Senate Agenda (Nova Roma)

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{{LanguageBar|Senate Agenda (Nova Roma)}}
{{LanguageBar|Senate Agenda (Nova Roma)}}
The Senate is in session.
The [[Senate (Nova Roma)|senate]] is not currently in session. Its [[Senate Report MMDCCLIX August 3 (Nova Roma)|last session]] closed {{Aug 6}} {{2006}}.
A QUORUM: No absences have been posted. The quorum is achieved.
The [[Senate (Nova Roma)|senate]] was convened {{Sep 7}} {{2007}} by [[Praetor (Nova Roma)|''praetor'']] [[Gaius Equitius Cato (Nova Roma)|C. Equitius]] to vote on the following item:
* Item I: [[Relatio de ratione senatus MMDCCLX (Nova Roma)|''relatio de ratione senatus'']]
09:10 PM MOUNTAIN TIME 07-NOV-2012 : Call to order. Debate period commences at 10:00 PM 07-NOV-2012.
11:59 PM MOUNTAIN TIME 13-NOV-2012 : Call to recess. Debate period suspended.
[[Category:Tabularium (Nova Roma)]]
12:00 AM MOUNTAIN TIME 15-NOV-2012 : Call to order. Debate period resumes.
09:59 PM MOUNTAIN TIME 20-NOV-2012 : Debate period ends.
10:00 PM MOUNTAIN TIME 20-NOV-2012 : Call to recess.
12:00 AM MOUNTAIN TIME 23-NOV-2012 : Call to order. Call to vote. Voting period commences.
11:59 PM MOUNTAIN TIME 26-NOV-2012 : Voting period ends.
11:59 PM MOUNTAIN TIME 30-NOV-2012 : Calculation of votes and call to close to be issued after end voting and before this time.
== AGENDA: ==
I. Provisional budget (Senatus consultum)
II. Tax rates (Senatus consultum)
III. Provinces of activity (Senatus consultum)
IV. subscription (Senatus consultum)
V. Articles of Incorporation amendments (Senatus consultum)
VI. Timing of elections (Debate only)
VII. Webpage subscription (Senatus consultum)
<!-- The [[Senate (Nova Roma)|senate]] is not currently in session. Its [[Senate Report MMDCCLX September 10 (Nova Roma)|last session]] closed {{Sep 10}} {{2007}}.
The [[Senate (Nova Roma)|senate]] was convened by [[consul (Nova Roma)|''consul'']] [[Titus Iulius Sabinus (Nova Roma)|Titus Iulius Sabinus]].
<div class="scriptum">
Consul T. Iulius Sabinus has called the Senate to order.
This is the message he posted to the Senate list:
Consul edicit ut Senatus frequens adsit:
The auspicia having been taken by M. Moravius Piscinus Horatianus, "Aves admittunt!" These results having been confirmed by the Augur K. Fabius Buteo Modianus: I come seeking the advice of the Senate on the following agenda.
The Senate shall be called into session during the second hour (08.30 hrs. CET) on Tuesday 19 February 2761, with discussions to continue until approximately the end of the day (16.00 hrs CET) on Friday 22 February 2761.
That is, hora secunda dies Martis a.d. XI Kal. Mar. MMDCCLXI a.U.c to the conclusion of hora duodecima dies Veneris a.d. VIII Kal. Mar. MMDCCLXI a.U.c.
Voting on the Agenda will then begin in the first hour at 07.30 hrs CET on Monday 25 February 2761 and conclude at 16.00 hrs CET on Tuesday 26 February 2761.
That is, hora prima dies Lunae a.d. bis VI Kal. Mar. MMDCCLXI a.U.c until hora duodecima dies Martis a.d. V Kal. Mar. MMDCCLXI a.U.c. Senatores and Senatrices should not vote during night time hours of their respective locations.
Useful link:
Quod bonum felixque sit populo Romano Quiritium, referimus ad vos, Patres et Matres conscripti:
==Item I.==
The Senate can decree irregular holidays, feriae imperativae.
With the 10th Nova Roma anniverssary the Senate of Nova Roma proclaim
the Kalendas Martiae MMDCCLXI a.U.c ( 1st of March 2761 a.U.c) as Nova
Roma holiday:Concordialia.
De ea re fieri placet?
Quod bonum felixque sit populo Romano Quiritium, referimus ad vos,
Patres et Matres conscripti:
==Item II.==
Appointment of governors.
1a. [[Arnamentia Moravia Aurelia (Nova Roma)|Arnamentia Moravia Aurelia]] as legata pro praetore of provincia
America Austroccidentalis.
1b. [[Flavius Galerius Aurelianus (Nova Roma)|Flavius Galerius Aurelianus]] as legatus pro praetore of provincia
America Austrorientalis.
1c. [[Julilla Sempronia Magna (Nova Roma)|Julilla Sempronia Magna]] as legata pro praetore of provincia
America Boreoccidentalis.
1d. [[Gaia Sempronia Graccha Volentia (Nova Roma)|Gaia Sempronia Graccha Volentia]] as legata pro praetore of
provincia America Medioccidentalis Superior.
1e. [[Decimus Cassius Lupus (Nova Roma)|Decimus Cassius Lupus]] as legatus pro praetore of provincia Argentina.
1f. [[Gaia Iulia Felix (Nova Roma)|Gaia Iulia Felix]] as legata pro praetore of provincia Asia Citerior.
1g. [[Marcus Lucretius Agricola (Nova Roma)|Marcus Lucretius Agricola]] as legatus pro praetore of provincia
Asia Ulterior.
1h. [[Marcus Flavius Aurelius (Nova Roma)|Marcus Flavius Aurelius]] as legatus pro praetore of provincia
1i. [[Titus Arminius Genialis (Nova Roma)|Titus Arminius Genialis]] as legatus pro praetore of provincia
1j. [[Aulus Apollonius Cordus (Nova Roma)|Aulus Apollonius Cordus]] as legatus pro praetore of provincia
1k. [[Gnaeus Iulius Caesar (Nova Roma)|Gnaeus Iulius Caesar]] as legatus pro praetore of provincia Canada
1l. [[Lucius Aurelius Severus (Nova Roma)|Lucius Aurelius Severus]] as legatus pro praetore of provincia
Canada Orientalis.
1m. [[Titus Iulius Sabinus (Nova Roma)|Titus Iulius Sabinus]] as consul of provincia Dacia.
