Ludi Romani 2761 AUC (Nova Roma)

Supervision : Qu. A. Tullia Scholastica
Dies 1 - a.d. V Id. Sept. ‡ M. Moravio T. Iulio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXI a.u.c. (September 9, 2008 CE)
Dedicated to: IUPPITER
- Opening ceremony chaired by Aedilis curulis P. Memmius Albucius.
- Certamen latinum 1 launching:
- Matter: Write a letter in LATIN to a friend explaining her/him why you have decided to stay in Nova Roma? You will use the following mandatory words : rus, res publica, risum (these words may naturally be declined. Your composition will be two pages maxi and 4,000 characters maxi. per page.
(results on 25th Sept., a.d. VII Kal. Oct. 2761).
- Matter: Write a letter in LATIN to a friend explaining her/him why you have decided to stay in Nova Roma? You will use the following mandatory words : rus, res publica, risum (these words may naturally be declined. Your composition will be two pages maxi and 4,000 characters maxi. per page.
- Certamen litterarium launching:
- Matter: In ancient Rome, you are running behind your general, who is triumphing, reminding him 'Memento mori'.
As you have been freed, and sure to receive next year the protection of another powerful patrician rival,
you do not hesitate to tell the general a few home truths and remind all his recent pettiness, low actions or war crimes. Your composition will be five pages maxi and 4,000 characters maxi. per page.
(results on 25th Sept., a.d. VII Kal. Oct. 2761).
Dies 2 - a.d. IV Id. Sept. ‡ M. Moravio T. Iulio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXI a.u.c. (September 10, 2008 CE)
Dedicated to: IUNO
- Certamen historicum launching and first set of questions (matter not available!)
- Certamen latinum 2 launching:
- Matter: Find, in a given sentence, as many Latin words as possible.
(results on 25th Sept., a.d. VII Kal. Oct. 2761).
- Matter: Find, in a given sentence, as many Latin words as possible.
Dies 3 - a.d. III Id. Sept. ‡ M. Moravio T. Iulio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXI a.u.c. (September 11, 2008 CE))
Dedicated to: MINERVA, MANES.
- Certamen historicum (dies 2nd) and second set of questions (matter not available!)
Dies 4 - prid. Id. Sept. ‡ M. Moravio T. Iulio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXI a.u.c. (September 12, 2008 CE)
Dedicated to: QUIRINUS
- Munera gladiatoria (dies 1)
Dies 5 - Id. Sept. ‡ M. Moravio T. Iulio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXI a.u.c. (September 13, 2008 CE)
- Ludi circenses (heats)
Dies 6 - a.d. XVIII Kal. Oct. ‡ M. Moravio T. Iulio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXI a.u.c. (September 14, 2008 CE)
Dedicated to: no deity (dies ater)
Events: None (dies ater)
Dies 7 - a.d. XVII Kal. Oct. ‡ M. Moravio T. Iulio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXI a.u.c. (September 15, 2008 CE)
Dedicated to: MARS
- Munera gladiatoria (dies 2, Finals and results)
- Ludi circenses (quarters)
Dies 8 - a.d. XVI Kal. Oct. ‡ M. Moravio T. Iulio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXI a.u.c. (September 16, 2008 CE)
Dedicated to: APOLLO
- Ludi circenses (Semi-Finals, Finals and final results)
Dies 9 - a.d. XV Kal. Oct. ‡ M. Moravio T. Iulio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXI a.u.c. (September 17, 2008 CE)
Dedicated to: IUPPITER
- Certamen historicum results
- Closing ceremony by aed. cur. Memmius.
An ode in Latin
Enjoy this beautiful ode, written by one of our fresh citizen, C.Petronius Dexter, living in Gaul (Gallia, reg. Celtica).
Petronius has composed his ode in elegiac distichs (one dactyl hexameter followed by one dactyl pentameter. This combination has been used by Ovid).
Iam Romani sunt Ludi, sunt munera danda,
Venit tempus nunc facere sacra lovi.
Alme Pater divum ! nos te colimus per arenam
Pulveream Circi, Maximeque alme Pater !
Iam sol declinans excelsa cacumina Romae
Illustrat, Iam adsunt munera vota Iovi !
Romana Albucius pleno et spectacula Circo
Quadrijugos aequo carcere misit equos.
Iam cursus spectant, dant clamoresque Quirites
Laetitiae plenos, pignore nec vacuos.
Aurorae ora favent vana, est quoque victus Vlixes
Delecti, Pili acta haud melioraque sunt.
Iam sunt caela serena Iovis, iam pulveris orbes
Cessant in Circo nunc madido et tacito.
Cursus expectant iam venturosque Quirites
Aediles dabunt quos in honore Iovis.
This ode has been published first, by Petronius, in Nova Roma Forum a.d. XVIII Kal. Oct. 2761 auc (Sept. 14, 2008).
- Latinum certamen I:
- Victor: C. Tullius Valerianus Germanicus (one entry)
- Latinum certamen II:
- Final results
- Victor: X
- Certamen Historicum
- Final results
- Victor: A. Octavius Plautus
- Literary Contest (Essay):
- Victor: none (no entry)
- Munera
- Circenses
- Circenses 2761 reports
- Final results
- Victor: D. Arminius Brutus with Germanica driven by Anthropophagus.
Back to Ludi 2761 schedule
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