Propraetoris nominando: Cnaeus Cornelius Lentulus propraetor II. Edictuma kormányzói titkár kinevezéséről:
I. - Ezennel kinevezem _Tiberius Petrus Bellangust_ Scriba Propraetoris-szá, kormányzói titkárrá, a következő funkciók ellátására:
1) Szlovákia és Csehország adminisztrációjának elõljárója 2) A Propraetor magyarországi általános megbízottja
- Különleges kötelezettségek:
1) a) A Propraetor képviselete Szlovákiában és Csehországban b) Szlovákia és Csehország felügyelete, az odatartozó polgárok képviselete, ügyintézése c) Szlovákia és Csehország területére kinevezett tisztviselõk ellenõrzése, koordinálása d) A Provincia 3 népe közti kommunikáció segítése; magyar, szlovák és cseh fordítás e) A Propraetor Szlovákia és Csehország adminisztrációjával kapcsolatban adott bármely utasításának végrehajtása
2)A Propraetor Magyarország adminisztrációjával kapcsolatban adott bármely utasításának végrehajtása
- Általános kötelezettségek:
a) Rendszeres elérhetõség interneten, (vagy ha a helyzet megkívánja telefonon). Ennek érdekében legkevesebb hetente válaszolni az e-mailekre. b) Amennyiben a heti elérhetõség nem biztosítható, elõre tájékoztatni a Propraetort magánlevélben vagy levelezõlistán keresztül a távolmaradás idõpontjáról
II. - Ez az Edictum azonnali hatállyal életbe lép.
Datum est ante diem VIII Kal. Sextiles Francisco Apulo Caesare Gaio Popillio Laenate consulibus
Cnaeus Cornelius Lentulus
Edictum I. Propraetoris Cnaei Cornelii Lentuli de Scriba Propraetoris nominanda
EDICTUM I. PROPRAETORIS PANNONIAE Edictum Propraetoris Cnaei Cornelii Lentuli de Scriba Propraetoris nominanda:
Cnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Kormányzói Rendelete propraetori scriba kinevezéséről:
I. - Ezennel _Laelia Laetát_ kinevezem a scriba propraetoris Pannoniae tisztségébe (másszóval scriba propraetoris Cnaei Cornelii Lentuli), a következő feledatok ellátására: Pannónia mailing-listájának moderálása, az új provinciai website létrehozása és a propraetor Pannónia újjászervezése érdekében végzett munkájának támogatása.
II. - Ez a Rendelet azonnali hatállyal érvénybe lép.
Szolnok, Pannónia auc. 2758. május 26.
Edictum of Propraetor Cnaeus Cornelius Lentulus about appointment of Scriba Propraetoris:
I. - I hereby appoint _Laelia Laeta_ as a Scriba Propraetoris Pannoniae (or Scriba Propraetoris Cnaei Cornelii Lentuli) to moderate the mailinglist of Pannonia, to create a new Provincial Website and to help the Propraetor in any matter concerning reorganization of Provincia Pannonia.
II. - This Edictum becomes effective immediately.
Given the 26th of May, anno MMDCCLVIII. AUC
Datum est ante diem VII. Kal. Iunias Francisco Apulo Caesare Gaio Popillio Laenate consulibus
Cnaeus Cornelius Lentulus
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