Ludi Megalenses 2763 AUC

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(Ludi Megalenses Schedule: 7 days (Apr. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10))
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'''P. Annæus Constantinus Placidus'''
'''P. Annæus Constantinus Placidus'''
''Ædilis Curulis Novæ Romæ''
''Ædilis Curulis Novæ Romæ''
'''Invocation to Magna Mater'''
''Hail Great Goddess, Magna Mater, safe in the womb of Your sacred forests I, L. Iulia Aquila,  praise Thee with voice lifted to the highest mountains! Draw near, hear, and accept these sacrifices of milk and honey, of the sweetest incense, in Your honor! I humbly implore You, Great Mother, to protect and bring propitious blessings, harmony and happiness to the citizens of Nova Roma, to the sacred city of Rome and to all those who remember Your name this holy week of Your joyous festival!''
From Precatio Terrae 15-24:
Merito vocaris Magna tu Mater deum,
pietate quia vicisti divom numina;
tuque illa vera esd gentium et divom parens,
sine qua nil maturatur nec nasci potest:
tu es Magna tuque divom regina es, dea.
Te, diva, adoro tuumque ego numen invoco,
facilisque praestes hoc mihi quod te rogo;
referamque grates, diva, tibi merita fide.
exaudi me, quaeso, et fave coeptis meis;
hoc quod peto a te, diva, mihi praesta volens.
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==Ludi Megalenses Highlights==
==Ludi Megalenses Highlights==
* '''The Cult of Magna Mater'''  
*'''Certamen Historicum: Satura (Mixed Bag of Roman Life)'''
Magna Mater in her chariot []
:(1) Livius 29.10 Introduction of Magna Mater to Rome
This game is a series of 12 different questions with 1 – 4 parts including bonus questions regarding various aspects of basic Roman life that every ancient Roman would know. 1 – 2 will be offered each day. It is designed to be fun and educational.
Various aspects of everyday Ancient Roman life which include numerals, Latin terms – a mixed bag!
==Ludi Megalenses Schedule: 7 days (Apr. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)==
1) Everyday during the Ludi one or two questions will be posted. You may answer
them as they are posted or when you have time as long as they are answered by
the Deadline as indicated below. Some are easy, some not so.
2) 12 questions, some with multiple answers earn 2 – 16 points including bonus
questions for a total of 100 points.
THE WINNER of this edition is '''Gaius Cocceius Spinula''' with a total of 90 points. Gaius Equitius Cato and Gaius Tullius Valerianus Germanicus are ''ex aequo'' at the second place with 14 points.
*''' Lustratio Romæ (Views of Rome through your eyes: Artwork Contest)'''
Visual Arts reflect how different individuals view our organization, or community, or "nation" The range of views submitted will reflect the nature of our Nova Roma will foster new meanings and a new strength impacting further understanding of each other as fellow citizens.
Contestants will submit pieces of visual artwork that reflect various aspects of Roman and Nova Roman life.
1) Photographs - your own or from other media such as books and the Internet (just make sure you have the rights and permissions to use them)
2) Photographs of Original Artwork or Sculpture in the media you desire from ink to paint to mosaic tiles to clay and marble.
3) Photographs of Artwork or Sculpture (just make sure you have the rights and permissions to use them, most artwork over 100 years old is safe)
4) Please remember that while nudity is OK in classical depictions of Gods and ancient Romans, no lewd acts or overt sexual content allowed.
Remember: the purpose of the game is to inspire each of us, your fellow citizens.
THE WINNER of this edition is '''Gaius Aquillius Rota''' with 118 points. Marcus Minucius Audens is in a close second place with 105 points. Quinta Sergia Alba is in third with 69 points. Maximum points were 120 (30 points per Judge).
