Session LXV

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'''Fr. Apulus Caesar'''<br>
'''Fr. Apulus Caesar'''<br>
Senior Consul
Senior Consul
[[Category:Senate sessions (Nova Roma)]]

Latest revision as of 09:26, 26 June 2024

Salvete Illustri Senatores,

the last Senatus Consultum of the year 2006 is officially closed. Firstly I would use this way to thank all the Senatores and my colleague Consul Laenas for their help during my consulship.

I would invite you to check with me the results of the meeting looking about your own votes and comments.

At the end, 20 Senatores voted satisfying the requirements for a quorum. I congratulate and thank you for the high partecipation. The following are the Senatores which have voted:

FAC - Franciscus Apulus Caesar GSA - Gnaeus Salvius Astur CFBQ - Caeso Fabius Buteo Quintilianus MIP - Marcus lulius Perusianus GEM - Gn. Equitius Marinus GPL - Gaius Popillius Laenas MOG - Marcus Octavius Germanicus ECF - Emilia Curia Finnica QFM - Q. Fabius Maximus PC - Patricia Cassia PMTS - Pompeia Minucia Tiberia Strabo MAM - Marcus Arminius Maior TLF - Titus Labienus Fortunatus LECA - L Equitius Cincinnatus Augur LSA - Lucius Sergius Australicus CFD - Caius Flavius Diocletianus GMM - Gaius Marius Merullus MMTA - Marcus Minucius Tiberius Audens ATC - Appius Tullius Cato MCS - Manius Constantinus Serapio

The results are the following.



The Senatus is called to approve the following proposal by the "NRCoins" group (which includes M. Lucretius Agricola, C. Equitius Cato, C. Vipsanius Agrippa, D. Claudius Aquilius Germanicus, Apollonius Cordus, and others) [...]

PASSED (19 uti rogas; 0 abtisneo; 1 antiquo)

FAC - VTI ROGAS GSA - VTI ROGAS CFBQ - VTI ROGAS: The proposal seems good, especially as the Res Publica don't have to invest any money. MIP - VTI ROGAS GEM - VTI ROGAS GPL - VTI ROGAS MOG - VTI ROGAS ECF - VTI ROGAS QFM - ANTIQVO: I am worried that these guys are going to get in over their head and ask the Senate to bail them out. That would mean that our treasury would be put at risk. If we are going to coin money either I would prefer that NR funds it, or a single privius with enough money to cover all the costs, be put in charge. Multiple Subscriptions are excellent in theory, but until the money is completely raised and banked, with proof of its existence, I believe this vote is premature. I realize my one token vote of protest means nothing, but I hope that the Conscript Fathers take notice of my views and consider them in the future. PC - VTI ROGAS PMTS - VTI ROGAS MAM - VTI ROGAS TLF - VTI ROGAS LECA - VTI ROGAS LSA - VTI ROGAS CFD - VTI ROGAS GMM - VTI ROGAS MMTA - VTI ROGAS ATC - VTI ROGAS MCS - VTI ROGAS


The Senatus is called to approve the charter of the Sodalitas Latinitas [...]

PASSED (20 uti rogas; 0 abtisneo; 0 antiquo)

FAC - VTI ROGAS GSA - VTI ROGAS: Spero ut Sodalitas Latinitatis possit nova regula crescere et ad bonam frugem se recipere. CFBQ - VTI ROGAS: It seems reasonable to me. MIP - VTI ROGAS GEM - VTI ROGAS GPL - VTI ROGAS MOG - VTI ROGAS ECF - VTI ROGAS QFM - VTI ROGAS: Although we already approved the Sodalitatis. PC - VTI ROGAS PMTS - VTI ROGAS MAM - VTI ROGAS TLF - VTI ROGAS LECA - VTI ROGAS LSA - VTI ROGAS CFD - VTI ROGAS GMM - VTI ROGAS: Spero hanc regulam novam dare sodalitati incipium novum I hope that by passing this revised charter we are helping the new leadership of this sodalitas get off to a fresh start with it MMTA - VTI ROGAS ATC - VTI ROGAS MCS - VTI ROGAS


Franciscus Apulus Caesar is appointed new Propraetor of Provincia Italia.

