Edicta of Consuls MMDCCLXII

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== '''Edictum consulare III : De creatione accensorum''' ==
== '''Edictum consulare III :''' ==
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=== De creatione accensorum ===
Ex hoc:  
Ex hoc:  
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[[Officina Consulum MMDCCLXII|Click here to return to Officina Consulum MMDCCLXII]]
== '''Edictum consulare IV :''' ==
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=== De Gubernatores ===
Ex officio consularis.
I. In conformity with Nova Roma Constitution V. C:
"The Senate may, by Senatus Consultum, create provinciae for administrative purposes and appoint provincial governors therefore, who shall bear such titles as the Senate may deem appropriate. The Senate may review each governor on a yearly basis and it remains in the discretion of the Senate whether or not to prorogue such governors, although this review shall not constitute a ban on the authority of the Senate to remove governors from office as its discretion. Governors shall have the following honors, powers, and obligations:
1.To hold imperium and have the honor of being preceded by six lictors solely within the jurisdiction of their respective provinciae;
2. To proclaim those edicta (edicts) necessary to engage in those tasks which advance the mission and function of Nova Roma, solely within the jurisdiction of their provinciae (such edicts being binding upon themselves as well as others);
3. To manage the day-to-day organization and administration of their provinciae;
4. To appoint officers to whom authority may be delegated, subject to those restrictions and standards as the Senate shall deem appropriate;
5. To remove officers whom they have appointed, or make changes to their titles and/or delegated authority, subject to those restrictions and standards as the Senate shall deem appropriate."
I call for candidates to stand for the office of governor of Nova Roman provinces. The Nova Roman Senate will appoint the governors at its own discretion during  the Senate session in February.
II. Candidates should be citizens, assiduii and meet all the requirements stipulated by the laws of Nova Roma:
*[http://tinyurl.com.au/x.php?ifr http://tinyurl.com.au/x.php?ifr]
*[http://tinyurl.com.au/x.php?6de http://tinyurl.com.au/x.php?6de}
The statement of governors who indicated in the annual report to Senate their wish to be prorogued for another term of office is already registered.
Citizens who apply for governorship for the first time must present in their statement of candidacy a brief description of their activities and experience within Nova Roma.
III. Nova Roma provinces list can be found at this address:
[http://www.novaroma.org/nr/Provincia_%28Nova_Roma%29 http://www.novaroma.org/nr/Provincia_%28Nova_Roma%29]
I ask if the current governors of the following  provinces want to continue in office:
* America Medioccidentalis Superior.
* Asia Citerior.
* Australia.
* Brasilia.
* Britannia.
* Italia.
* Pannonia.
I encourage citizens from the following provinces without governor to contact the consuls for more information. These provinces are:
* America Austroccidentalis.
* America Boreoccidentalis.
* California.
* Canada Citerior.
* Venedia.
* Lacus Magni.
* Hibernia.
IV. I accept statements of candidacy beginning today, 12 of  January until 31 of January, 24.00 Roma time, 2762 a.U.c.
Send your statement of candidacy to this address:
[mailto:///Consuls@novaroma.org consuls@novaroma.org]
The governor of a province is the first person in contact with citizens from province. Together with his citizens a governor can transform a province in a very active one, organizing real events and meetings, developing local and inter-provinces projects, contacting public institutions or organizations with roman related interest and, of course, raising citizens.
{{Jan 12}} {{2009}}
M. Curiatius Complutensis
M. Iulius Severus
== '''Edictum consulare V :''' ==
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=== De feriae Sementivae ===
M. Curiatius Complutensis M. Iulius Severus consules: Senatui Populoque Novo Romano, Quiritibus et omnibus: salutem plurimam dicunt:
Iubemus vos omnes bono animo esse!
Ante diem VII Idus Februarias, populo Novo Romano Quiritibus feriae Sementivae erunt; quando concepta fuerint, dies nefastus esto.
Consules edicunt, ut omnia sacella sacra aperiantur, supplicationesque pro re publica populi Novi Romani Quiritium fiant.
Datum est a. d. XI Kalendas Februarias, M. Curiatio Complutense M. Iulio Severo consulibus, anno MMDCCLXII AVC.
The Consuls M. Curiatius Complutensis and M. Iulius Severus sends Salutations to the Conscript Fathers and Mothers of the Senate, to the People of Nova Roma, the Quirites, and to All others:
We wish you to be of Good Cheer.
On the seventh day of February (Gregorian; 24 January Julian), seven days before the Ides of February, the Roman people, the Quirites, will celebrate the feriae Sementivae (Paganalia); when they shall have begun, legal business ceases.
The Consuls proclaim that on that day, all shrines are to be opened and thanksgivings offered for the Republic of the Nova Roman people, the Quirites.
Issued in the Consulship of M. Curiatius Complutensis and M. Iulius Severus, 23 January 2009 CE
Los Cónsules M. Curiatius Complutensis y M. Iulius Severus saludan a las Madres y a los Padres Conscriptos del Senado, al Pueblo de Nova Roma, los Quirites, y a todos los demás:
Les deseamos alegría y felicidad.
El séptimo día de febrero (calendario gregoriano; 24 de enero, calendario juliano), siete días antes de los Idus de febrero, el Pueblo romano, los Quirites, celebrarán las feriae Sementivae (Paganalia); en cuanto comiencen, todos los asuntos legales dejarán de ser tramitados.
Los Cónsules proclaman que ese día, todos los santuarios serán abiertos y se ofrecerán acciones de gracias por la República del Pueblo de Nova Roma, los Quirites.
Dado en el Consulado de M. Curiatius Complutensis y M. Iulius Severus, 23 de enero de 2009 d.n.e.
== '''Edictum consulare VI :''' ==
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=== De creatione accensi ===
M. Curiatius Complutensis M. Iulius Severus consules: Senatui Populoque Novo Romano, Quiritibus et omnibus: salutem plurimam dicunt:
By this edict, we the consuls both appoint citizen:
• Ti. Horatius Barbatus as accensus of joint Consular Cohort together with all the obligations and privileges prescribed by the laws of Nova Roma.
No oath shall be required. This edict takes effect immediately.
