Tiberius Iulius Nerva (Nova Roma)

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 Wiki: User: Talk - Contributions to this site   The only official record is in the Album Civium 
Tiberius Iulius Nerva
Album Civium

Ti. Iulius Nerva Since 2766 AUC to 2768 AUC he was leader of czech community, Praefectus Civitatis Boihaemi.
Ti. Iulius Nerva is a citizen of Nova Roma since P. Ullerio C. Equitio cos. MMDCCLXIV a.u.c.. As a sign of the depth of his Roman identity, during the last Census of the Czech Republic (2011), he registered his nationality as "Roman nationality". Nerva was in the year 2767 AUC Aedilis Plebis and following year he was quaestor.

Cursus honorum

M. Pompeio Sex. Lucilio cos. MMDCCLXVIII a.u.c.
from a.d. IV Id. Dec. L. Sulla (III) cos. sine collega MMDCCLXVI a.u.c. to a.d. V Id. Dec. St. Cornelia C. Aemilio cos. MMDCCLXVII a.u.c.

Other Posts

from a.d. XVI Kal. Iun. M. Pompeio Sex. Lucilio cos. MMDCCLXVIII a.u.c. to a.d. XIII Kal. Dec. M. Pompeio Sex. Lucilio cos. MMDCCLXVIII a.u.c.
from a.d. V Kal. Iun. M. Pompeio Sex. Lucilio cos. MMDCCLXVIII a.u.c. to a.d. IV Kal. Dec. M. Pompeio Sex. Lucilio cos. MMDCCLXVIII a.u.c.
from a.d. IV Non. Quin. L. Sulla (III) cos. sine collega MMDCCLXVI a.u.c. to a.d. V Kal. Iun. M. Pompeio Sex. Lucilio cos. MMDCCLXVIII a.u.c.
from a.d. VII Id. Apr. St. Cornelia C. Aemilio cos. MMDCCLXVII a.u.c. to prid. Kal. Ian. St. Cornelia C. Aemilio cos. MMDCCLXVII a.u.c.

Honors & Awards

Consular Awards For Nova Roman Achievements (Ludi Apollinares) - Award For The Helping Fellow Citizens In The War In Sarmatia
Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) cos. MMDCCLXXV a.u.c. | Forum Romanum #98479
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