Ludi Romani 2761 Circenses reports (Nova Roma)

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<u>'''1st semi-final'''</u>
It’s a gorgeous late summer day in Rome and excitement fills the air as the races are about to begin.  Alas, the partisans of the Praesina faction are disappointed as there was no entry from their beloved Greens this time, while the Albata fans are saddened at seeing all of their entries defeated early on.  Perhaps that is why the birds have stopped singing, too, but perhaps the daylight showing between their wing feathers as yet another plume flutters earthward may be involved as well. 
The field for this race is rather skimpy, but both Veneta and Russata are represented, albeit by a single entry each.  '''Incitatus''', owned by '''C. Petronius Dexter''' and driven by '''Stolo''', both newcomers,
runs for Russata, while '''Babientes''', driven by '''Scorpianus''' and owned by a regional prefect,
'''L. Rutilius''' '''Minervalis''', hopes to uphold the glory of Veneta. The spicy additional thing is that '''Rutilius''' is currently '''Petronius'''' regional prefect, of Celtica Gallia. Here is Gallia! Citizens constantly defying the authority! <br>
The chariots approach the starting gate, horses and men alike blinking in the brilliant sun as they emerge from the holding area.  The horses prance, eager with expectation, and the charioteers must rein them in lest they start too soon.  Now they are towards the starting line, the ''alba linea'', and all eyes turn to the presiding aediliciana, praetoriana '''A. Tullia''' '''Scholastica''' in the cella. '''Aed. Memmius''' has asked her to chair today, in order to thank her for the watch she had upon the Ludi. Maybe also aedilis '''Memmius''', who is also the governor Galliae, is happy not to be in charge of the defeat of one of both Galli, in this first semifinal!<br>
'''Tullia''' lifts the mappa aloft and wave it; they drop it...and they’re on the track!  No need to hurry yet; one must conserve the horses’ strength for the final laps, but one cannot walk around the track, either.  Already '''Stolo''' is steering close to the ''spina'', while '''Scorpianus''' holds to a steady and none-too-fast pace.  Time and again, '''Stolo''' takes the lead as he comes round the spina, but '''Scorpianus''' catches up every time as the first, second, and third dolphins are turned.  Now the pace quickens as the two charioteers vie for position at mid-race, but there still is little change.  As they enter the sixth and penultimate lap, '''Stolo''' is hugging the ''spina'' so closely that he almost seems ready to shake hands with the statues.  Sparks are starting to fly, and now he is taking a turn on one wheel...a dangerous tactic, and one which cost him time as '''Scorpianus''' passes him with ease.  Coming into the seventh and final lap '''Stolo''' again grazes the spina in the Palatine straights, but this time the risk is worth it and he pulls well ahead of '''Babientes''' and '''Scorpianus''', whose horses seem to be tiring.  The final curve is there, and now the finish line in sight, '''Babientes''' will not be back, and '''Stolo''' crosses it four lengths ahead of '''Scorpianus'''.  In this race, the palm goes to Russata.

Revision as of 13:00, 24 September 2008

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Circenses 2761 reports

Here are the reports that C.L.C. has allowed us to display, for every interested civis.

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Twelve chariots have been entried for this Ludi Romani. These twelve competitors have been displayed so that each group contains if possible one chariot of each factio.
The Circus Maximus carceres thus welcomes in this sunny Idus afternoon, four heats of three esseda. The last essedum will be disqualified and the 1st and 2nd of each group will get access to the quarter-finals.

1st missus (heat)

Every aurigae seemed rather confident before this first series race of the Romani 2761. One of the reasons of this quietness is probably the fact that tomorrow quarter-finals will then be run between two chariots, instead of having four entries races. So, once you advance in quarters, your probabilities to win are theorically higher.

