Ludi Novi Romani/MMDCCLXIII
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'''Item 6''' | '''Item 6''' | ||
− | *''Quote'': | + | *''Quote'': Vexilla regis prodeunt inferni |
*''Questions'': 1. What is the literal translation of this phrase in English? 2. Who wrote it? 3. Who is the character who says the phrase in its original context? 4. (optional - 1 bonus points if correct) What character is being approached, while the phrase is spoken? | *''Questions'': 1. What is the literal translation of this phrase in English? 2. Who wrote it? 3. Who is the character who says the phrase in its original context? 4. (optional - 1 bonus points if correct) What character is being approached, while the phrase is spoken? | ||
+ | |||
+ | '''Item 7''' | ||
+ | *''Quote'': Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres | ||
+ | *''Questions'': 1. What is the literal translation of this phrase in English? 2. Who wrote it? | ||
+ | 3. What is the full title of the work which begins with the phrase, and what does the title mean? (1 point each) | ||
All citizens who still haven't replied to these items should not worry: they may join in at any time by submitting their answers to Placidus according to the rules above - even multiple answers to multiple items within a single e-mail message are accepted. | All citizens who still haven't replied to these items should not worry: they may join in at any time by submitting their answers to Placidus according to the rules above - even multiple answers to multiple items within a single e-mail message are accepted. |
Revision as of 18:37, 7 March 2010

The Ludi Novi Romani are the games celebrating the founding of Nova Roma, 12 years ago.
Concordialia ritual this year
Pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus and Livia Plauta have performed the Concordialia ritual today at Livia's home, and you are invited to see the pictures made about the official 12th birthday ceremony of our republic.
Opening of the Ludi Novi Romani
Ædilis Curulis P. Annæus Constantinus Placidus omnibus civibus, peregrinisque bonæ voluntatis salutem plurimam dicit.'
Salvete omnes!
If you are reading these few lines right now, you are probably aware that this is a historical date for this (as yet) small, but thriving community called Nova Roma. Indeed, around these times,12 years ago - way back in 1998! - a little group of like-minded people decided to found a Roman revivalist group which would be dedicated to something else than pure entertainment, or hobbies, or other mundane activities. What they had in mind was a return to a set of values and morals which seems long lost in today's frantic, always-in-a- hurry times. Of course they looked for those values in a past time, and of all the possible past times that humanity has lived through, their choice fell on a really golden period of our shared history: the Republican age of Ancient Rome. And so, with just a little help from modern technology, NOVA ROMA was born. According to the Constitution, written immediately after its founding, the aims of the organization are "the study and restoration of ancient Roman culture. Founded 2,750 years after the Eternal City itself, Nova Roma seeks to bring back those golden times but through the spread of knowledge and through our own virtuous example." This is what Nova Roma is, in a nutshell: a group of people united by a mutual affection, interest, love and respect for everything connected to the culture and the civilization of ancient Rome. It may be said, though, that sometimes not absolutely everything goes peacefully, quietly and smooth as silk within our community (as in every other group of people linked by common interests), and every now and then some discussions may come up because of the different ways in which a few members view things. Sometimes these debates may get somewhat heated, and sometimes they may even go as far as involving politics in the much bigger world outside us. However, starting from today, on the CONCORDIALIA, the 12th Anniversary of the Foundation Day of our Republic, this is hopefully not a time for heated debates. This is, I hope, not a time for letting politics and other such stuff divert our attention from what Nova Roma really is. Dedicated to Goddess Concordia, this* is a 12-days time to celebrate peace and goodwill: this is a time for agreeing with each other: this is a time for getting along with our fellow citizens: this is a time for being happy!* And what better way to do this than having a series of pleasant, challenging and, yes, even exciting Ludi where all of you citizens may join? So, without any further delay, let me give to all of you a warm and heartfelt WELCOME to this new edition of the LUDI NOVI ROMANI!
