SC 2763 Mars 8 (Nova Roma)
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P. Memmius Albucius
ITEM VIII - Annual taxation (adopted SC)
The text
In view of the Constitution, par. V.B.2 ;
In view of the senatus consulta a.d. XV Kal. Sext. 2754 on the “disposition of taxes to Provincia(e)” and a.d. V Idus 2755 auc on the “Annual Membership Fee Rate Adjustment”
Considering that is necessary to update this text which has not been modified since eight years ;
the Senate of Rome decides:
Article 1 : The Section II of the Senatus Consultum on Taxation (July 2754), such as modified by the SC 2755 on the annual membership fee rate adjustment, is replaced by the following provisions:
“” II. A. In order to be considered as an “assiduus/-a”, every 18 y.o. or older citizen is hereby assessed an annual tax, expressed in U.S. Dollars. Its amount shall be the result of a ratio of 1/ 2, 800 th of the per-capita GDP of the national country of residence, in year Y-2 (ex. GDP 2008 for year 2010). This GDP shall be taken from the table issued by the United Nations (U.N. Statistics Division), and currently provided at: .
B. In order that the amounts may be more manageable in local currencies, the consulate shall, after application to the result of this ratio of the U.S. dollar/local currency rate on the day of the vote of Nova Roma year budget, round up or down this second result to the closest whole number. This third and final result, expressed in local currency, shall be the amount asked as annual tax, in her/his national currency, to the citizen.
C. A consular edict shall displayed at least every amounts per concerned national country, expressed in national currencies.””
Article 2 : The first sentence of the paragraph V of SC on taxation, such as modified by the SC 2755 on the annual membership fee rate adjustment, is replaced by the following provisions:
“V. Governors may require from the Senate the authorization to collect the considered annual tax from the citizens of their province. This request will be sent at any time to the consulate so that the Senate may issue such an authorization no later than the vote of the annual budget and in due coherence with it. Such request shall provide the following: ”
Article 3 : The paragraph VI of SC on taxation, such as modified by the SC 2755 on the annual membership fee rate adjustment, is replaced by the following provisions:
“VI. Governors duly allowed to collected the annual tax from citizens of their province, as defined in Section V, may keep in their hands and on behalf on Nova Roma, 1/2 (one half) of collected funds for use within the province. This money shall be spent for Nova Roma provincial activities under the governor's control. The remaining half, minus transfer fees, shall be, if still in the hands of the governor, transferred to the central treasury.”
Article 4 – The consular annual edict on taxation, taken in application of Nova Roma annual budget, may define a deadline for the payment of the annual tax. Beyond this limit, its amount may be increased of an additional percentage which will be specified by the consular edict in the limit of 75 % of the initial due.
Article 5 – The consuls are charged of the good execution of the present senatus consultum, which shall be applicable from its publication on, and be included in the Tabularium Nova Romae (Senate section).
Votes and opinions
- xxx, xxx : UR
- xxx : ABS. I agree that xxxxxx .
- xxx: ANT: This proposal xxxxx .