This first race looked like playing cards. Every one seemed observing the neighbor. The hyper-favorite was Vita Brevis, albata equaria Equitia Marina, driven by famous Petronius Gnypho. The bookmakers gave him winner before Germanica and its driver Anthropophagus, russata eq. Arminia Bruta, just before Scorpianus, less known in Rome, driving the Gallica veneta eq. Rutilia Minervalis called Babientes. Few specialists know the chariot, but the most attentive ones remember that the same Scorpianus has, on horse Babieca, won the prestigious race organized in the frame of Ludi Conditorum last Feb.-March. True, equirria is not circenses, but one never knows.
In this first missus, after the crowd, excited to live again the wonderful Romani mood, has roared when the chariots have sprung from the gate, Vita Brevis tried to control the race and spare his horses, probably for the rest of the competition. Gnypho has taken the lead, but, dolphin after dolphin, kept a regular speed, specially turning comfortably, maybe too much. For Germanica, who passed Babientes during the last straightaways of the 3rd turn, came back a bit more lap after lap, but with the gallum chariot tailing it.
When the last lap has been dropped down, Gnypho was in the first third of the first line when he turned and looked in his back. He was apparently surprised to see Anthropophagus springing up from the curve, and being thirty paces behind him. Vita Brevis stepped aside with no apparent reason, and before the next curve, Germanica was close in contact, while Scorpianus was giving his best. According his staff, Rutilius’chariot realized its best line time there.
The last dolphin passed and the three esseda were bunched in a sixty feet pack. In the last curve, Gnypho opened the gate, probably to have Anthropophagus falling in it, but Germanica did not. It speeded up in the curve, keeping Vita Brevis onto the outside. The curve was over when both chariots were yet fighting on the middle of the track, loosing time neutralizing each other, and wasting many feets and precious seconds. What should occur occured, and the third one, Babientes, took advantage of this situation, but also of his very clever race : Scorpianus overtook both competitors, and Germanica took benefit of the better position won in the curve. Despite his efforts, Gnypho could never come back before the arrival, and ended in the worst seat. After the race, Petronius Gnypho did not make any comments to the press, specially to our C.L.C. microphone. Anthropophagus smiled and looked sincerely relieved having escaped from this bluff game and got the second qualifying position. Scorpianus just told us that he was happy for his dominus, Hon. Rutilius, and for his own family.
So, here in Circus Maximus, we have seen the first big surprise of these Ludi Romani, with the elimination of Vita brevis, the experienced team sponsored by Censorius Equitius. First Scorpianus, second Anthropophagus, third Gnypho.

2nd missus

We are living an amazing day, maybe a historical one, for the second chariot sponsored by albatus Gn. Equitius Marinus has been, after Vita brevis, eliminated in the first round of these Romani. And for the second time, one of the guilties is a gallicum essedum, Incitatus. This rig is lead by a unknown young driver, apparently born in Ephesus, Stolo, who is sponsored by russatus G. Petronius Dexter, a new owner in the race circuit, and a Gallus too.
If this day was thus Equitius’ Gergovia, there was no problem for venetus Censor Galerius equaria, which seemed so confident that the bookmakers had since several days designed Delectus consulis, running venetus, and its driver Incitator, a Syrian auriga, as the top favorites of its heat.
Still confident in the carceres, Incitator impressed to the race a high pace, and this is probably the main reason why the now well known and much popular Aoife Silurum lost this battle. For the Britanna « puella » had apparently decided to make the decision in the bends. But if this tactics is possible when the pace is not fast, it becomes harder at high stretch, specially when you have a chariot like Delectus consulis setting the race. Aoife tried first in the second turn, then in the 4th, last in the fifth one, but still unsuccessfully. And even for Biga fortunae, six violent efforts like such ones, in a curve, had to be paid. And Biga fortunae did pay them. The decision was made in the first straightaways of the last turn. Incitator has not weakened and was still leading, and Aoife, whose worrying face looked as red as her hair, was understanding that she was loosing the whole play. Biga fortunae’s horses were now blunt, and the young and handsome young Stolo was in Aoife’s back in a glance. Before the last turn, Stolo swallowed the Britanna, cutting her off before the curve. Anyway, Aoife’s horses would surely have not been strong enough to hold during the last lane.
Stolo looked in the last four hundred feet as if he was dreaming, and could not prevent himself glancing in his back several times. Incitator first, Stolo second, Aoife third: this is the 2nd heat results.
So, it is over for Aoife, and the road goes on for Incitator, who seems a good candidate for the final victory, with a good staff and equaria. But let us keep an eye on this Stolo and Dexter’s Incitatus, which may be one of the good surprises of these 10th Birthday Ludi Romani circenses.

