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Template Preview

This article has been nominated for deletion.
Please see the talk page for this article to review and contribute to discussion on deleting this article.
While deletion is being considered, you should not blank this page. This notice must not be removed until discussion is closed by an administrator.
If you have added this notice, be sure to provide an explanation of your nomination in the talk page for this article, with the heading "Nomination for Deletion" within forty-eight hours of nomination, else an administrator may remove this notice without further discussion.

This nomination for deletion was posted: 2025-02-22


This template should be used to nominate a page for deletion from the Nova Roma wiki. The valid reasons for which a page should be deleted are unlimited, and so no list is given. However, before nominating a page for deletion, please be sure to give ample consideration to the nomination and the reasons for nominating.


This template should be substituted into a page. Therefore, to nominate an article for deletion, enter: {{subst:AfD}} near the top of the page. This template should not appear higher than the language bar. Do not mark your edit as a minor edit when nominating an article for deletion.

As a nominator, be aware that you must visit the talk page of the item nominated and explain your nomination. Failure to do so will result in your nomination being removed without further discussion.

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