SS Jan. 21-27 2763 Item V

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Senate session 21-27 Jan. 2010 cc - item V, detail

Item V – Emergency fund – proposal to choose either for its confirmation, or its abrogation, or its redeployment on reduced goals

((this point is a normal item, with discussion and vote on the 3 proposals presented below, which exclude each other))

You sure remember, Patres, that you voted last year, during the session of April-May 2762 auc, the creation of an Emergency Disaster Fund. You may re-consult this text (item I) at: .

This creation had been adopted in the weeks that followed the earthquake occurred on Apr. 6, 2009 cc in the Italian city of L'Aquila and in its surroundings. Six months after this earthquake, the final death toll stands at 308, 1,179 injured and 25,000 people homeless.

We felt particularly concerned by this event for it happened in Italy, where our Roman ancestors were born. The Emergency Disaster Fund has been voted with a specific clause (I.b) for the Abruzzi case.

Now, six months after the Italian earthquake, whose catastrophic magnitude was 6.3, another earthquake has hit, this time in the Caribbean Islands, the Republic of Haïti. This catastrophe has a magnitude of 7, and his center was close to Haïti capital, Port-au-Prince. Striking a less developed country, this event appears at this time, by its human losses and its material damages, far more important than L'Aquila's one: more than 100,000 dead, and probably around 1,000,000 homeless.

As we created the Emergency Fund at the same time for every catastrophe and for the L'Aquila earthquake, we should be led to decide that this Fund applies in every circumstances, whatever the concerned current country even if, in every part of the world, the harmed people are not, as our senatus consultum specifies it, Nova Roma citizens. If therefore, you, Patres, wish to underline the need of a Nova Roma Emergency Fund, specially in the current circumstances, you will agree on the need feeding it, in the frame of our coming annual budget, with a significant amount of money.

If on the contrary you consider that our organization, despite all our good will and the sincere solidarity that we wish all to express towards the Haïtian victims and all victims of natural catastrophes, is not strong and rich enough yet to contribute at a significant level, in addition of the individual efforts made by each of us, you must draw the consequences of such a statement and recognize that our Emergency Disaster Fund may not be an appropriate tool of our legitimate wish to assist the populations in distress. You will then repeal your SC and close this Fund. You may, at last, prefer to keep an Emergency Disaster Fund which would be redeployed on reduced goals, in relation with romanitas and the study of Latin.

In this mind, three alternative proposals are therefore submitted to your decision:

  • Item 5.1. : confirmation, with a precision on how the monies would be handled in this frame OR;
  • Item 5.2. : deletion OR;
  • Item 5.3. : adaptation on a reduced scope.

nb: You are required to vote as usual for each of this alternative proposal either yes (UR), abstain (ABS) or no (ANT). You will thus please care casting just one UR vote: either for the “confirmation”, or for the “deletion”, or the “adaptation”. If you were to cast two or three UR vote, you will be considered as abstaining (ABS). Still in this mind, if you vote UR for one proposal and forget to specify your vote for the others, you will be considered as voting ANT for these other ones. If you consider that the current rules must be maintained, you will vote ANT for the three alternative proposals.


1st solution (“confirmation” - item 5.1.)

  • Article 1 – The Curator/-ix Aerarii and previous consuls Curiatius and Iulius are requested to give the Senate, during the current session, every relevant information on the state of the Emergency Disaster Fund, and its activity from its creation until now;<
  • Article 2 – The senatus consultum n°1 of April-May 2009 cc. Session, creating an “Emergency Disaster Fund”, is hereby confirmed. The Senate will determine, in the frame of Nova Roma annual budget for 2763 auc, the amounts to be written down for the Fund, and their assignment either for 2763 auc or, as a reserve, for the following annual budget exercises. In the absence of specific assignment, the budgetized sums are supposed to be assigned for 2763.
  • Article 3 – The Senate authorizes the consuls, once the Budget 2763 is voted, to take every measure of execution that they would see fit to allow these expenses to be made and paid, specially in relation with well-known humanitarian organizations, at national level or worldwide, acting in or for the territories and/or populations of areas hit by a natural catastrophe.
  • Article 4 – The consuls are charged to see to the good execution of the present senatus consultum.


2nd solution (“deletion” - item 5.2.)

  • Article 1 – The Curator/-ix Aerarii and previous consuls Curiatius and Iulius are requested to give the Senate, during the current session, every relevant information on the state of the Emergency Disaster Fund, and its activity from its creation until now;
  • Article 2 – The senatus consultum n°1 of April-May 2009 cc. Session, creating an “Emergency Disaster Fund”, is hereby repealed. Every money remaining in its lines shall be transferred by Curatrix Aerarii Iunia, before next Kalends of March, to NR Inc. global budget.
  • Article 3 – The consuls are charged to see to the good execution of the present senatus consultum.


3rd solution (“adaptation” - item 5.3.)

