Grove of Carmentis

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Sacred Grove of Carmentis

The sacred grove of Carmentis, where Numa received instruction from the Nymph Egeria.

Lucus erat, quem medium ex opaco specu fons perenni, rigabat aqua: quo quia se persaepe Numa sine arbitris velat ad congressum deae inferebat, Camenis eum lucum sacravit, quod earum ibi concilia cum coniuge sua Egeria essent. Livy, 1, 21,3

(There was a sacred grove, with a never-ending spring which came from a dark grotto. Numa retired here alone in order to encounter the goddess. He consecrated this place to the Camenae, because here he sought the advice of his spouse Egeria.)

The address is now:

Grotto Ninfeo di Egeria
Caffarella Park
Via Appia Pignatelli

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