Hereby I do declare the Ludi Novi Romani for the 12th anniversary of Nova Roma OPEN!
Optime valete omnes!
- P. Annæus Constantinus Placidus
- Ædilis Curulis Novæ Romæ
PROGRAM of the Ludi Novi Romani
- Concordialia ritual (Opening Ceremony): 1st March;
- Ludi circenses (Virtual Chariot Race): Quarters: 3rd March, Semi-finals: 6th March, Finals: 12th March;
- Certamen Historicum Novum Romanum (A Nova Roman History Quiz): 1st - 12th March;
- Certamen Latinum (Latin Quiz): 1st - 12th March;
- Ipse Dixit Quiz (Another Latin Quiz): 1st - 12th March;
- Literary Contest: "Unity" - Composition on concord: 3rd - 10th March. Results announced: 12th March.
- Nova Roman Parody Writing Contest (Another Literary Contest): 3rd - 10th March. Results announced: 12th March.
- Visual Quiz - about the Videos of Nova Roma: 6th - 12th March
- Closing Ceremony: 12th March.
Ludi circenses: Chariot race - Semifinals
The two Semifinal rounds of the chariot race took place on March 6th.
The First semifinal was won by Luxogenes, driven by Eporicus, owned by Consul P. Memmius Albucius of the ALBATA team. His other chariot, Drunas, driven by Nervia, came second. Both are qualified for the Final. Rubidea, driven by Febronius, owned by M. Arminius Maior of RUSSATA (third) and The Sunburst, driven by Ambicatos, owned by Quintus Servilius Priscus of PRAESINA are eliminated. The full report of the race, by L. Iulia Aquila and C. Maria Cæca, can be read here.
The starting grid of the second semifinal was as follows:
- Lane I: Windchaser IV, driven by Emrys of Gaul, owned by Maxima Valeria Messalina (VENETA).
- Lane II: Volcanus, driven by Merddyn and owned by Quintus Servilius Priscus (PRAESINA).
- Lane III: White Wind, driven by Hermanus, owned by C. Maria Cæca (ALBATA).
- Lane IV: Incitatus, driven by Stolo, owned by C. Petronius Dexter (VENETA).
The result of the second semifinal shall be posted within this space as soon as the race's report appears on the main NR list.
Certamen Historicum
Welcome to the Certamen Historicum, History Quiz about the history of our Republic, Nova Roma. This quiz will help you to immerse in our community's history, and knowing each other better finally will lead us to accept each other better, in the spirit of unity for one goal, the restoration of the Roman republic.
Each day for the next twelve days one or two questions will be posted that relate to the history of Nova Roma, exactly to that year of Nova Roma which equals to the number of the day of the Ludi Novi Romani, and the day of March.
So at the first day of the Ludi Novi Romani, there will be two questions about the first year of Nova Roma.
Rules of the Certamen Historicum
1. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. An extra point may be awarded for an especially detailed and excellent answer. 2. Answers are to be sent to my e-mail address <> within 24 hours after the posting of the questions.
3. My decision is final in interpreting what is and what isn't a correct answer.
Certamen Latinum
As part of our celebration of Nova Roma's 12th birthday, it only seems appropriate that we have a Latin quiz. Lingua Latina plays a vital role here, since it is our ceremonial language, but also because many of us are either learning, or intend to learn, it. While Latin may never become our primary language for day to day communication, on the day when I, a native speaker of English can ask another citizen, whose native language is different, to rephrase something I didn't quite understand in Latin, so that I can better understand what is being said, we will have broadened our ability to communicate, and, especially in an on line environment, clear communication serves to bring Concordia among us.
It is, therefore, my pleasure to present you with a quiz, constructed primarily for beginning Latin students, but with a few surprises thrown in for the more advanced (provided by one of our primary Latinists). Have fun!
