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(Edictum consulare de reprehensione D. Claudi aedilis curulis)
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'''INDEX''': Return to the '''''[[Edicta_MMDCCLXXVII#Overview|Top of the page]]'''''.
'''INDEX''': Return to the '''''[[Edicta_MMDCCLXXVII#Overview|Top of the page]]'''''.
==Edictum consulare de intercessione aedilicia==
==Edictum consulare de reprehensione D. Claudi aedilis curulis ==
:*STATUS: '''''In-Force'''''
:*STATUS: '''''In-Force'''''
:*ORIGINALLY ENACTED: '''''{{Feb 1}} {{2024}}'''''
:*ORIGINALLY ENACTED: '''''{{May 15}} {{2024}}'''''
:*OFFICIAL POST: '''''[https://groups.io/g/TheForumRomanum/message/100443 Forum Romanum #100443]'''''
:*OFFICIAL POST: '''''[https://groups.io/g/TheForumRomanum/message/100768 Forum Romanum #100768]'''''
This joint edict of the consules M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius and C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus officially reprimands aedilis curulis D. Claudius Aquilinus for his recent public behavior when he urinated outdoors at a Roman festival of Nova Roma, next to the tent of our reenactment legionaries, which might have been visible to many visitors, reenactors or even to photographers.
This caused a deep resentment and internal problems in the relationship of Nova Roma with said reenactment soldiers.
I. I hereby confirm all consular edicts that are currently in force.
Given the indignitas of this behavior of the aedilis, he was invited to step down from his office, but he choose not do so. Nor did he pay any financial amends or, for honor's sake, undertake any other mitigating action to compensate for his transgression.
II. Within my higher consular potestas, I hereby issue a counter veto (intercessio) and overturn the intercessio of aedilis curulis D. Claudius Aquilinus over the Edictum aedilicium de curatore Ludorum Quinvicennalium of M. Caecilius Metellus Tocaiensis.
While D. Claudius issued an official apology in private to the offended legionary organizers, they did not find the content of this satisfactory.
In light of this, we, the consules, would also like to extend an apology to the offended legionaries on behalf of the magistracy of Nova Roma.
III. In the spirit of reconciliation in the middle, I specify that the curator Ludorum Quinvicennalium is strictly a protocol and clerical duties office from now on, no ludi activities, no decisions may be made by the curator, except creating and publishing the archives, and sending out the notifications as stated in the original edict.
Nova Roma does not condone this behavior from any citizen. Indeed, we must hold magistrates, in their capacity as the elected leadership of Nova Roma, to an even higher standard of scrutiny and behavior.
Dated on the Kalends of February, in the consulship of M. Cotta and C. Petronius, 2777 A. U. C.
Let this incident be a reminder and lesson to all citizens that their behavior at our events, and in official Nova Roman forums, reflects not only the individual but also the organization and our community as a whole. We expect all citizens to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the highest virtues and most noble examples of Romanitas, one that extols the glory of the Mos Maiorum.
Marcus Aurelius Cotta Iovius<br>
:C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus
:M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius
==Edictum consulare de funere censorio A. Tulliae Scholasticae Augustae==
==Edictum consulare de funere censorio A. Tulliae Scholasticae Augustae==
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M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius
M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius
==Edictum consulare de intercessione aedilicia==
:*STATUS: '''''In-Force'''''
:*ORIGINALLY ENACTED: '''''{{Feb 1}} {{2024}}'''''
:*OFFICIAL POST: '''''[https://groups.io/g/TheForumRomanum/message/100443 Forum Romanum #100443]'''''
I. I hereby confirm all consular edicts that are currently in force.
II. Within my higher consular potestas, I hereby issue a counter veto (intercessio) and overturn the intercessio of aedilis curulis D. Claudius Aquilinus over the Edictum aedilicium de curatore Ludorum Quinvicennalium of M. Caecilius Metellus Tocaiensis.
III. In the spirit of reconciliation in the middle, I specify that the curator Ludorum Quinvicennalium is strictly a protocol and clerical duties office from now on, no ludi activities, no decisions may be made by the curator, except creating and publishing the archives, and sending out the notifications as stated in the original edict.
Dated on the Kalends of February, in the consulship of M. Cotta and C. Petronius, 2777 A. U. C.
Marcus Aurelius Cotta Iovius<br>

Revision as of 22:19, 14 May 2024

Praetor-logo.png This page is maintained under authority of the Praetores. Make no unauthorized changes .

INDEX: Return to the Edicta of Nova Roma.


