SS Jan. 21-27 2763 Item VI
Senate session 21-27 Jan. 2010 cc - item VI, detail
Item VI – Provinces – delineation and definition - Europe
(Normal item: discussion and vote)
Since its foundation, Nova Roma has created its provinces with no real care of placing such creations in a given uniform frame. There exist thus three kind of provinces inside Nova Roma:
- those which has been created by a specific senatus consultum. They are, among the current 27 novaroman provinces, the exception and may be counted on the fingers of one hand. In addition, inside these “happy few” we have two categories: the two provinces whose creation SC provides an official delineation and/or definition (Gallia and Sarmatia), and the other ones (Australia and Argentina);
- the second category includes the provinces which took benefit, in the past, of the appointment or prorogation of their governors, to be given a defined territory or delineation. This is for example the case of Thule on March 2751 auc, Nova Britannia in Dec. 2751, or America Boreoccidentalis (Sep. 2752).
- the last one exists as a consequence of the appointment of their first governor. They were named with no precise delineation or territory definition. For most of them, the included territories have been specified by the good will of their governors, and displayed, for example, in the province's web site.
All through these years, we were satisfied of such a situation, which is however not satisfying: most of our provinces have no legal base. Apparently, this may appear of a minor importance. But the day we will face a dispute concerning, for example, the budget of a province and the expenses made in this frame, we might weigh the whole weight of our inaction. We must not let our magistrates and officers assuming then alone the whole responsibility of our passive behavior.
So the aim of the proposed senatus consultum (hereunder abbreviated 'SC') is to begin defining the delineation of the Nova Roma provinces, and to define the territories which are brought under their territorial competency. Doing this, we will take the opportunity to propose minor adjustments.
Several SCs will thus be proposed to you. They will adopt the same frame, which will allow our Senate to define, towards the name of a given province, the territories placed under its jurisdiction.
This proposed SC on the “delineation and territorial definition of current European provinces” is the first of this list. It thus deals with the European provinces, for they form the group of provinces for which the work was able to be made in the best times. Naturally, every time an adjustment is proposed, the considered governor has been consulted and has issued a opinion, always favorable. At this time, just the position of gov. Sarmatiae Octavius has not been received.
In addition of specifying uncertain delineations, this proposal repairs several omissions (Liechtenstein, Andorra, Vatican, San Marino) and aims to give a coherence to the concerned territories. In this mind, all European overseas territories, except Thule's particular one, whose composition is homogeneous, are excluded of the European provinces, for it appears more interesting, in terms of development of Nova Roma action, to reserve them for the creation of future provinces in their close geographical area.
--> Proposal
"SC on the delineation and territorial definition of current European provinces
- Article 1 – The name and territories of the following provinces of Nova Roma, which are included in the European area of the world territorial organization of Nova Roma, are the following ones:[excel table to be transferred here]
- Article 2 – According Nova Roma laws, this organization may be amended or modified by senatus consultum, specially to include new territories opening themselves to (Nova) romanitas.
- Article 3 – This senatus consultum has no effect on the name, title, qualities or status of the governors currently ruling the concerned provinces.
- Article 4 – The consuls are charged to see to the good execution of the present senatus consultum."
Thanks, senators, giving us your advice through your decision.
P. Memmius Albucius