*''' Adumbratio Comœdia (Theatrical Comedy Sketch Writing Contest)'''
These sketches or plays are to be composed in the spirit of friendship and camaraderie and above all with a sense of humor. They are to make us laugh - at ourselves and each other in a good natured fashion setting aside all loathing and dislike. Laughter of well written parodies and comedies bring people together.
Contestants will submit a script for a short comedy or parody sketch suitable to be performed on a stage in the spirit of the plays performed in ancient Rome on the Megalesia.
The plays were usually pastoral in nature but we will leave that optional. However they must be set in a Roman setting, for example: the forum, the country side, a domus where a Megalesia party is occurring or even the baths.
1) Limit of 1000 words.
2) They must be written in sketch or play form for example:
Cato: I'm the Aedile
Julia: No, I'm the Aedile
Cato: Give me that Aedile stick!
Julia: You'll have to catch me first!
If you choose to include a pastoral scene then you can include short descriptions between "actors" dialogue.
3) The purpose of each submission is to make us laugh out loud, that rolling on the floor, tears of laughter kind. No mean, hurtful or malevolent words. Work that contains rude, offensive, evil or hurtful elements will be excluded from the competition.
Remember: the purpose of the game is writing intelligent, stylish, amusing, witty and radiant comedies and parodies, NOT ridiculing others.
THE WINNER of this edition is '''Gaius Petronius Dexter''' with 125 points. Marcus Minucius Audens is in a very close second place with 124.5 points. Maximum points were 150 (30 points per Judge).
==Ludi Megalenses Schedule: 7 days (Apr. 4 - 10)==
'''DAY I''' ~ {{Apr 4}}{{2010}} (April 4, 2010 CE)
'''DAY I''' ~ {{Apr 4}}{{2010}} (April 4, 2010 CE)
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* Opening Ceremony
* Opening Ceremony
* '''Satura''' - Day 1, Question #1  (2 pts)
1) What number system did the Romans use for architectural calculations?
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* TO BE ALTERED [[Ludi Megalenses 2761 AUC (Nova Roma)/MM Certamen|Certamen Historicum day 2 (MM)]]
* '''Satura''': Day 2, Questions #2 and #3
Day 2 Questions, the last "math" questions.
2) Name the two Roman numerals that can be written in two different but correct
ways (include the two different ways).
(6 pt)
3) Name four ways Roman numerals are used today.
(8 pt)
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* TO BE ALTERED [[Play by Plautus ~ Ludi Megalenses 2761 AUC (Nova Roma)|Play by Plautus]]
* '''Satura''' - Day 3, Questions #4 and #5
* [[Ludi Megalenses 2761 AUC (Nova Roma)/MM Certamen|Certamen Historicum day 3 (MM)]]
4) A) In the Roman Religion who are the priests who declare war and make peace?
*BONUS POINTS for singular of the answer a)
B) What is title of the priest chosen to take action?
C) How did the priests declare war?
D) How were peace treaties made official?
(10 pt)
5) A) Who were the priests who sacrificed annually to the Lares and gods to
assure good harvests?
B) What god did they worship?
C) How long did the festival last?
*BONUS POINTS each for the two locations where the festivals were held.
D) Describe the head piece that distinguished them from others.
(12 pt)
'''Satura''' - Day 4, questions #6 and #7
6) A) Who were the priests who organized public banquets and feasts?
B) What is the sacred bowl they used called?
*Bonus: describe the unique feature of the bowl
(6 pt)
7) A) Where would a guest in a Roman household be served a formal meal?
B) What position would a guest take upon a dining couch?
C) How would the ancient Roman's refer to a drinking party?
*Bonus: where did the room get its name?
(8 pts)
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'''Satura''' - Day 5, questions #8 and #9