Given under our hands this 23 day of January 2762 a.U.c (AD 2009) in the consulships of M. Curiatius and M. Iulius.
Por este edicto, nosotros los consules, nombramos a los siguientes ciudadanos:
• Ti. Horatius Barbatus accensus de nuestra Cohorte Consular.
No se requiere juramento. Este edicto será efectivo inmediatamente.
Dado por nuestras manos en este 23 dia de Enero de 2762 a.U.c (AD 2009) en el consulado de M. Curiatius and M. Iulius.
Per questo editto, noi i consoli, nominiamo i seguenti cittadini:
• Ti. Horatius Barbatus accensus della nostra Cohorte Consolare.
Non é richiesto giuramento. Questo editto sará efettivo inmediatamente.
Dato il giorno 23 di Gennaio 2762 a.U.c (AD 2009) nel consulato di M. Curiatius and M. Iulius.
== '''Edictum consulare VII :''' ==
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=== De donationibus ===
M. Curiatius Complutensis et M. Iulius Severus consules: patribus matribusque conscriptis, Senatui Populoque Novo Romano, Quiritibus, et Omnibus: s. p. d.:
Dona Novae Romae a civibus singulis data semper optime accipiuntur.
Quaesumus vos has regulas sequi, cum donatis, ut ne dubitatur, quin pecunia in suum locum adveniat.
Notae alicuius pecuniae tributo datae adscribantur, quae approbent eam esse pro tributo, et contineant provinciam, nomen Romanum et macronationalem eorum, pro quibus haec tributa dantur.
Notae alicuius pecuniae Proiecto "Magnae Matri" vel aliis proiectis datae adscribantur, quae contineant nomen proiecti (e.g. "Magna Mater").
Notae alicuius pecuniae Bursae Scholari datae mentionem de ea faciant.
Pecunia sine notis data, donatio generalis videbitur, atque in aerarium Saturni deponetur, quam Senatus Novus Romanus ita ut voluerit utetur.
Mementote nos nunc habere pecuniam dispositam Bursae Scholari et Bursae Terrariae.
Hoc edictum statim valet.
Datum a. d. VII Kal. Feb. M. Curiatio M. Iulio consulibus.
The Consuls M. Curiatius Complutensis and M. Iulius Severus sends Salutations to the Conscript Fathers and Mothers of the Senate, to the People of Nova Roma, the Quirites, and to All others:
Donations to Nova Roma from individual citizens are always welcome.
To insure that the money goes to the intended project or fund please observe these guidelines when making donations.
Any funds donated for the payment of taxes must state that they are for taxes and include the province, macronational name, and Nova Roman name of the person(s) for whom taxes are being paid.
Any funds donated to the Magna Mater project or any other named project must include the name of the project (e.g. "Magna Mater").
Any funds donated to the Scholarship Fund must specify "Scholarship Fund."
Any Funds donated that are not designated to a specific fund shall be deemed a general donation and shall be placed in the general treasury for whatever use as the Senate of Nova Roma may determine.
Let us bear in mind that now he have matching funds made available for the Scholarship Fund and the Land Fund.
This edict takes effect immediately.
Given under our hands this 26th day of January 2009 CE in the Consulship of M. Curiatius Complutensis and M. Iulius Severus
Los Cónsules M. Curiatius Complutensis y M. Iulius Severus Saludan a los Padres y a las Madres Conscriptos del Senado, al Pueblo de Nova Roma, los Quirites, y a todos los demás.
Los donativos individuales para Nova Roma, son siempre bienvenidos.
Con el fin de asegurar que el dinero se destine al proyecto o fondo elegidos, sigan por favor estas instrucciones cuando hagan sus donativos.
Los recursos donados para el pago de impuestos, deben especificarlo claramente e incluir el nombre de la Provincia , el nombre macronacional y el nombre novorromano de cada persona a cuya cuenta se paguen los impuestos.
Los recursos donados para el Proyecto Magna Mater o cualquier otro proyecto debidamente identificado, deben incluir el nombre completo del proyecto (por ejemplo, “Magna Mater”).
Los recursos donados para el Fondo de Becas deben especificar “Fondo de Becas” o "Scholarship Fund".
Cualesquier recursos donados que no sean destinados a un fondo específico, se considerarán como un donativo de uso general y serán depositados en la Tesorería de Nova Roma, para emplearlos según lo determine el Senado.
Es importante tener en cuenta que ahora disponemos de recursos complementarios, equivalentes a lo recaudado, tanto para el Fondo de Becas como para el Fondo Territorial (Land Fund).
Este edicto entra en vigor inmediatamente.
Dado de mano nuestra, al 26 de enero de 2009 de n.e.,  en el Consulado de M. Curiatius Complutensis y M. Iulius Severus
== '''Edictum consulare VIII :''' ==
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=== De Tabula pretiorum vectigalium Novae Romae anno 2762 ===
Ex officio consulari:
Tax payments for this year, 2762 a.U.c (AD 2009), will be accepted until 30th April 2762 a.U.c at 23:59 Roman time.
The Tax Rate Table for 2762 can be found in the Nova Roma web at http://www.novaroma.org/nr/Tax_rate_MMDCCLXII.
Each provincial governor is required to copy this edict to their provincial lists (where applicable).
This edict takes effect immediately.
Given under my hand this 2nd day of February  2762 a.U.c (AD 2009), in the consulship of M. Curiatius and M. Iulius.
M. Curiatius Complutensis
Ex officio consulari:
El pago de los Impuestos para este año , 2762 a.U.c (AD 2009), será aceptado hasta el 30 de Abril 2762 a.U.c a las 23:59 horas (hora de Roma).
La Tabla con los importes de los Impuestos para 2762 puede ser encontrada en la web de Nova Roma web en http://www.novaroma.org/nr/ES:Tax_rate_MMDCCLXII.
Los gobernadores provinciales son requeridos para copiar y traducir este edicto en sus respectivas listas provinciales (si existen).
Este edicto entra en vigor inmediatamente.
Dado por mi mano en este 2º dia de Febrero de 2762 a.U.c (AD 2009), en el Consulado de M. Curiatius y M.Iulius.
M. Curiatius Complutensis
Ex officio consulari:
Il pagamento  delle Tasse di quest'anno , 2762 a.U.c (AD 2009), sará acettato fino al 30 Aprile 2762 a.U.c alle 23:59 ore (ora di Roma).
La Tabella con le Tasse del  2762 si puó trovare nella web de Nova Roma web en http://www.novaroma.org/nr/Tax_rate_MMDCCLXII.
Si chiede ai governatori provinciali che copino e traducano questo editto nelle loro rispettive liste provinciali.
Questo editto é valido immediatamente.
Dato nel 2º giorno di Febbraio di 2762 a.U.c (AD 2009), nel Consolato di M. Curiatius y M.Iulius.
M. Curiatius Complutensis
== '''Edictum consulare IX :''' ==