PASSED (12 uti rogas; 3 abtisneo; 5 antiquo)

FAC - ABSTINEO GSA - VTI ROGAS: Col mio ringraziamento per Serapio ed auguri per il nuovo propraetor. CFBQ - VTI ROGAS: Italia will be in good hands with Franciscus Apulus Caesar, but we must not forget to give great thanks to former Propraetor Manius Constantinus Serapio, may he prosper and be well! MIP - VTI ROGAS: With my best appreciation for the job done by the former Prapraetor, Illustris M' Const. Serapio and deep trust in the new, hopefully, appointed one. GEM - VTI ROGAS GPL - ABSTINEO MOG - ANTIQVO: What ever happened to the idea of the Senate choosing propraetores? Traditionally, we would announce an opening, receive applications, then choose from those applications. Now, we're only asked to rubber-stamp whatever the previous propraetor wants. Although Consul Apulus did a fine job during his previous term as propraetor, I vote NO on this item solely on its procedural irregularity; and I will vote NO on every future appointment, excepting continuation of thsoe currently in that office, where there has been no open call for candidates. ECF - VTI ROGAS QFM - ANTIQVO: The Senate renews Provincial Praetorships in IAN. Why are we voting on this now? The current Praetor said he would remain in office until the new one was appointed. For an organization that runs by laws, we certainly ignore many of them. PC - VTI ROGAS: It is fitting that this Provincia should be one of our most active and valued, and both the incoming and outgoing Praetores are credits to Nova Roma. PMTS - VTI ROGAS: His previous successes as a former Propraetor speak for themselves, in my view. MAM - VTI ROGAS TLF - VTI ROGAS LECA - ANTIQVO: I also ask that other candidates to be sought, and presented as well. LSA - ABSTINEO CFD - ANTIQVO: I follow the objections presented here by Senators Lucius Equitius Cincinnatus and Quintus Fabius Maximus. GMM - VTI ROGAS MMTA - VTI ROGAS ATC - ANTIQVO: For reasons already outlined by a some honorable fellow members of this house. MCS - VTI ROGAS: I wish the new governor all the best. Thank you to my provincial staff for their dedication.


The Senate approves the preliminary budget for 2759 auc as presented by Consul Laenas at _to_actual.xls

PASSED (17 uti rogas; 0 abtisneo; 3 antiquo)

FAC - VTI ROGAS GSA - VTI ROGAS CFBQ - VTI ROGAS: The Scholarship Fund has never been used. Should we really continue to put more money there? I would like to see some funds to be allocated to local groups and recruitment, in short to make NR grow instead. I hope to see such changes in the ordinary budget in the beginning of the next year. MIP - VTI ROGAS GEM - VTI ROGAS GPL - VTI ROGAS MOG - ABSTINEO ECF - VTI ROGAS QFM - VTI ROGAS PC - VTI ROGAS: I also wish to address the point raised by Caeso Fabius. It was the original intention of the creators of the scholarship fund that it be added to annually over time and allowed to reach a level at which it produced a substantial amount of interest income which could be donated to scholarly causes. This may or may not be the path the current administration wishes to take with it, but I would argue that sponsoring Roman scholarship is a highly worthwhile activity for Nova Roma and that we ought to continue to devote a portion of our resources toward such a goal. PMTS - VTI ROGAS MAM - VTI ROGAS TLF - VTI ROGAS LECA - VTI ROGAS LSA - VTI ROGAS CFD - VTI ROGAS GMM - ABSTINEO: I cannot view the budget file and thus my abstention. MMTA - VTI ROGAS ATC - VTI ROGAS MCS - ABSTINEO

valete Fr. Apulus Caesar
Senior Consul

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