* TO BE ALTERED [[Ludi Megalenses 2761 AUC (Nova Roma)/Plautus Certamen|Certamen Historicum day 1 (Plautus)]]  (results on Idus April)
8) What is the Latin term for:
* [[Ludi Megalenses 2761 AUC (Nova Roma)/Naumachia|Naumachia (Naval Reenactment)]]
A) Roman Bedroom
* [ Play the NAUMACHIA Game Online!]
B) Private Study
C) The portico around the garden
D) Toilet
(8 pt)
9) What are the venues called in Latin where an ancient Roman would go to:
A) Hear music and poetry
B) For Races and Gladiatorial games such as the Colosseum
C) To watch plays, pantomimes, choral events, and listen to orations
(6 pt)
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* TO BE ALTERED [[Play by Terence ~ Ludi Megalenses 2761 AUC (Nova Roma)|Play by Terence]]
* Deadline for submissions to the Artwork and Comedy Writing contests (as described above)
* [[Ludi Megalenses 2761 AUC (Nova Roma)/Plautus Certamen|Certamen Historicum day 2 (Plautus)]]  (results on Idus April)
* '''Satura''' - Day 6, questions #10 and #11
10) Latin names for the ancient Roman:
A) Covered market building
B) Judicial and political center
C) Outdoor courtyard for exercised, sometime outdoor swimming or playing
of informal games
*Bonus: Give the Latin name for the buckets used in the public toilets
(8 pt)
11) Latin terms for areas in an ancient Roman thermae/baths:
A) Cold pool
B) Dressing room
C) Hot pool
D) Warm pool
*Bonus: after being covered with oil a servant would clean the master's skin with a scraper made of wood or bone called in Latin a __?
(10 pt)  
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* Certamen Historicum results
* Artwork Contest and Comedy Writing Contest results
* '''Closing Ceremony'''
* TO BE ALTERED Historicum (MM) results
'''''Sacrifice to Magna Mater''''' ''by Titus Iulius Sabinus''
* [[Closing Ceremony ~ Ludi Megalenses 2761 AUC (Nova Roma)|Closing Ceremony]]
Favéte linguís!
(Beginning of the sacrifice)
<div class="scriptum">
Magna Mater Idaea,
té hóc túre commovendó bonás precés precor,
uti sies volens propitia Populó Novó Rómánó Quirítibus,
mihi, domo, familiae!
'''Ludi Megalenses Awards:'''
(Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.)
* Certamen ...(MM) Winner:
Magna Mater Idaea,
uti té túre commovendó bonás precés precátus sum,
eiusdem reí ergó macté vínó inferió estó!"
* Certamen ...(Plautus) Winner:
(Libation of wine was made.)
* Audio/Video Contest Winner: '''No Entries'''
Magna Mater Idaea,
hóc die, té precor, quaesóque:
uti Rem Publicam Populí Noví Rómání Quirítium
confirmés, augeás, adiúvés;
utíque sies volens propitia
nóbis pontificibus, senatui populóque Novó Rómánó,
consulibus, praetóribus, cénsóribus, aedílibus,
quaestóribus, tribúnís plébis, omnibus cívibus,
mihi, domo, familiae!
Quárum rérum ergó macté
hóc vínó libandó,
hóc túre ommovendó
estó fító volens propitia
populó Novó Rómánó Quirítibus,
nóbis, domibus, familiís!
(Libation of wine was made and incense was sacrificed)
(End of the sacrifice)
Magna Mater,
Iuppiter, Iúnó, Minerva,
Concordia, Omnés Dí Immortálés:
sí quid vóbis in hác caerimóniá displicuit,
hóc vínó inferió veniam petó
et vitium meum expió.
(Libation of wine was made.)
This is the sacrifice I performed before my home altar to Magna Mater, today the 10th day of April, the last day of Megalesia.
My thanks to this year's Cohors Ædilicia for celebrating Ludi Megalenses! Your work honors us.
''T. Iulius Sabinus''
==Final results==
<div class="scriptum">
* Certamen Historicum Winner: '''Gaius Cocceius Spinula'''
* Lustratio Romæ (Artwork Contest) Winner: '''Gaius Aquillius Rota'''
* Adumbratio Comœdia (Theatrical Comedy Sketch Writing Contest) Winner: '''Gaius Petronius Dexter'''
On behalf of the Ædilitas of Nova Roma, Publius Annæus Constantinus Placidus says congratulations to the winners and sends warm and heartfelt thanks to the other entrants for joining in.