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===Edictum consulare de diribitoribus suffectis creandis===
Ex officio consulari:
1) Under the authority of the SENATVS CONSVLTVM VLTIMVM issued by the Senate of Nova Roma, yesterday Sunday May 17th 2009, appended below, and pursuant to Section D of the SENATVS CONSVLTVM VLTIMVM we issue this Consular Edict.
2) Pursuant to Sections B, E and J of the SENATVS CONSVLTVM VLTIMVM this Consular Edict appoints:
i) Maxima Valeria Messallina
ii) Publius Ullerius Stephanus Venator
iii) Lucia Iulia Aquila
as Diribitores suffecti
3. The term of office of the citizens appointed as Diribitores suffecti in Section 2 of this Consular Edict shall be as defined in Section C of the SENATVS CONSVLTVM VLTIMVM.
"A) Under the authority of Section V.E of the Nova Roman Constitution, the Senate authorizes the enactment of the Senatus consultum ultimum, specifically and solely to allow the Consuls, Marcus Iulius Severus and Marcus Curiatius Complutensis, under its terms, to override Sections II.D.1, II.D.2, IV.A, IV.B. IV.C and V. of the Lex Equitia de vigintisexviris,
"B) The sole purpose of overriding those sections is in order to permit the appointment by the Consuls of Diribitores suffecti, whose identity and appointment shall be pre-approved by the Senate under Section J of this Senatus consultum ultimum.
"C) The term of office of all the Diribitores suffecti shall end when the current elections, being held in May 2009, in the Comitia Populi Tributa, Comitia Plebis Tributa and Comitia Centuriata are concluded
"D) Upon this Senatus consultum ultimum passing into effect, timed from the closing of the Senate voting session passing this Senatus consultum ultimum, the Consuls Marcus Iulius Severus and Marcus Curiatius Complutensis shall have no more than 24 (twenty four) hours to make these appointments, by means of Consular Edict. Should they fail to do so this Senatus consultum ultimum shall be deemed to be expired, to have no legal force, and all authority granted under its terms to be null and void.
"E) The Consular Edict that authorizes the appointment of the Diribitores suffecti, issued within the time frame specified in Section D above, shall be deemed to be issued with, and be an extension of, this Senatus consultum ultimum. For this purpose the Consular Edict shall be deemed to have the same legal force under Section I.B of the Nova Roman Constitution as this Senatus consultum ultimum.
"F) The Consular Edict shall contain no other action or matter, other than the appointment of the Diribitores suffecti, and should it contain any other action or attempt to affect any other matter, the legal force of this Senatus consultum ultimum shall be automatically and immediately withdrawn, and the Consular Edict be stripped of any enhanced authority and be treated as an ordinary Consular Edict under the terms of Section I.B of the Nova Roman Constitution.
"G) So long as the Consuls comply with all the requirements under this Senatus consultum ultimum and the Consular Edict complies with all the limitations placed upon it in this Senatus consultum ultimum, that Consular Edict shall not be subject to intercessio or obstruction of any form whatsoever. All constitutional rights, and any and all rights under Nova Roman law, to pronounce intercessio, obnuntiatio and any other form of legal veto or obstruction are suspended in respect of the passage of the Consular Edict. Such rights are not affected, other than for the passage into legal effect of the Consular Edict. Such rights are also not affected in respect of the performance and/or actions of the Diribitores suffecti.
"H) For the period of the elections as specified at Section C above the Diribitores suffecti shall have all the rights, powers and obligations of elected Diribitores, and be subject to the same legal requirements of the office they hold as a normally elected Diribitor. The Senatus consultum ultimum extends no extra rights, protection or powers to the Diribitores suffecti, nor does it indemnify them against any future legal action upon the expiration of their term of office.
"I) This Senatus consultum ultimum shall cease to have effect once the elections specified under Section C above are concluded, or earlier under the terms of Sections D or F, whichever should occur first.
"J) The approved Diribitores suffecti are:
i) Maxima Valeria Messallina
ii) Publius Ullerius Stephanus Venator
iii) Lucia Iulia Aquila"
Given under our hands this 18th day of May 2009 CE in the Consulship of M. Curiatius Complutensis and M. Iulius Severus (a.d. Kal. Iun. M. Curiatio M. Iulio Cos. MMDCCLXII a.V.c.)
== '''Edictum consulare X :''' ==
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===Edictum consulare de designatione Senatorum delectis quibus aliquid curandum Senatui committitur===
Ex officio consulari:
The following Senators are hereby appointed to complete the membership of the Senate Committees:
Senate Committee on Rules, L. Cornelius Sulla Felix
Senate Budget and Finance Committee, K. Fabius Buteo Quintilianus
Senate Scholarship Committee, C. Equitius Cato
Senate External Relations Committee, Cn. Iulius Cæsar
Senate Committee on Incorporation, Cn. Equitius Marinus, T. Iulius Sabinus, T. Galerius Paulinus, C. Equitius Cato
Given under our hands this 27th day of May 2762 a.V.c (AD 2009) in the consulship of M. Curiatius and M. Iulius.
Ex hoc, hi senatores designantur ut numerum aliquorum delectorum Senatús compleant:
Delectis senatús de Regulis, L. Cornelius Sulla Felix
Delectis senatús de Rationibus et Aerario, K. Fabius Buteo Modianus
Delectis senatús de scholaribus alendis, C. Equitius Cato
Delectis senatús de conjunctionibus externis, Cn. Iulius Cæsar
Delectis senatús de rebus constituendis, Cn. Equitius Marinus, T. Iulius Sabinus, T. Galerius Paulinus, C. Equitius Cato
Datum sub manu nostra a.d. VI Kal. Iun. ‡ M. Curiatio M. Iulio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXII a.V.c.
Los siguientes senadores son designados para completar el número de integrantes de los comités senatoriales:
Comité de Normas, L. Cornelius Sulla Felix
Comité de Presupuesto y Finanzas, K. Fabius Buteo Quintilianus
Comité de Becas, C. Equitius Cato
Comité de Relaciones Exteriores, Cn. Iulius Cæsar
Comité de Registro Legal , Cn. Equitius Marinus, T. Iulius Sabinus, T. Galerius Paulinus, C. Equitius Cato
Dado por nuestras manos el día 27 de mayo de 2762 (2009 d.n.e.), en el Consulado de M. Curiatius y M. Iulius.
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Latest revision as of 18:59, 27 May 2009


