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{{PortalBox | title=Publishers' Spotlight | content=
{{PortalBox | title=Publishers' Spotlight | content=
An instant library of Penguin paperbacks consisting of 102 volumes of Greek and Roman classics in English translation is available from at a large discount (From Amazon in the USA only, it seems). ISBN 0147503205.
An instant library of Penguin paperbacks consisting of '''102 volumes of Greek and Roman classics in English translation''' is available from at a large discount (From Amazon in the USA only, it seems). ISBN 0147503205.
The well-known collection '''Great Books of the Western World'''[] (in 60 hardcover volumes) is available in its second edition from Amazon. Roughly one third of the collection consists of texts from classical antiquity. ISBN 0852295316.

Revision as of 07:11, 31 August 2007

We very much wish to encourage the study and pursuit of the various arts.
Libraries on line
Classics search on line
TOCS-IN. "...provides the tables of contents of a selection of Classics, Near Eastern Studies, and Religion journals.... Where possible, links are given with articles of which the full text or an abstract is available online (about 15%)."
Reading lists
Reading lists by Nova Roma citizens, sorted by topic. Clicking on an ISBN (anywhere in this wiki) will bring you to a page that will let you buy the book through the Amazon affiliate program or search for the book in a large number of libraries around the world.

The Camenae were originally water sprites associated with a sacred spring in Rome. They were eventually associated with the Greek Muses, the Goddesses of the arts, history, and music. Poets, musicians, and others held them not only as their patrons but as their inspiration. It is in this spirit that we employ their names to pursue the study of Roman art, literature, music, and history.

Calliope (Epic poetry), Clio (History), Erato (Lyric choral poetry), Euterpe (The flute), Melpomene (Tragedy), Polyhymnia (Hymns and pantomimes), Terpsichore (Light verse and dance), Thalia (Comedy), Urania (Astronomy).
Journals on line
  • Arion Selected articles only on line.
  • Bryn Mawr Classical Review "...publishes timely reviews of current scholarly work in the field of classical studies (including archaeology)." (ISSN: 1055-7660)
  • Didaskalia: Ancient Theatre Today
  • Digressus "...fully refereed online journal publishing reviews and articles related to Classical Studies, Archeaology and Byzantine Studies."
  • Histos 1997 - 2000 "Electronic Journal of Ancient Historiography at the University of Durham
  • Journal of the International Plato Society " promote international dialogue on Plato across different languages and scholarly approaches."
  • Leeds International Classical Studies "... an electronic journal associated with the Leeds International Classics Seminar. It publishes articles and interim discussion papers on all aspects of Greek and Roman antiquity, and of the history of the classical tradition."
  • SCHOLIA: Studies in Classical Antiquity (ISSN 1018-9017) features critical and pedagogical articles on a diverse range of subjects dealing with classical antiquity. It also includes review articles, reviews and other sections dealing with classics.
  • Studia Humaniora Tartuensia "...scholarly papers and notes embodying original research in all areas of the humanities, but especially classical studies and ancient history, Neo-Latin studies, classical tradition, history of scholarship and philosophy."
Publishers' Spotlight

An instant library of Penguin paperbacks consisting of 102 volumes of Greek and Roman classics in English translation is available from at a large discount (From Amazon in the USA only, it seems). ISBN 0147503205.

The well-known collection Great Books of the Western World[1] (in 60 hardcover volumes) is available in its second edition from Amazon. Roughly one third of the collection consists of texts from classical antiquity. ISBN 0852295316.
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