Latest revision as of 11:34, 23 June 2024



Opening of the Ludi Megalenses

Ædilis Curulis P. Annæus Constantinus Placidus omnibus civibus, peregrinisque bonæ voluntatis salutem plurimam dicit.

Salvete omnes!

This week we honor the Sacred Protectress of Rome. Today is the start of the Ludi Megalesia in honor of the Great Mother, the Magna Mater, the Mother of all living creatures and the less tame aspects within nature. Over the next 7 days with the last day being April 10th we will have games in the honor of She who in antiquity was worshipped from the highest mountaintops to the depths of her beloved virgin forests of pine, fir and maple. She was honored in 5 Temples in Rome In ancient times the arrival of the statue of the Goddess was celebrated in a glorious procession, lectisernia and games! Citizens and visitors alike crowded Rome to lay gifts at the feet of the Great Mother on the Captitol.

This is the time of great rejoicing, participation in games and feasting for all Novi Romani! Our games will include theatric and scenic themes of ancient Roman and Nova Roman life in keeping the spirit of the games of antiquity when pastoral plays were held in on the Palatine in front of Magna Mater's temple and also in the theaters.

This is a time of good will for all Novi Romani, for getting along with our fellow citizens and for joy and happiness! Let us all enjoy this feast and join in the games forgetting for a least a little while the mundane!

Without any further delay I offer to you all a warm and heartfelt WELCOME to this new edition of the LUDI MEGALESES!

Hereby I do declare the Ludi Megaleses of Nova Roma OPEN!

Optime valete omnes!

P. Annæus Constantinus Placidus

Ædilis Curulis Novæ Romæ

Invocation to Magna Mater

Hail Great Goddess, Magna Mater, safe in the womb of Your sacred forests I, L. Iulia Aquila, praise Thee with voice lifted to the highest mountains! Draw near, hear, and accept these sacrifices of milk and honey, of the sweetest incense, in Your honor! I humbly implore You, Great Mother, to protect and bring propitious blessings, harmony and happiness to the citizens of Nova Roma, to the sacred city of Rome and to all those who remember Your name this holy week of Your joyous festival!

From Precatio Terrae 15-24:

Merito vocaris Magna tu Mater deum, pietate quia vicisti divom numina; tuque illa vera esd gentium et divom parens, sine qua nil maturatur nec nasci potest: tu es Magna tuque divom regina es, dea. Te, diva, adoro tuumque ego numen invoco, facilisque praestes hoc mihi quod te rogo; referamque grates, diva, tibi merita fide. exaudi me, quaeso, et fave coeptis meis; hoc quod peto a te, diva, mihi praesta volens.

Ludi Megalenses Highlights

  • Certamen Historicum: Satura (Mixed Bag of Roman Life)

This game is a series of 12 different questions with 1 – 4 parts including bonus questions regarding various aspects of basic Roman life that every ancient Roman would know. 1 – 2 will be offered each day. It is designed to be fun and educational.

TOPIC: Various aspects of everyday Ancient Roman life which include numerals, Latin terms – a mixed bag!

RULES: 1) Everyday during the Ludi one or two questions will be posted. You may answer them as they are posted or when you have time as long as they are answered by the Deadline as indicated below. Some are easy, some not so.

2) 12 questions, some with multiple answers earn 2 – 16 points including bonus questions for a total of 100 points.

THE WINNER of this edition is Gaius Cocceius Spinula with a total of 90 points. Gaius Equitius Cato and Gaius Tullius Valerianus Germanicus are ex aequo at the second place with 14 points.

  • Lustratio Romæ (Views of Rome through your eyes: Artwork Contest)

Visual Arts reflect how different individuals view our organization, or community, or "nation" The range of views submitted will reflect the nature of our Nova Roma will foster new meanings and a new strength impacting further understanding of each other as fellow citizens.

TOPIC: Contestants will submit pieces of visual artwork that reflect various aspects of Roman and Nova Roman life.

RULES: 1) Photographs - your own or from other media such as books and the Internet (just make sure you have the rights and permissions to use them) 2) Photographs of Original Artwork or Sculpture in the media you desire from ink to paint to mosaic tiles to clay and marble. 3) Photographs of Artwork or Sculpture (just make sure you have the rights and permissions to use them, most artwork over 100 years old is safe) 4) Please remember that while nudity is OK in classical depictions of Gods and ancient Romans, no lewd acts or overt sexual content allowed.