Edictum consulare I :

De creatione accensorum

Ex hoc:

•K. Fabius Buteo Quintilianus •Cn. Equitius Marinus •Cn. Cornelius Lentulus •T. Iulius Sabinus •C. Iulius Adventor •C. Cocceius Spinula •K. Fabius Buteo Modianus •P. Constantinus Placidus •M. Lucretius Agricola •L. Iulia Aquila •M. Octavius Corvus

accensae et accensi creantur.

Nullum ius iurandum poscetur. Hoc edictum statim valet.

Datum sub manu nostra Kal. Ian. M. Curiatio M. Iulio cos. MMDCCLXII a.u.c.

By this edict, we the consuls both appoint citizens:

• K. Fabius Buteo Quintilianus • Cn. Equitius Marinus • Cn. Cornelius Lentulus • T. Iulius Sabinus • C. Iulius Adventor • C. Cocceius Spinula • K. Fabius Buteo Modianus • P. Constantinus Placidus • M. Lucretius Agricola • L. Iulia Aquila • M. Octavius Corvus

as accensii of joint Consular Cohort together with all the obligations and privileges prescribed by the laws of Nova Roma.

No oath shall be required. This edict takes effect immediately.

Given under our hands this first day of January 2762 a.U.c (AD 2009) in the consulships of M. Curiatius and M. Iulius.

Por este edicto, nosotros los consules, nombramos a los siguientes ciudadanos:

• K. Fabius Buteo Quintilianus • Cn. Equitius Marinus • Cn. Cornelius Lentulus • T. Iulius Sabinus • C. Iulius Adventor • C. Cocceius Spinula • K. Fabius Buteo Modianus • P. Constantinus Placidus • M. Lucretius Agricola • L. Iulia Aquila • M. Octavius Corvus

accensii de nuestra Cohorte Consular.

No se requiere juramento. Este edicto será efectivo inmediatamente.

Dado por nuestras manos en este primer dia de Enero de 2762 a.U.c (AD 2009) en el consulado de M. Curiatius and M. Iulius.

Per questo editto, noi i consoli, nominiamo i seguenti cittadini:

• K. Fabius Buteo Quintilianus • Cn. Equitius Marinus • Cn. Cornelius Lentulus • T. Iulius Sabinus • C. Iulius Adventor • C. Cocceius Spinula • K. Fabius Buteo Modianus • P. Constantinus Placidus • M. Lucretius Agricola • L. Iulia Aquila • M. Octavius Corvus

accensii della nostra Cohorte Consolare.