Use the table of contents to navigate to the edicta of a particular office of the Magistratus Ordinarii. This page primarily shows the edicta raised and issued for this year only.

Edicts are posted, by office, in the order they are issued through the course of the year. The most recent edicts will be towards the top of an office section.


Edicta of the Censores

INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.

Edicta of the Consules

INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.

Edictum consulare de reprehensione D. Claudi aedilis curulis


This joint edict of the consules M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius and C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus officially reprimands aedilis curulis D. Claudius Aquilinus for his recent public behavior when he urinated outdoors at a Roman festival of Nova Roma, next to the tent of our reenactment legionaries, which might have been visible to many visitors, reenactors or even to photographers.

This caused a deep resentment and internal problems in the relationship of Nova Roma with said reenactment soldiers.

Given the indignitas of this behavior of the aedilis, he was invited to step down from his office, but he choose not do so. Nor did he pay any financial amends or, for honor's sake, undertake any other mitigating action to compensate for his transgression.

While D. Claudius issued an official apology in private to the offended legionary organizers, they did not find the content of this satisfactory.

In light of this, we, the consules, would also like to extend an apology to the offended legionaries on behalf of the magistracy of Nova Roma.

Nova Roma does not condone this behavior from any citizen. Indeed, we must hold magistrates, in their capacity as the elected leadership of Nova Roma, to an even higher standard of scrutiny and behavior.

Let this incident be a reminder and lesson to all citizens that their behavior at our events, and in official Nova Roman forums, reflects not only the individual but also the organization and our community as a whole. We expect all citizens to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the highest virtues and most noble examples of Romanitas, one that extols the glory of the Mos Maiorum.


C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus
M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius

Edictum consulare de funere censorio A. Tulliae Scholasticae Augustae


Pursuant to the Senatus Consultum de funere censorio A. Tulliae Scholasticae Augustae principis senatus and to honour the memory and service of the late A. Tullia Scholastica Augusta, the consuls have determined that:

I. The funus censorium of A. Tullia Scholastica Augusta, funerary ritual and sacrifice will be held at a.d. V Id. Mai. (11th May). The ritual and sacrifice will be officiated by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus on behalf of both consuls.

II. A state mourning is declared from a.d. VI Id. Mai. (10th May) to a.d. IV Id. Mai. (12th May). In accordance with the Senatus Consultum de funere censorio A. Tulliae Scholasticae Augustae those days are declared Dies Nefasti Publici (NP).

III. The consuls instruct the aediles to hold the Ludi Tullii memorial games in this period within one month of the state mourning period.

M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius CONSUL

Edictum consulare de intercessione aedilicia


I. I hereby confirm all consular edicts that are currently in force.

II. Within my higher consular potestas, I hereby issue a counter veto (intercessio) and overturn the intercessio of aedilis curulis D. Claudius Aquilinus over the Edictum aedilicium de curatore Ludorum Quinvicennalium of M. Caecilius Metellus Tocaiensis.

III. In the spirit of reconciliation in the middle, I specify that the curator Ludorum Quinvicennalium is strictly a protocol and clerical duties office from now on, no ludi activities, no decisions may be made by the curator, except creating and publishing the archives, and sending out the notifications as stated in the original edict.

Dated on the Kalends of February, in the consulship of M. Cotta and C. Petronius, 2777 A. U. C.


Marcus Aurelius Cotta Iovius

Edicta of the Praetores

INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.

Edictum praetorium de scribae praetorio a religione et curiis


I. With this edict, I confirm all past edicts of the praetores that are currently in force.

II. As Praetor of the Nova Roman People, I hereby appoint L. Papirius Cursor to the position of Scriba Praetorius a Religione et Curiis (otherwise known as Praetorian Scriba for matters of Religio and the Curiae).

III. The duties of Scriba Praetorius a Religione et Curiis shall be to assist with religious research and activities and to assist with the organization and administration of the Curiae.

IV. No oath is required, effective a.d. IV Non. Feb. ‡ M. Cotta C. Petronio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVII a.u.c..


P. Aurelius Barbatus

Edicta of the Aediles Curules

INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.

Edictum aedilicium de curatore ludorum quinvicennalium


I. With this edict, I confirm all past edicts of the aediles that are currently in force.

II. I hereby extend the appointment of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus as curator Ludorum Quinvicennalium in order to finish the administrative and communication works that need to be completed, and to take care of archiving all events of the 25th Anniversary Year. His appointment will be terminated upon his report on conclusion of these tasks.

Datum Kal. Feb. M. Cotta C. Petronio coss. 2777 AUC.


Edicta of the Tribuni Plebes

INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.

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