Remember: the purpose of the game is to inspire each of us, your fellow citizens.

THE WINNER of this edition is Gaius Aquillius Rota with 118 points. Marcus Minucius Audens is in a close second place with 105 points. Quinta Sergia Alba is in third with 69 points. Maximum points were 120 (30 points per Judge).

  • Adumbratio Comœdia (Theatrical Comedy Sketch Writing Contest)

These sketches or plays are to be composed in the spirit of friendship and camaraderie and above all with a sense of humor. They are to make us laugh - at ourselves and each other in a good natured fashion setting aside all loathing and dislike. Laughter of well written parodies and comedies bring people together.

TOPIC: Contestants will submit a script for a short comedy or parody sketch suitable to be performed on a stage in the spirit of the plays performed in ancient Rome on the Megalesia.

The plays were usually pastoral in nature but we will leave that optional. However they must be set in a Roman setting, for example: the forum, the country side, a domus where a Megalesia party is occurring or even the baths.

RULES: 1) Limit of 1000 words.

2) They must be written in sketch or play form for example:

Cato: I'm the Aedile

Julia: No, I'm the Aedile

Cato: Give me that Aedile stick!

Julia: You'll have to catch me first!

If you choose to include a pastoral scene then you can include short descriptions between "actors" dialogue.

3) The purpose of each submission is to make us laugh out loud, that rolling on the floor, tears of laughter kind. No mean, hurtful or malevolent words. Work that contains rude, offensive, evil or hurtful elements will be excluded from the competition.

Remember: the purpose of the game is writing intelligent, stylish, amusing, witty and radiant comedies and parodies, NOT ridiculing others.

THE WINNER of this edition is Gaius Petronius Dexter with 125 points. Marcus Minucius Audens is in a very close second place with 124.5 points. Maximum points were 150 (30 points per Judge).

Ludi Megalenses Schedule: 7 days (Apr. 4 - 10)

DAY I ~ prid. Non. Apr. P. Memmio K. Buteone (II) cos. MMDCCLXIII a.u.c. (April 4, 2010 CE)

  • Opening Ceremony
  • Satura - Day 1, Question #1 (2 pts)

1) What number system did the Romans use for architectural calculations?

DAY II ~ Non. Apr. P. Memmio K. Buteone (II) cos. MMDCCLXIII a.u.c. (April 5, 2010 CE)

  • Satura: Day 2, Questions #2 and #3

Day 2 Questions, the last "math" questions.

2) Name the two Roman numerals that can be written in two different but correct ways (include the two different ways). 1. 2. (6 pt)

3) Name four ways Roman numerals are used today. 1. 2. 3. 4. (8 pt)

DAY III ~ a.d. VIII Id. Apr. P. Memmio K. Buteone (II) cos. MMDCCLXIII a.u.c. (April 6, 2010 CE)

  • Dies Ater - No events scheduled; These are "dark" days in which fire should not be lit and sacrifices should not be offered in altars. Temples should not celebrate public worship. All religious ceremonies are private but without sacrifices. Making journeys, starting new projects, or doing anything risky should be avoided, and certain gods, including Iuppiter and Ianus, may not be named.

DAY IV ~ a.d. VII Id. Apr. P. Memmio K. Buteone (II) cos. MMDCCLXIII a.u.c. (April 7, 2010 CE)

  • Satura - Day 3, Questions #4 and #5

4) A) In the Roman Religion who are the priests who declare war and make peace?

  • BONUS POINTS for singular of the answer a)

B) What is title of the priest chosen to take action? C) How did the priests declare war? D) How were peace treaties made official? (10 pt)

5) A) Who were the priests who sacrificed annually to the Lares and gods to assure good harvests? B) What god did they worship? C) How long did the festival last?

  • BONUS POINTS each for the two locations where the festivals were held.
  • a)
  • b)

D) Describe the head piece that distinguished them from others. (12 pt)

Satura - Day 4, questions #6 and #7 6) A) Who were the priests who organized public banquets and feasts? B) What is the sacred bowl they used called?