Rules of the Certamen Latinum
1. I will post one question a day, participants must send their answers directly to me at <> within 24 hours of posting. Please do *not* post answers to the list! I will announce the correct answer to question 1 when I post question 2 the next day, and so on, and announce the winner at the end of the quiz.
2. Points: Questions 1, 2 and 3 will receive 1 point each. Questions 4, 5 and 6 will receive 2 points each. Questions 7, 8 and 9 will receive 3 points each. Questions 10 and 11 will receive 4 points each, and question 12 will receive 5 points (and yes, it will be more involved and difficult!) Now ...the questions do get progressively more tricky and difficult, so a good strategy is to "clean up" on the early questions, to build up some easy points!
"Ipse Dixit" Quiz (Edition III)
From March 1st to March 12th, a series of 12 quiz items based on Latin quotes (famous ones, not-so-famous ones and little-known ones) shall be posted on the main NR list. Each item shall include a Latin quote and 2 or 3 questions about it. At the end of the quiz, when all 12 items will have been posted and the respective answers shall be revealed, the citizen with the highest score will be the winner; the reward shall be a new Nova Roman Sestertius created by G. Vipsanius Agrippa.
Rules of the "Ipse Dixit" Quiz
Anyone who wishes to participate should send their answers privately to P. Ann. Con. Placidus - <> - rather than to the main NR list. The game is open to all citizens - Consules, Censores, Prætores, Quæstores, Ædiles, members of the Cohors Ædilicia, and ordinary citizens... everyone may join in! All the items shall also be posted here after they have appeared on the main list, so that anyone who is late or may have missed previous items is always able to catch up.
The scores shall be as follows:
- 2 points for each correct answer;
- 0 points for each wrong answer;
- -1 (minus one) point for each absent (not given) answer.
The following items have already been posted for the Ipse Dixit quiz:
Item 1
- Quote: Ab ovo
- Questions: 1) What is the literal English translation of this phrase? 2) Who wrote it? 3) What is the actual meaning of the phrase in its common usage?
Item 2
- Quote: Errare humanum est, perseverare autem diabolicum
- Questions: 1) What is the literal English translation of this phrase? 2) Who wrote it? 3) What is the actual meaning of the phrase in its common usage?
Item 3
- Quote: Nemo propheta in patria
- Questions: 1. What is the literal English translation of this phrase? 2. What is the original source of the phrase? (Quote at least one specific source.) 3. What is the actual meaning of the phrase in its common usage?
Item 4
- Quote: Si vis pacem, para bellum
- Questions: 1. What is the literal English translation of this phrase? 2. Who wrote it? 3. What is the actual meaning of the phrase in its common usage? 4. (optional - 1 bonus point if correct) What famous comic book hero uses this phrase as his motto?
Item 5
- Quote: Acta est fabula, plaudite!
- Questions: 1. What is the literal English translation of this phrase? 2. Who WROTE it? 3. According to the writer, who SAID it? 4. What is the actual meaning of the phrase in its common usage, outside of its original context?
Item 6
- Quote: Vexilla regis prodeunt inferni
- Questions: 1. What is the literal translation of this phrase in English? 2. Who wrote it? 3. Who is the character who says the phrase in its original context? 4. (optional - 1 bonus points if correct) What character is being approached, while the phrase is spoken?
Item 7
- Quote: Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres
- Questions: 1. What is the literal translation of this phrase in English? 2. Who wrote it?
3. What is the full title of the work which begins with the phrase, and what does the title mean? (1 point each)
All citizens who still haven't replied to these items should not worry: they may join in at any time by submitting their answers to Placidus according to the rules above - even multiple answers to multiple items within a single e-mail message are accepted.
Current standings
- Gaius Marcius Crispus: 45 points.
- Marcus Iulius Perusianus: 45 points.
- Maxima Valeria Messalina: 44 points.
- Gaius Equitius Cato: 38 points.
- Lucia Iulia Aquila: 32 points.