3rd missus

The third series, was, with the 4th one, one of the most open. For we had there a new competitor, owner L. Fidelius Lusitanus from Brasil, sponsoring and himself driving a new chariot, Fulgur II. Let us care not taking this new Fulgur II with the horse mounted by Lucius and sponsored by Veneta Vestal Messallina, and called Fulgur. Additional source of confusion, Lusitanus is also backed up by Veneta factio.
This new chariot was unknown. But, after what occurred in the first missus, people were seriously wondering whether this new tiro would not eat his opponents.
The best known of both ones was Barbarufa, driving as usual Rubidea and running for russatus M. Arminius Maior. Apart the fact that Arminius lives also in Brasilia provincia, here ends every posible resemblance: Arminius is well known in the Republic and in the Circenses, and Barbarufa is an experienced driver, though this 2761 season has not been as good as the former ones, with just a 15th place best performance in the Matutini.
The third driver was Albatus Samicus driving Pilum, owned by Lacus Magni citizen Q.Cornelia Quadrata. Less known than Barbarufa, Quadrata however regularly enrols her rigs in Nova Roma circenses. She has arrived 12th in last Matutini.
In fact, this third missus was not a race, but rather a hold-up. Like in the first heat, the last chariot finally won. It was Pilum. It had an average start, managed to come back close to the two others, and made illusion til the second lap. Afterwards, he got nearly lapped by its opponennts in the 4th loop, but managed catching up, little by little. Rubidea has been ahead since the beginning, but has exchanged places with Fulgur II in the 5th and 6th. But unlike the first missus, Rubidea, from the second half of the 6th lap, looked a bit burnt, and Fidelius had no real problem to get past him. Famous Barbarufa has not drained the full cup to the dregs, for Samicus surged in his back on the last turn and deposed him without ceremony at the end of the curve. In the last straight line, Fulgur II was nibbled by Pilum, but for many spectators, the fresh Brasilian chariot has run off, as a veteran, to keep some strenght for the further races.
So Pilum 1st, Fulgur II 2nd and Rubidea third in this third heat.

4th missus

Beati qui in quarto cucurrunt ! For it was the easiest race. Not because of its entrants, or not only. For this heat has been drawn by lots as the one with two genuine competitors, and one chariot sponsored by C. Urius Levator, the good willing and modest man who takes care, for the aediles curules, of the aedilitas equaria. The aedilitas has thus a few rigs and fighters who are happy entering Ludi races and getting experience and training, but whose specificity and mission is that they are not allowed to win. They are just to bring the additional entry in a heat, in order to build a whole table that allows the organisers to qualify an even number of competitors for the next turn.
The chariot was this time Diem perdidi, the well-named, and driven by Urius himself. His sponsored contenders were Ulixes Germinus, a venetum essedum driven by Ultor and sponsored by G. Valerianus Germanicus, and russata Aurora rubra, piloted by Betelgesus and owned by M. Arminius Maior. This was thus Arminius’ second and last chance to qualify a chariot for the quarters.
Here again the rig which has taken the worse first laps finally won the race. Aurora rubra did a slow but efficient come-from-behind and, at last in the fifth lap, Ulixes Geminus and it were alongside, exchanging places in the sixth. At this time, C. Urius Levator, who looks a bit worried by Ultor’s rig performance in the first part of the race, could at last slack off so that his opponents could vie fairly. After the last dolphin has dived, the fight was still uncertain, and this is just because Aurora has better hugged its last curve than its opponent that the Russati won this fourth heat, just fifty feets ahead of Ulixex Geminus.
Both Betelgesus and Ultor must be thanked anyway, for they run honestly their race, although they were sure to be qualified. They could have run off from the moment Ultor had come close to Betelgesus, but they played fair, and have owed the applause of the Circus.