Article 1 – The Curator/-ix Aerarii and previous consuls Curiatius and Iulius are requested to give the Senate, during the current session, every relevant information on the state of the Emergency Disaster Fund, and its activity from its creation until now;

Article 2 – The whole contents of the senatus consultum n°1 of April-May 2009 cc. Session, creating an “Emergency Disaster Fund”, is hereby replaced by the following provisions:

  • “"Article 1 : Creation of an Emergency Disaster Fund

An Emergency Disaster Fund (hereunder abbreviated in “EDF”) is hereby created to help the people and organizations, where and when ever in the whole world, hit by a natural catastrophe. The conditions of management and admissibility of this Fund are specified below.

  • Article 2 : Nature and scope of EDF grants

The EDF shall support, after the occurrence of a natural catastrophe (earthquake, tsunami, eruption of a volcano, mud or snow slide, toxic cloud from a natural source, subsidence, overflow, fall of extraterrestrial objects, etc.) and in the frame of its financial and budget limits, every expense relative to an action accepted, in the conditions specified below, by Nova Roma. Such action shall be limited to one of the kinds of actions listed here below:

    • reconstruction of a building or of a part of it, that it either a Roman site or antiquity, or dedicated to highlight Roman sites or antiquities;
    • restoration of a Roman work of art, masterpiece, document, archive or epigraphic support;
    • support to the educational fees or ordinary daily expenses of:
    • a Nova Roma citizen child;
    • a child or a student involved in Latin studies
    • loan to a Nova Roma citizen or a to a surviving member of her/his family.

As necessary, the conditions of these interventions will be specified by the consuls.

  • Article 3 : Composition of the funds managed by the EDF

The ECF shall be fed by two sources: an annual grant decided by the Senate in the frame of Nova Roma annual budget, and donations made either by individuals or private or public organizations.

  • Article 4 : Granting procedure

A commission, called “EDF Commission” is set in order to decide the beneficiaries of the ECF. This commission, convened every time as necessary by the consul maior and at least one time a year, is composed by both consuls and two senators designed by the senate. This Commission decides the names of the beneficiaries, the amounts of money assigned to each of them. In case of divergence on the presence in the list of a beneficiaries or the amount of the grant to be assigned to it by Nova Roma, the consul maior will decide which will be the final decision of the Commission. The Commission may decide, in order to allow a fair repartition of the sums of the EDF, to limit to a maximum amount the allocated grants.
The curator/-ix aerarii attends the session of this Commission as its secretary and implements its decision. The grants are decided either on the proposal of a member of the “EDF Commission”, or on the request of any individual or organization. The details of such requests are specified by a consuls. The Commission may consider that, on the view of the documents and information received by the consuls and displayed to its members, it has not elements enough to decide, in whole objectivity, on the admissibility of the applicant or of a proposed beneficiary. In this case, the Commission either refuses the grant, or postpone its decision after the reception of due additional informations.
When setting the list of the beneficiaries, the Commission assigns the grants taking in consideration the amount of money available in the ECF budget lines for the considered year, the identity of the possible beneficiary, the nature of the expense for which the grant is envisaged, and the nature and scope of the actions for which the expense is considered. Nova Roma citizens will have priority on other possible beneficiaries.

  • Article 5 : Communication

The ECF is assigned, in Nova Roma official web site, a specific home page, which contains the main informations relative to the ECF and provides a special link to the present senatus consultum and to every current text setting the rules of the Fund.
This page, which may be consulted worldwide by every interested person, may contain as many sub-pages as necessary, in order to report on the activity of the Fund and the sums granted in the past. A list of the recipients will thus be displayed in a page linked to the main home page, which will provide the list of the beneficiaries of the ECF, year per year, and from the creation of the Fund on.
This page, with its related sub-pages, will contain contents that will display a positive communication on the action of Nova Roma and the possibility every body has to be the beneficiary of a Nova Roma ECF grant. When necessary, the EDF Commission may, on the proposal of a consul, to decide to create or develop any relevant kind or support of communication to have the Fund better known by the public. In this frame, it decides the amount of monies, taken on the EDF budget, necessary to reach this goal, or proposes, via the consuls, the assignment of a sum in the frame of Nova Roma annual budget.
Nova Roma webmasters, whatever their titles (C.I.O., magister aranearius) implement these measures under the watch of the consuls. They may report towards the Commission or the Senate as the consuls see fit.

  • Article 5 : Delegation of the EDF management

In case of necessity or if the management of the ECF appears to be more efficient this way, Nova Roma could decide the creation of a specific organization whose goal would be this management. The Senate would be proposed the detail of such creation, and the guarantees that Nova Roma chooses to adopt to keep the control of such an organization and to be regularly aware of the handle of the ECF funds.

  • Article 6 : Execution

The consuls are charged to see to the good execution of the present senatus consultum.””

Article 3 – The consuls are charged to see to the good execution of the present senatus consultum.

Thanks, senators, giving us your advice and taking your decision, choosing either to maintain the Fund, or to abrogate it, or to, or redeploy it on reduced goals.

P. Memmius Albucius

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