- Gaius Tullius Valerianus Germanicus: 31 points.
- Tiberius Galerius Paulinus: 6 points.
Keep watching this space during the next days for further updates.
Literary Contest: "Unity"
There is so much antagonizing in our community. People in Nova Roma are supposed to be glad that there ARE at all other, too, in the world that wants such a "strane", unique and incredible thing: restoring the Roman nation, religion and customs! We are so few! We need so much to keep together! I just mention names like Sulla, Cato, Hortensia, Caesar, Piscinus, Modianus: and suddenly many people become excited, and everyone believes to know who is bad and good. All of them have very firm opinions about each other, and Nova Roma is divided into two parties. People judge each other on the ground of these party-affiliations, and Nova Roma suffers the bickering and mocking, infinitely.
This has to come to an end.
This has to start with YOU.
Composition in any genre of literature, prose, poem or drama, writing directly about, or alluding to, the importance of concord, unity; the reconciliation of factions in Nova Roma; about the way, the goal, the reasons and solutions.
There are no rules except to keep yourselves to the topic. Keep in mind that the purpose of the game is to promote concord, friendship, unity and cooperation in Nova Roma.
The winner will be selected by a jury composed of people of experienced in literature. The prize will be a Nova Roman proof sestertius for the winner, and the best works will be published.
The 10th of March, 24:00 - Rome Time
Nova Roman Parody Writing Contest
The FIRST Nova Roman Parody Writing Contest!
In the spirit of joy, friendship, and concord, we should approach each other with a sense of humour in Nova Roma, not only because it is very healthy but also because it decrease the stress, make your lives longer, and finally, makes our community more united: we will be like a family. n Because no one is a mortal enemy of the other in our society: it can't be, it can't happen, it would not make any sense. Let aside the hatred. What you consider terrible maybe it is just funny! On the other end of the spectrum, we love to laugh even at those who we hold dearest, and - even at ourselves. Or if not, we have to learn to laugh at ourselves first, then we will have a chance to take Nova Roman politics easier. A non-malicious laugh at our beloved ones and friends' smaller mistakes and strange habits is nothing more than a sign of mental healthiness, sincere respect, and deeper knowledge of the other.
Nova Romans, learn to laugh a good!
Competitors are wanted to teach us how to laugh a big good one at ourselves!
The task for the competitors is to write a PARODY or PARODIES about NR-widely famous, well-known Nova Romans, imitating their writing-style, character, habits etc. Anything what a normal parody would indicate in writing.
You can write a parody either about one Nova Roman or many of them. The genre of the work is optional, it can be either verse or prose, letters or speeches, parodies imitating a chat, or real life conversation, or you can write even a drama.
There is no other rule except that you can't be hurtfully malevolent, aggressive, and offensive with the people about whom you write the parody. The PURPOSE of this game is to bring people together in friendship and hilarity, to try to see each other's faults in a forgiving spirit as excusable ones. Works containing explicit rudeness, evil, hurtful and offensive elements will be excluded from the competition by the jury, and will not be published.
Remember: the purpose of the game is writing smart, elegant, delightful and sparkling parodies, NOT ridiculing others.
The winner will be selected by a jury composed of people of experienced in literature. The prize will be a Nova Roman proof sestertius for the winner, and the best works will be published.
The 10th of March, 24:00 - Rome Time

Enjoy the video made about the 10th Anniversary Concordialia here:
The video is made about the official 10th Anniversary Celebration of the founding of Nova Roma, the 10th birthday of Nova Roma, held on the Kalends of March, 2761 AUC, during the consulship of M. Moravius Piscinus Horatianus and T. Iulius Sabinus, organized by Cn. Cornelius Lentulus and Pannonian citizens of Nova Roma.
You can also hear the reading of the Latin variant of the Declaration of Nova Roma, our founding document, with subtitles, captured on the same day, recorded by Cn. Lentulus.
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