Scriba aediliciana and former praetor A. Tullia Scholastica has informed the spectators that Aedilis P. Memmius Albucius has always drawn the lots, under the eyes of the Capitolin triad, for the next turn, the quarter finals. So we already know who will run against who, for we remind you that the quarters will oppose just two chariots. Do not forget, dear Quirites, that the quarters would be run on Sept 15 (a.d. XVII Kal. Oct.), from 16 :30 to 18 :30.

The first quarters will be a full veneta one, and will see challenger first heat winner, Scorpianus on Babientes, towards Ultor on Ulixes Geminus, who had a rather quiet last heat race. Everybody thinks that Valerianus will sure need preventing Ultor on the risk undervaluing Rutilius’rig.
The second quarters will be a red one, and oppose Aurora Rubra, 1st in this last missus, and Germanica, who forbade Vita brevis longer Ludi. The race is not played for Betelgesus against Anthropophagus.

The third quarters should normally turn at Delectus consulis’ advantage, towards young Fulgur II, but here also, the tirones may have kept strength enough to create more surprises. Anyway, another venetus missus.

The last quarters will put onto the track Incitatus and Pilum, this one being slightly given favorite, even if the same observations could be made.

So, passionnating Circenses heats on these Idus Septembris, here in Circus Maximus. The sun was there all along the afternoon, the crowd too, and the Ludi circi table is yet upset : favorites have fallen, fresh young rigs and drivers have hit a big slam, and the quarters will sure fill the whole Circus.

O. Pedanius Speratus for C.L.C. (Catena Ludorum Curulium), was reporting. See you all tomorrow, from 16 :15 on, same place !

Quarter finals

This is O. Pedanius Speratus reporting for CLC (Catena Ludorum Curulium). Happy to meet again for this new day of Ludi Romani Circenses, direct from Circus Maximus. It is 16 :15 here, between Palatinus and Aventinus, and the first of our four quarterfinals will be begin now in less than 15 minutes. Although not full, the Circus contains a large public. There are just a small dozen of cunei, specially in the higher praecinctiones, which are still empty. The vendors are making their last rounds, scurrying selling sweets, like these excellent amygdalas tostas.
You know that the first quarters will be a full veneta one, between Scorpianus on Babientes, and Ultor on Ulixes Geminus. The bookmakers seem having a preference for Ultor, but what will say Fortuna ?