1n. [[Publius Memmius Albucius (Nova Roma)|Publius Memmius Albucius]] as legatus pro praetore of provincia Gallia.
1o. [[Marcus Curiatius Complutensis (Nova Roma)|Marcus Curiatius Complutensis]] as praetor of provincia Hispania.
1p. [[Franciscus Apulus Caesar (Nova Roma)|Franciscus Apulus Caesar]] as praefectus of Italia.
1q. [[Gaius Fabius Buteo Modianus (Nova Roma)|Gaius Fabius Buteo Modianus]] as proconsul of provincia Lacus Magni.
1r. [[Tiberius Galerius Paulinus (Nova Roma)|Tiberius Galerius Paulinus]] as proconsul of provincia Mediatlantica.
1s. [[Marcus Iulius Severus (Nova Roma)|Marcus Iulius Severus]] as praetor of provincia Mexico.
1t. [[Annia Minucia Marcella (Nova Roma)|Annia Minucia Marcella]] as legata pro praetore of provincia Nova
1u. [[Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus (Nova Roma)|Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus]] as legatus pro praetore of provincia
1v. [[Marcus Octavius Corvus (Nova Roma)|Marcus Octavius Corvus]] as legatus pro praetore of provincia Sarmatia.
1x. [[Caius Curius Saturninus (Nova Roma)|Caius Curius Saturninus]] as legatus pro praetore of provincia Thule.
Note: Legatus pro praetore of provincia Germania, T. Flavius Aquila,
was appointed in December last year.
De ea re fieri placet?
Quod bonum felixque sit populo Romano Quiritium, referimus ad vos,
Patres et Matres conscripti:
==Item III.==
Appointments of interpreters.
3a. According [[lex Cornelia de linguis publicis (Nova Roma)|lex Cornelia de linguis publicis]], creation of the office
of Romanian interpreter and appointment of T. Iulius Sabinus as it
first interpreter.
3b. According lex Cornelia de linguis publicis, creation of the office
of Russian interpreter and appointment of Marcus Octavius Corvus as it
first interpreter.
De ea re fieri placet?
Quod bonum felixque sit populo Romano Quiritium, referimus ad vos,
Patres et Matres conscripti:
==Item IV.==
Special thanks to Senator [[Marcus Minucius Audens (Nova Roma)|Marcus Minucius Audens]].
The Senate extends its special thanks to Senator Marcus Minucius Audens for his many years of promoting roman virtues and roman way inside and outside Nova Roma, assisting new citizens and of service as Senior Editor of Nova Roma official publications.
De ea re fieri placet?
Quod bonum felixque sit populo Romano Quiritium, referimus ad vos,
Patres et Matres conscripti:
==Item V.==
Authorisation for events.
For a good collaboration with institutions, universities, museums,
other organizations or groups with roman related interest, but not
limited to these, and, in order to organize an event or to participate
to one, a nova roman citizen, in his name or in a group of nova roman
citizens name, can apply sending to the consuls a petition to obtain
an authorization to represent Nova Roma as a non-profit association to
that event.
Petition must include:
* a description of the event and the dates when the event is organized.
* the purpose of the event.
* the nova roman participants names and how the event will contribute
to Nova Roma cultural development.
Consuls can approve that authorization after a preliminary
consultation with censors about these minimal requirements about
* if the applicant is nova roman citizen from one year and is assidui.
* the applicant has experience in one of Nova Roma office including
* the applicant proved a good moral conduit during the time.
The authorization has a limited validity from one month to three
months depending by each specific case.
The authorization is valid only for the event described in petition
and is approved in concordance with the event mentioned purposes.
De ea re fieri placet?
Quod bonum felixque sit populo Romano Quiritium, referimus ad vos,
Patres et Matres conscripti:
==Item VI.==
Creation of the Nova Roma Senate External Relations committee.
According to the Senatus Consultum on permanent standing committees
points I a & c, the Senate Relations committee is created.
The Senate Relations committee will make recommendation on any and all
aspects in connection with Nova Roma international relations including
but not limited to other organizations or groups with roman related
All rules established in the Senatus Consultum on permanent standing
committees are valable for this Relations committee.
De ea re fieri placet?
Quod bonum felixque sit populo Romano Quiritium, referimus ad vos,
Patres et Matres conscripti:
==Item VII.==
Number of members in Senate committees.
According to Senatus Consultum on permanent standing committees point II.e :
:"Committees shall consist of an odd number of senators, with no fewer than three and no more than seven senators in any given committee. Consuls and Praetors shall not count toward the membership numbers of the committee unless they have been appointed as permanent members of that committee in a previous year."
and II.d :
:"d. Membership on each committee shall be by consular appointment, with no consulship appointing any more than three members to any given committee."
This year consuls can nominate one member more in that committees where is necessary to complete the odd number of members.
De ea re fieri placet?
[[Category:Senate (Nova Roma)]]