  • Bonus: describe the unique feature of the bowl

(6 pt)

7) A) Where would a guest in a Roman household be served a formal meal? B) What position would a guest take upon a dining couch? C) How would the ancient Roman's refer to a drinking party?

  • Bonus: where did the room get its name?

(8 pts)

DAY V ~ a.d. VI Id. Apr. P. Memmio K. Buteone (II) cos. MMDCCLXIII a.u.c. (April 8, 2010 CE)

Satura - Day 5, questions #8 and #9

8) What is the Latin term for: A) Roman Bedroom B) Private Study C) The portico around the garden D) Toilet (8 pt)

9) What are the venues called in Latin where an ancient Roman would go to: A) Hear music and poetry B) For Races and Gladiatorial games such as the Colosseum C) To watch plays, pantomimes, choral events, and listen to orations (6 pt)

DAY VI ~ a.d. V Id. Apr. P. Memmio K. Buteone (II) cos. MMDCCLXIII a.u.c. (April 9, 2010 CE)

  • Deadline for submissions to the Artwork and Comedy Writing contests (as described above)
  • Satura - Day 6, questions #10 and #11

10) Latin names for the ancient Roman: A) Covered market building B) Judicial and political center C) Outdoor courtyard for exercised, sometime outdoor swimming or playing of informal games

  • Bonus: Give the Latin name for the buckets used in the public toilets

(8 pt)

11) Latin terms for areas in an ancient Roman thermae/baths: A) Cold pool B) Dressing room C) Hot pool D) Warm pool

  • Bonus: after being covered with oil a servant would clean the master's skin with a scraper made of wood or bone called in Latin a __?

(10 pt)

DAY VII ~ a.d. IV Id. Apr. P. Memmio K. Buteone (II) cos. MMDCCLXIII a.u.c. (April 10, 2010 CE)

  • Certamen Historicum results
  • Artwork Contest and Comedy Writing Contest results
  • Closing Ceremony

Sacrifice to Magna Mater by Titus Iulius Sabinus

Favéte linguís! (Beginning of the sacrifice)


Magna Mater Idaea, té hóc túre commovendó bonás precés precor, uti sies volens propitia Populó Novó Rómánó Quirítibus, mihi, domo, familiae!

(Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.)

Magna Mater Idaea, uti té túre commovendó bonás precés precátus sum, eiusdem reí ergó macté vínó inferió estó!"

(Libation of wine was made.)


Magna Mater Idaea, hóc die, té precor, quaesóque: uti Rem Publicam Populí Noví Rómání Quirítium confirmés, augeás, adiúvés; utíque sies volens propitia nóbis pontificibus, senatui populóque Novó Rómánó, consulibus, praetóribus, cénsóribus, aedílibus, quaestóribus, tribúnís plébis, omnibus cívibus, mihi, domo, familiae!


Quárum rérum ergó macté hóc vínó libandó, hóc túre ommovendó estó fító volens propitia populó Novó Rómánó Quirítibus, nóbis, domibus, familiís!

(Libation of wine was made and incense was sacrificed)


(End of the sacrifice)

PIACULUM: Iáne, Magna Mater, Iuppiter, Iúnó, Minerva, Concordia, Omnés Dí Immortálés: sí quid vóbis in hác caerimóniá displicuit, hóc vínó inferió veniam petó et vitium meum expió.

(Libation of wine was made.)

This is the sacrifice I performed before my home altar to Magna Mater, today the 10th day of April, the last day of Megalesia.

My thanks to this year's Cohors Ædilicia for celebrating Ludi Megalenses! Your work honors us.

T. Iulius Sabinus


Final results

  • Certamen Historicum Winner: Gaius Cocceius Spinula
  • Lustratio Romæ (Artwork Contest) Winner: Gaius Aquillius Rota
  • Adumbratio Comœdia (Theatrical Comedy Sketch Writing Contest) Winner: Gaius Petronius Dexter

On behalf of the Ædilitas of Nova Roma, Publius Annæus Constantinus Placidus says congratulations to the winners and sends warm and heartfelt thanks to the other entrants for joining in.

Return to Curule Ludi Events Schedule for 2761
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