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Enacted on: Id. Apr. Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ XXII ANRC et MMDCCLXXII AUC (In the year of the consulship of Q. Arrius and P. Annaeus, 13rd April, 22 ANRC / 2772 AUC / 2019 AD)

As the Board of Directors of the corporation that so far represented our republic is still contested by the members of Nova Roma who see the current Board of Directors as illegal, and the current Board of Directors spends the money of Nova Roma on its own legal defense against the very members of Nova Roma who seek to restore the corporation to normal functioning after the damages caused by the current Board of Directors, particularly by L. Sulla and Cn. Caesar, the (non-corporate) senate decides the following alternatives to the usual taxpayment so that the republic suffer no harm and the citizens can aid the functioning of our community yet still remain in control over their public treasury:

I. Any citizen, who donates any amount of money which is no lower than 9 USD toward the Legal Defense Fund, governed by legatus pro praetore P. Porcius Licinus, will be classified as non-corporate “assiduus” (taxpayer) for the current year Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. (2019).

II. Any citizen, who donates any amount of money which is no lower than 9 USD in support of the organization of an International Conventus of Nova Roma will be classified as non-corporate “assiduus” (taxpayer) for the current year Q. Arrio P.. Annaeo cos. (2019). This way of donating will be open only if there is an International Conventus of Nova Roma this year, and the method of payment will be edicted by the consuls.

III. These taxes shall not be advertized as the usual “taxes” (membership fees) in Nova Roma in order not to cause a misleading confusion between these voluntary donations and the membership fee within Nova Roma, Inc. This call for donations doesn’t qualify and is not intended to be perceived as the membership fee within Nova Roma, Inc. This donation is outside of the corporate frames of Nova Roma, Inc, and it is intended as a collection of private donations toward financing the solution of the legal problems of Nova Roma, Inc., by the legal methods and by the legal means of attorneys financed thus by the members of Nova Roma, Inc, and as private donations to help organizing the major community meeting of the year. Members of Nova Roma don’t gain any offices, titles or any status within Nova Roma, Inc., by contributing these donations, but they will be recognized only within the non-corporate community of Nova Roma, which currently plays the role of the Nova Roman res publica.

IV. The deadline for submitting the aforementioned donations will be the Kalends of Sextilis (1 August).

V. Citizens who don’t contribute the donations as described above will be classified as capite censi and will lose their state positions, offices and titles, which are connected to a required assiduus status, including senatorial or equestrian status, after pridie Kal. Ian. (31 December) if they won’t make their donations until the end of the year.

VI. A late donation made after Kal. Sext. (1 August) should be no lower than 18 USD, the double of the basic donation. If a citizen obtains his citizenship after the Kalends of Quinctilis (1 July), he shall donate the normal amount until the end of the year, without the penalty.

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