Provincia Sarmatia - Oppidum Aquilo - Foedus (Nova Roma)

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I. Name of the Oppidum

In accordance with the Lex Fabia de oppidis et municipiis, we the citizens of Nova Roma in the city of Vorkuta in Provincia Sarmatia establish Oppidum Aquilo (“Oppidum"). This foedus is given to the Consuls of Nova Roma, the Oppidum being a local subdivision of this province.

II. Geographical Limits

Oppidum Laureatum shall include the city of Vorkuta and the following surrounding districts of Vorkuta, Republic Komi, Russia.

III. Membership

A. Every citizen of Nova Roma living in the area listed in Article II shall be a member of the Oppidum.
B. Every member of the Oppidum shall have the right to relinquish his or her membership in the Oppidum without losing any of his or her rights as a citizen of Nova Roma.
C. Loss of Nova Roman citizenship shall involve loss of membership in the Oppidum.
D. The process of re-admission to membership of the Oppidum shall be determined by Aediles.

IV. Documents

The following public documents shall be instituted and recorded within the section of the Nova Roma Wiki that is reserved for the records and business of Provincia Sarmatia, the following documents:

A. The Album Civium, listing the names of the citizens of Nova Roma who are also members of the Oppidum.
B. The Tabularium, recording the leges of the Comitia Oppidana and the edicta issued by the Aediles.

V. Institutions and Magistrates

A. Comitia Oppidana, the general assembly of all the members of the Oppidum.
B. Aediles, two magistrates elected once a year.
C. Scribae, appointed by each Aedile, not to exceed one for each Aedile.
D. Other offices may be created by the Comitia Oppidana to perform specific duties.

VI. Aediles

A. There shall be two Aediles, who are collegial magistrates of equal power. They are the highest ranking magistrates in the Oppidum.
B. The Aediles shall be elected by the Comitia Oppidana and their term of office shall be a full calendar year.
C. The duties of the Aediles are:

1. To summon the Comitia Oppidana and preside over its meetings
2. To maintain the local Album Civium and Tabularium.
3. To issue edicta affecting the Oppidum
4. To exercise intercessio against another local magistrate of equal or lesser authority.

D. The provincial governor may, at his or her discretion, remove one or both of the Aediles by edictum. He or she will then make arrangements for a suffect election with a term of office until the expiration of the current year, unless Section VII.G.2 applies.

VII. Comitia Oppidana

A. The Comitia Oppidana is composed of all the members of the Oppidum and all members shall have the right to speak and vote in the Comitia.
B. The Comitia Oppidana shall elect all local magistrates and enact leges binding upon all the members of the Oppidum.
C. The Comitia Oppidana shall assemble at least once every three months within each calendar year for informational sessions. The Comitia shall be called to order by one or both of the Aediles. One or both of the Aediles may call other meetings of the Comitia.
D. From the date of publication of the call by one or both of the Aediles for the Comitia Oppidana to meet, at least one full week shall elapse before the date of the meeting of the Comitia Oppidana.
E. The Comitia Oppidana shall meet at a location within the area specified in Article II. F. Elections for all magistrate positions in shall be held between January 1st and February 28th of each year, with magistrates taking office on March 1st of each year.
G. In the event that a person holding magisterial Oppidum office resigns, or is removed from that office, or, losses or resigns from Nova Roman citizenship,:

1. Where the remaining term of office is greater than 93 days, one or both of the Aediles, or the provincial governor, shall summon the Comitia and conduct an election to select a replacement for that magistrate.
2. Where the remaining term of office is less than 93 days, the provincial governor shall select a replacement for that magistrate.

H. Voting in the Comitia requires the physical presence of the voter in the place where the Comitia is being held.

VIII. Intercessio and Legal Precedence

A. The provincial governor shall have the power of intercessio over the Aediles and the Comitia Oppidana, and this intercessio is not subject to the time limits imposed by Article VIII.F
B. Each Aedile shall have the power of intercessio over his or her colleague and over other minor magistrates of the Oppidum.
C. Edicta of the provincial governor shall have precedence over the leges of the Comitia Oppidana and edicta of the Aediles, and all other magistrates, of the Oppidum.
D. The Leges of the Comitia Oppidana shall have precedence over edicta of the Aediles and all other magistrates of the Oppidum.
E. The Edicta of the Aediles of the Oppidum shall have precedence over the edicta of all other magistrates of the Oppidum.
F. When one magistrate of the Oppidum issues an Edictum, a higher ranking magistrate of the Oppidum, or his or her colleague of equal rank, will have 72 hours in which to exercise intercessio.

IX. Modifications to this Foedus

A. This foedus may be modified by a lex approved by the Comitia Oppidana.
B. Once the lex has passed, the Aediles will jointly submit the revised foedus to the governor for approval. The lex will only receive the force of law when the governor has approved it by edict.

X. Citizens

Tiberia Salvia Alba
Tiberius Servilius Nerva
Marca Marcia Aquilina
Quintus Vergilius Crassus
Lucia Valeria Sabina