Curule Ludi Events Schedule for 2761 AUC (Nova Roma)

P. Memmius Albucius aedilis curulis</div> </div>
Game's name | Date(s) | Length in days | Celebration of (the) |
Lupercalenses | Feb. 15-17 | 3 | Lupercalia |
Conditorum | Feb. 27 - March 5th | 8 | Re-foundation of Rome through Nova Roma 10 years ago, by Vedius et Cassius Patres Patriae |
Megalenses | April 4-10 | 7 | Magna Mater |
Matutini | June 9-11 | 3 | Mater Matuta |
Herculanenses | August 1, 3-4-5 | 4 | Conventus in Europe, organized this year in Romania by provincia Dacia. |
Romani | September 9-17 | 9 | Jupiter Optimus Maximus and end of the summer (military season) |
Octobris | October 14-15, 17, and 18-19 | 5 | Equus October and the Armilustrium |
Ianuales | December 15-19 | 5 | Consualia-Saturnalia-Opalia and the end of the civil year |
Note: in italics, traditional games, celebrated every year
- Regulae ludorum ~ Rules for the Ludi virtual competitions
- Ludi championship ~ Circenses (chariot and horse racing) and Amphitheatrici (munera: gladiatores and venationes; athletica)
- Better know the Circus Maximus for more exciting races report, thanks to the interesting reconstitution created in 2761 by
Robert Cole. Open this site and our Race live report (see in every concerned Ludi page) at the same time! - Album heroum ~ Gallery of our Ludi heroes
Corona Ludi Circenses Novae Romae ~ Awarded to the overall points winner in the Circenses Ludi Championship. Awarded at the end of the year.
Corona Amphitheatrica Novae Romae ~ Awarded to the overall points winner in the Amphitheatre contests Ludi Championship, consisting of Munera Gladiatoria, Venationes, and Sprint Races held during this year's Ludi. Awarded at the end of the year.
Corona Athletica Novae Romae ~ Awarded to the overall points winner in the Sprint races held inside the Ludi Championship. Awarded at the end of the year.
Corona Humanitatensis Novae Romae ~ Awarded to the overall points winner in the Ludi Cultural Championship, consisting of Historical Contests, Literary Contests, Art/Photography Contests, and other cultural contests held during this year's Ludi. Awarded at the end of the year.
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