Non é riciesto giuramento. Questo editto sará efettivo inmediatamente.

Dato il primo giorno di Gennaio 2762 a.U.c (AD 2009) nel consulato di M. Curiatius and M. Iulius.

M. Curiatius Complutensis

M. Iulius Severus

Edictum consulare II :

De assignatione quaestorum

Quaestors assignment for 2762 AVC

  • Lucia Livia Plauta is assigned to Consul M. Curiatius Complutensis
  • Tiberius Cornelius Scipio is assigned to Consul M. Iulius Severus
  • Gaius Petronius Dexter is assigned to Praetor Cn. Equitius Marinus
  • Marcus Valerius Potitus is assigned to Praetor P. Memmius Albucius
  • Quintus Valerius Poplicola is assigned to Aedile Curule Cn. Iulius Caesar
  • Titus Flavius Aquila is assigned to the Aedile Curule actually vacant, in the meantime he will work with the Aedile Cn. Iulius Caesar
  • Gaius Arminius Reccanellus is assigned to the Aedile Plebis Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius Postumianus
  • Lucius Gratius Nerva is assigned to the Aedile Plebis actually vacant, in the meantime he will work with the Aedile Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius Postumianus

Given under our hands this third day of January 2762 a.u.c. (AD 2009 ) in the consulship of M. Curiatio and M. Iulio

M. Curiatius Complutensis

M. Iulius Severus

Edictum consulare III :

De creatione accensorum

Ex hoc:

•Cn. Caelius Ahenobarbus •Fr. Apulus Caesar •T. Flavius Aquila

accensi creantur.

Nullum ius iurandum poscetur. Hoc edictum statim valet.

Datum sub manu nostra pr. Id. Ian. ‡ M. Curiatio M. Iulio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXII a.u.c.

By this edict, we the consuls both appoint citizens:

•Cn. Caelius Ahenobarbus •Fr. Apulus Caesar •T. Flavius Aquila

as accensii of joint Consular Cohort together with all the obligations and privileges

prescribed by the laws of Nova Roma.

No oath shall be required. This edict takes effect immediately.

Given under our hands this twelve day of January 2762 a.U.c (AD 2009) in the consulships of M.

Curiatius and M. Iulius.

Por este edicto, nosotros los consules, nombramos a los siguientes ciudadanos:

•Cn. Caelius Ahenobarbus •Fr. Apulus Caesar •T. Flavius Aquila

accensii de nuestra Cohorte Consular.

No se requiere juramento. Este edicto será efectivo inmediatamente.

Dado por nuestras manos en este decimosegunso dia de Enero de 2762 a.U.c (AD 2009) en el

consulado de M. Curiatius and M. Iulius.

Per questo editto, noi i consoli, nominiamo i seguenti cittadini:

•Cn. Caelius Ahenobarbus •Fr. Apulus Caesar •T. Flavius Aquila

accensii della nostra Cohorte Consolare.

Non é richiesto giuramento. Questo editto sará efettivo inmediatamente.

Dato il dodicesimo giorno di Gennaio 2762 a.U.c (AD 2009) nel consulato di M. Curiatius and M. Iulius.

M. Curiatius Complutensis

M. Iulius Severus

Edictum consulare IV :

De Gubernatores

Ex officio consularis.

I. In conformity with Nova Roma Constitution V. C:

"The Senate may, by Senatus Consultum, create provinciae for administrative purposes and appoint provincial governors therefore, who shall bear such titles as the Senate may deem appropriate. The Senate may review each governor on a yearly basis and it remains in the discretion of the Senate whether or not to prorogue such governors, although this review shall not constitute a ban on the authority of the Senate to remove governors from office as its discretion. Governors shall have the following honors, powers, and obligations:

1.To hold imperium and have the honor of being preceded by six lictors solely within the jurisdiction of their respective provinciae;

2. To proclaim those edicta (edicts) necessary to engage in those tasks which advance the mission and function of Nova Roma, solely within the jurisdiction of their provinciae (such edicts being binding upon themselves as well as others);

3. To manage the day-to-day organization and administration of their provinciae;

4. To appoint officers to whom authority may be delegated, subject to those restrictions and standards as the Senate shall deem appropriate;

5. To remove officers whom they have appointed, or make changes to their titles and/or delegated authority, subject to those restrictions and standards as the Senate shall deem appropriate."

I call for candidates to stand for the office of governor of Nova Roman provinces. The Nova Roman Senate will appoint the governors at its own discretion during the Senate session in February.

II. Candidates should be citizens, assiduii and meet all the requirements stipulated by the laws of Nova Roma:

The statement of governors who indicated in the annual report to Senate their wish to be prorogued for another term of office is already registered.

Citizens who apply for governorship for the first time must present in their statement of candidacy a brief description of their activities and experience within Nova Roma.

III. Nova Roma provinces list can be found at this address:


I ask if the current governors of the following provinces want to continue in office:

  • America Medioccidentalis Superior.
  • Asia Citerior.
  • Australia.
  • Brasilia.
  • Britannia.
  • Italia.
  • Pannonia.

I encourage citizens from the following provinces without governor to contact the consuls for more information. These provinces are:

  • America Austroccidentalis.
  • America Boreoccidentalis.
  • California.
  • Canada Citerior.
  • Venedia.
  • Lacus Magni.
  • Hibernia.