Latest revision as of 07:33, 7 July 2024



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The Senate is in session.


A QUORUM: No absences have been posted. The quorum is achieved.


09:10 PM MOUNTAIN TIME 07-NOV-2012 : Call to order. Debate period commences at 10:00 PM 07-NOV-2012.

11:59 PM MOUNTAIN TIME 13-NOV-2012 : Call to recess. Debate period suspended.

12:00 AM MOUNTAIN TIME 15-NOV-2012 : Call to order. Debate period resumes.

09:59 PM MOUNTAIN TIME 20-NOV-2012 : Debate period ends.

10:00 PM MOUNTAIN TIME 20-NOV-2012 : Call to recess.

12:00 AM MOUNTAIN TIME 23-NOV-2012 : Call to order. Call to vote. Voting period commences.

11:59 PM MOUNTAIN TIME 26-NOV-2012 : Voting period ends.

11:59 PM MOUNTAIN TIME 30-NOV-2012 : Calculation of votes and call to close to be issued after end voting and before this time.


I. Provisional budget (Senatus consultum)

II. Tax rates (Senatus consultum)

III. Provinces of activity (Senatus consultum)

IV. subscription (Senatus consultum)

V. Articles of Incorporation amendments (Senatus consultum)

VI. Timing of elections (Debate only)

VII. Webpage subscription (Senatus consultum)

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