User talk:Marcus Martianius Lupus

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Asking questions

Where is the best place for me to ask a question? Here on my 'User talk' page, OR should I go to the user talk page of the civis to whom I might want to ask the question? -- Lupus 01:32, 9 September 2007 (CEST)

Either; we'll see it on Recent Changes in any case, and if it's on the other fellow's Talk page he'll get an alert. -- Marius Peregrinus 06:23, 10 September 2007 (CEST)
You can ask any of the WikiMagisters, and really general things can go on NRWiki... Agricola 06:33, 10 September 2007 (CEST)

Bio page

The guideline for who gets a regular bio page is this: anyone who ever held a magistracy or a religious office. I think even provincial offices would do... otherwise, it is just the same as the info in your album civ page. Yours is here: Log in to your album civ page and click "This is you. You can make changes here." to get instructions on how to submit a photo. The photo will work on the album civ *and* here. Agricola 04:12, 3 September 2007 (CEST)

I hope that clicking the "+" is the way to append my comment below yours. If not, please advise how to do that. Guess I messed up a bit on this one -- a first attempt to make a wiki entry. I misunderstood the guidelines, thinking the guidelines were referring to a citizen's 'public page', if they qualified for one. I used this page, "User:Quintus Valerius Callidus", as a model. If I now want to delete my 'test page' entry: do I just log onto that page, delete the information, and then save?
I followed the instructions for submitting my photo after logging onto my album civis page (7/31) and also sent a separate message with photo to the webmaster (8/17), but have not seen my photo uploaded yet. Didn't know if this length of a delay was normal. Lupus 14:25, 3 September 2007 (CEST)
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