IV. I accept statements of candidacy beginning today, 12 of January until 31 of January, 24.00 Roma time, 2762 a.U.c.

Send your statement of candidacy to this address:


The governor of a province is the first person in contact with citizens from province. Together with his citizens a governor can transform a province in a very active one, organizing real events and meetings, developing local and inter-provinces projects, contacting public institutions or organizations with roman related interest and, of course, raising citizens.

prid. Id. Ian. M. Curiatio M. Iulio cos. MMDCCLXII a.u.c.

M. Curiatius Complutensis

M. Iulius Severus

Edictum consulare V :

De feriae Sementivae

M. Curiatius Complutensis M. Iulius Severus consules: Senatui Populoque Novo Romano, Quiritibus et omnibus: salutem plurimam dicunt:

Iubemus vos omnes bono animo esse!

Ante diem VII Idus Februarias, populo Novo Romano Quiritibus feriae Sementivae erunt; quando concepta fuerint, dies nefastus esto. Consules edicunt, ut omnia sacella sacra aperiantur, supplicationesque pro re publica populi Novi Romani Quiritium fiant.

Datum est a. d. XI Kalendas Februarias, M. Curiatio Complutense M. Iulio Severo consulibus, anno MMDCCLXII AVC.

The Consuls M. Curiatius Complutensis and M. Iulius Severus sends Salutations to the Conscript Fathers and Mothers of the Senate, to the People of Nova Roma, the Quirites, and to All others:

We wish you to be of Good Cheer.

On the seventh day of February (Gregorian; 24 January Julian), seven days before the Ides of February, the Roman people, the Quirites, will celebrate the feriae Sementivae (Paganalia); when they shall have begun, legal business ceases. The Consuls proclaim that on that day, all shrines are to be opened and thanksgivings offered for the Republic of the Nova Roman people, the Quirites.

Issued in the Consulship of M. Curiatius Complutensis and M. Iulius Severus, 23 January 2009 CE

Los Cónsules M. Curiatius Complutensis y M. Iulius Severus saludan a las Madres y a los Padres Conscriptos del Senado, al Pueblo de Nova Roma, los Quirites, y a todos los demás:

Les deseamos alegría y felicidad.

El séptimo día de febrero (calendario gregoriano; 24 de enero, calendario juliano), siete días antes de los Idus de febrero, el Pueblo romano, los Quirites, celebrarán las feriae Sementivae (Paganalia); en cuanto comiencen, todos los asuntos legales dejarán de ser tramitados. Los Cónsules proclaman que ese día, todos los santuarios serán abiertos y se ofrecerán acciones de gracias por la República del Pueblo de Nova Roma, los Quirites.

Dado en el Consulado de M. Curiatius Complutensis y M. Iulius Severus, 23 de enero de 2009 d.n.e.

Edictum consulare VI :

De creatione accensi

M. Curiatius Complutensis M. Iulius Severus consules: Senatui Populoque Novo Romano, Quiritibus et omnibus: salutem plurimam dicunt:

By this edict, we the consuls both appoint citizen:

• Ti. Horatius Barbatus as accensus of joint Consular Cohort together with all the obligations and privileges prescribed by the laws of Nova Roma.

No oath shall be required. This edict takes effect immediately.

Given under our hands this 23 day of January 2762 a.U.c (AD 2009) in the consulships of M. Curiatius and M. Iulius.

Por este edicto, nosotros los consules, nombramos a los siguientes ciudadanos:

• Ti. Horatius Barbatus accensus de nuestra Cohorte Consular.

No se requiere juramento. Este edicto será efectivo inmediatamente.

Dado por nuestras manos en este 23 dia de Enero de 2762 a.U.c (AD 2009) en el consulado de M. Curiatius and M. Iulius.

Per questo editto, noi i consoli, nominiamo i seguenti cittadini:

• Ti. Horatius Barbatus accensus della nostra Cohorte Consolare.

Non é richiesto giuramento. Questo editto sará efettivo inmediatamente.

Dato il giorno 23 di Gennaio 2762 a.U.c (AD 2009) nel consulato di M. Curiatius and M. Iulius.

Edictum consulare VII :

De donationibus

M. Curiatius Complutensis et M. Iulius Severus consules: patribus matribusque conscriptis, Senatui Populoque Novo Romano, Quiritibus, et Omnibus: s. p. d.:

Dona Novae Romae a civibus singulis data semper optime accipiuntur. Quaesumus vos has regulas sequi, cum donatis, ut ne dubitatur, quin pecunia in suum locum adveniat. Notae alicuius pecuniae tributo datae adscribantur, quae approbent eam esse pro tributo, et contineant provinciam, nomen Romanum et macronationalem eorum, pro quibus haec tributa dantur. Notae alicuius pecuniae Proiecto "Magnae Matri" vel aliis proiectis datae adscribantur, quae contineant nomen proiecti (e.g. "Magna Mater"). Notae alicuius pecuniae Bursae Scholari datae mentionem de ea faciant. Pecunia sine notis data, donatio generalis videbitur, atque in aerarium Saturni deponetur, quam Senatus Novus Romanus ita ut voluerit utetur. Mementote nos nunc habere pecuniam dispositam Bursae Scholari et Bursae Terrariae. Hoc edictum statim valet.

Datum a. d. VII Kal. Feb. M. Curiatio M. Iulio consulibus.

The Consuls M. Curiatius Complutensis and M. Iulius Severus sends Salutations to the Conscript Fathers and Mothers of the Senate, to the People of Nova Roma, the Quirites, and to All others:

Donations to Nova Roma from individual citizens are always welcome. To insure that the money goes to the intended project or fund please observe these guidelines when making donations. Any funds donated for the payment of taxes must state that they are for taxes and include the province, macronational name, and Nova Roman name of the person(s) for whom taxes are being paid. Any funds donated to the Magna Mater project or any other named project must include the name of the project (e.g. "Magna Mater"). Any funds donated to the Scholarship Fund must specify "Scholarship Fund." Any Funds donated that are not designated to a specific fund shall be deemed a general donation and shall be placed in the general treasury for whatever use as the Senate of Nova Roma may determine. Let us bear in mind that now he have matching funds made available for the Scholarship Fund and the Land Fund. This edict takes effect immediately.

Given under our hands this 26th day of January 2009 CE in the Consulship of M. Curiatius Complutensis and M. Iulius Severus

Los Cónsules M. Curiatius Complutensis y M. Iulius Severus Saludan a los Padres y a las Madres Conscriptos del Senado, al Pueblo de Nova Roma, los Quirites, y a todos los demás.

Los donativos individuales para Nova Roma, son siempre bienvenidos. Con el fin de asegurar que el dinero se destine al proyecto o fondo elegidos, sigan por favor estas instrucciones cuando hagan sus donativos. Los recursos donados para el pago de impuestos, deben especificarlo claramente e incluir el nombre de la Provincia , el nombre macronacional y el nombre novorromano de cada persona a cuya cuenta se paguen los impuestos. Los recursos donados para el Proyecto Magna Mater o cualquier otro proyecto debidamente identificado, deben incluir el nombre completo del proyecto (por ejemplo, “Magna Mater”). Los recursos donados para el Fondo de Becas deben especificar “Fondo de Becas” o "Scholarship Fund". Cualesquier recursos donados que no sean destinados a un fondo específico, se considerarán como un donativo de uso general y serán depositados en la Tesorería de Nova Roma, para emplearlos según lo determine el Senado. Es importante tener en cuenta que ahora disponemos de recursos complementarios, equivalentes a lo recaudado, tanto para el Fondo de Becas como para el Fondo Territorial (Land Fund). Este edicto entra en vigor inmediatamente.

Dado de mano nuestra, al 26 de enero de 2009 de n.e., en el Consulado de M. Curiatius Complutensis y M. Iulius Severus

Edictum consulare VIII :

De Tabula pretiorum vectigalium Novae Romae anno 2762

Ex officio consulari:

Tax payments for this year, 2762 a.U.c (AD 2009), will be accepted until 30th April 2762 a.U.c at 23:59 Roman time.

The Tax Rate Table for 2762 can be found in the Nova Roma web at http://www.novaroma.org/nr/Tax_rate_MMDCCLXII.

Each provincial governor is required to copy this edict to their provincial lists (where applicable).

This edict takes effect immediately.

Given under my hand this 2nd day of February 2762 a.U.c (AD 2009), in the consulship of M. Curiatius and M. Iulius.

M. Curiatius Complutensis


Ex officio consulari:

El pago de los Impuestos para este año , 2762 a.U.c (AD 2009), será aceptado hasta el 30 de Abril 2762 a.U.c a las 23:59 horas (hora de Roma).

La Tabla con los importes de los Impuestos para 2762 puede ser encontrada en la web de Nova Roma web en http://www.novaroma.org/nr/ES:Tax_rate_MMDCCLXII.

Los gobernadores provinciales son requeridos para copiar y traducir este edicto en sus respectivas listas provinciales (si existen).

Este edicto entra en vigor inmediatamente.

Dado por mi mano en este 2º dia de Febrero de 2762 a.U.c (AD 2009), en el Consulado de M. Curiatius y M.Iulius.

M. Curiatius Complutensis


Ex officio consulari:

Il pagamento delle Tasse di quest'anno , 2762 a.U.c (AD 2009), sará acettato fino al 30 Aprile 2762 a.U.c alle 23:59 ore (ora di Roma).

La Tabella con le Tasse del 2762 si puó trovare nella web de Nova Roma web en http://www.novaroma.org/nr/Tax_rate_MMDCCLXII.

Si chiede ai governatori provinciali che copino e traducano questo editto nelle loro rispettive liste provinciali.

Questo editto é valido immediatamente.

Dato nel 2º giorno di Febbraio di 2762 a.U.c (AD 2009), nel Consolato di M. Curiatius y M.Iulius.

M. Curiatius Complutensis


Edictum consulare IX :

Edictum consulare de diribitoribus suffectis creandis

Ex officio consulari:

1) Under the authority of the SENATVS CONSVLTVM VLTIMVM issued by the Senate of Nova Roma, yesterday Sunday May 17th 2009, appended below, and pursuant to Section D of the SENATVS CONSVLTVM VLTIMVM we issue this Consular Edict.

2) Pursuant to Sections B, E and J of the SENATVS CONSVLTVM VLTIMVM this Consular Edict appoints:

i) Maxima Valeria Messallina ii) Publius Ullerius Stephanus Venator iii) Lucia Iulia Aquila

as Diribitores suffecti

3. The term of office of the citizens appointed as Diribitores suffecti in Section 2 of this Consular Edict shall be as defined in Section C of the SENATVS CONSVLTVM VLTIMVM.


"A) Under the authority of Section V.E of the Nova Roman Constitution, the Senate authorizes the enactment of the Senatus consultum ultimum, specifically and solely to allow the Consuls, Marcus Iulius Severus and Marcus Curiatius Complutensis, under its terms, to override Sections II.D.1, II.D.2, IV.A, IV.B. IV.C and V. of the Lex Equitia de vigintisexviris,

"B) The sole purpose of overriding those sections is in order to permit the appointment by the Consuls of Diribitores suffecti, whose identity and appointment shall be pre-approved by the Senate under Section J of this Senatus consultum ultimum.

"C) The term of office of all the Diribitores suffecti shall end when the current elections, being held in May 2009, in the Comitia Populi Tributa, Comitia Plebis Tributa and Comitia Centuriata are concluded

"D) Upon this Senatus consultum ultimum passing into effect, timed from the closing of the Senate voting session passing this Senatus consultum ultimum, the Consuls Marcus Iulius Severus and Marcus Curiatius Complutensis shall have no more than 24 (twenty four) hours to make these appointments, by means of Consular Edict. Should they fail to do so this Senatus consultum ultimum shall be deemed to be expired, to have no legal force, and all authority granted under its terms to be null and void.

"E) The Consular Edict that authorizes the appointment of the Diribitores suffecti, issued within the time frame specified in Section D above, shall be deemed to be issued with, and be an extension of, this Senatus consultum ultimum. For this purpose the Consular Edict shall be deemed to have the same legal force under Section I.B of the Nova Roman Constitution as this Senatus consultum ultimum.

"F) The Consular Edict shall contain no other action or matter, other than the appointment of the Diribitores suffecti, and should it contain any other action or attempt to affect any other matter, the legal force of this Senatus consultum ultimum shall be automatically and immediately withdrawn, and the Consular Edict be stripped of any enhanced authority and be treated as an ordinary Consular Edict under the terms of Section I.B of the Nova Roman Constitution.

"G) So long as the Consuls comply with all the requirements under this Senatus consultum ultimum and the Consular Edict complies with all the limitations placed upon it in this Senatus consultum ultimum, that Consular Edict shall not be subject to intercessio or obstruction of any form whatsoever. All constitutional rights, and any and all rights under Nova Roman law, to pronounce intercessio, obnuntiatio and any other form of legal veto or obstruction are suspended in respect of the passage of the Consular Edict. Such rights are not affected, other than for the passage into legal effect of the Consular Edict. Such rights are also not affected in respect of the performance and/or actions of the Diribitores suffecti.

"H) For the period of the elections as specified at Section C above the Diribitores suffecti shall have all the rights, powers and obligations of elected Diribitores, and be subject to the same legal requirements of the office they hold as a normally elected Diribitor. The Senatus consultum ultimum extends no extra rights, protection or powers to the Diribitores suffecti, nor does it indemnify them against any future legal action upon the expiration of their term of office.

"I) This Senatus consultum ultimum shall cease to have effect once the elections specified under Section C above are concluded, or earlier under the terms of Sections D or F, whichever should occur first.

"J) The approved Diribitores suffecti are:

i) Maxima Valeria Messallina

ii) Publius Ullerius Stephanus Venator

iii) Lucia Iulia Aquila"

Given under our hands this 18th day of May 2009 CE in the Consulship of M. Curiatius Complutensis and M. Iulius Severus (a.d. Kal. Iun. M. Curiatio M. Iulio Cos. MMDCCLXII a.V.c.)



Edictum consulare X :

Edictum consulare de designatione Senatorum delectis quibus aliquid curandum Senatui committitur

Ex officio consulari:

The following Senators are hereby appointed to complete the membership of the Senate Committees:

Senate Committee on Rules, L. Cornelius Sulla Felix

Senate Budget and Finance Committee, K. Fabius Buteo Quintilianus

Senate Scholarship Committee, C. Equitius Cato

Senate External Relations Committee, Cn. Iulius Cæsar

Senate Committee on Incorporation, Cn. Equitius Marinus, T. Iulius Sabinus, T. Galerius Paulinus, C. Equitius Cato

Given under our hands this 27th day of May 2762 a.V.c (AD 2009) in the consulship of M. Curiatius and M. Iulius.

Ex hoc, hi senatores designantur ut numerum aliquorum delectorum Senatús compleant:

Delectis senatús de Regulis, L. Cornelius Sulla Felix

Delectis senatús de Rationibus et Aerario, K. Fabius Buteo Modianus

Delectis senatús de scholaribus alendis, C. Equitius Cato

Delectis senatús de conjunctionibus externis, Cn. Iulius Cæsar

Delectis senatús de rebus constituendis, Cn. Equitius Marinus, T. Iulius Sabinus, T. Galerius Paulinus, C. Equitius Cato

Datum sub manu nostra a.d. VI Kal. Iun. ‡ M. Curiatio M. Iulio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXII a.V.c.

Los siguientes senadores son designados para completar el número de integrantes de los comités senatoriales:

Comité de Normas, L. Cornelius Sulla Felix

Comité de Presupuesto y Finanzas, K. Fabius Buteo Quintilianus

Comité de Becas, C. Equitius Cato

Comité de Relaciones Exteriores, Cn. Iulius Cæsar

Comité de Registro Legal , Cn. Equitius Marinus, T. Iulius Sabinus, T. Galerius Paulinus, C. Equitius Cato

Dado por nuestras manos el día 27 de mayo de 2762 (2009 d.n.e.), en el Consulado de M. Curiatius y M. Iulius.