1st quarter

Here is the first trumpet signal. You can hear the crowd stop chating. Both chariots are also under orders, in the ostia. As they are just two chariots, one has been placed at left of the porta pompae, the other one right of it. The armentari - they are just four - are standing on each side of the gate, towards their pole and the rope in the hand.
Here we go ! The second signal has sound and they have run ten feet ahead and pulled vigorously the rope previously winded up behind and around their pole. Both doors of each swing open at the same time and both blue chariots are prancing their way to the alba linea.
You can see that Fortuna has allotted Ultor track number 6 and Scorpianus track number 7. This is an unsual disposal, and it will be interesting seeing how each of both aurigae will angle to the spina.
Younger lineatores are ready to put off the white strings that delineate the lanes, once the mappa has fallen. Two other ones are waiting, on each hermulus placed on each side of the track to put down the alba linea, this chalked rope that prevent one rig to spring forward before all chariots be abreast and ready to race. The moderatores have not much to do, for both chariots have joined the starting line in good order. Scorpianus and Ultor have waved the audience and now are glancing each other. But they quick watch ahead, concentrated, waiting the signal.
There, above the carceres, aedilis curulis P. Memmius Albucius, who is presiding the games and is among his staff, has seized the white mappa, held it aloft at arm’s lenght, and opened the hand suddenly. The hermulatores, who had similarly seized the white start rope at arm’s lenght, so that every one can see both them and the rope, let it fall at them turn. And the Veneti spring forward !
Both are rushing in the first straightaways, for they want to take the spina. The fight is uncertain but, not far before the western turn, Ultor has not weakened and holds it. Scorpianus decides to tail him... Here are both chariots coming... turning, and the first egg is up. Ultor retains the head, and we have the same positions in the second lap when both veneti rigs are coming west back. Second egg and.... ah !.. a little lapse by Ulixes geminus, whose spina horse seemed not having reacted quick enough in the curve, and here is Valerianus’ rig a bit too far on mid-track, and Babientes, which did not hope such a gift, overtakes it and picks up speed to the East. The third egg has arisen and both rigs are neck and neck. Here we are ! Ultor has taken the lead, but does not seem being able to give the last strike... Fourth egg and Scorpianus still in Ulixes’s wheels... the triumphalis turn, the straight line back.. and here is Scorpianus pouring on ahead. No one seems slacking off and we are now in the fifth lap. Both opponents seems willing trading places til the final rush. Sixth lap and soon the last one, here it is ! Ulixes or Babientes, Babientes or Ulixes ? You hear the crowd screaming ! Last turn, and still Ultor heading, but not really quite, and though he bends forward to boost his horses, he regularly throw an eye behind him. At least, he is hugging the spina and seems at best position. But here is Scorpianus, also leant out of his basket, who decides to throw the last pilum ! During a second, Ultor thinks that he is going to pass on his left, though there is really no place for it. Maybe these moments of doubt are enough for Babientes who are maintaing their effort, and getting past Ulixes geminus, sixty feet before the line ! And Babientes win !
Incredible ! What a suspense ! No one could have told, before the last hundred feet, who would win and then, whether Scorpianus could take the lead again, specially so close to the arrival !
So... ! Very interesting information : if they are not tired, Babientes will be a very serious chariot for the semis, for they have shown just now that they can speed up, and when they have to ! Bye "U2", Ulixes and Ultor, who has nothing to be reproached. They have well run !


2nd quarter

It has been a second fratricidal race, but a russata one, now ! It will oppose Aurora Rubra’s Betelgesus, 1st in the last 1st day missus, and Germanica’s Anthropophagus, who eliminated Vita brevis.
The two first eggs were for Anthropophagus, who, like Ulixes’ rig in the first quarter, managed taking and hugging the spina. In the third, Betelgesus quickens the speed from the end of the Pompae curve and get past his opponent. Germanica tried to re-take the lead before the Triumphalis turn, but all what happens is that both chariots hit each other and went on around the turn. We could see that both aurigae just looked, in the middle of the curve, to keep their chariot in the track, and that it be not enmeshed with the other. Getting out of the curve, both russati managed to take some distance with the other. Apparently, the previous fifteen seconds had left a strong impression to both, and Germanica, which has not gotten past, decided to stay quiet a whole lap. This is thus only in the return straightaways of the 4th lap that Germanica renews its attack, that took nearly all the line. But Aurora rubra decides to react immediatly and it counterattacked in the next straight, taking again the lead in the first line of the 5th. It kept heading until the second half of the 6th egg, when Anthropophagus reined forward his horses almost on the same section where he had overtaken first.
Despite his efforts, Betelgesus could not come alongside. He tailed his opponent during a few times of the straights easternward and return, but seemed weakening at the coming of the last curve. Antropophagus turned round and threw a glance when getting out of the bend, and he saw that Betelgesus had not passed the meta. He pushed then his horses a last time, and his rig made a visible dash forward. He pulled in front and ended the line and the race 500 feet before Betelgesus.
Exit courageous Betelgesus and Aurora rubra equaria. Germanica qualified, with his star, Anthropophagus. For Russata factio, everything is good, for one chariot is already in semi-finals !


3rd quarter

The third quarters opposes Delectus consulis, owned by Ti. Galerius Paulinus, and Fulgur II, L. Fidelius Lusitanus owner. Again and as the first quarter, another venetus fight.
The chariots are in the lines, Fulgur II in six and Delectus consulis in seven. Both rigs look nervous, and the white rope comes well. The three moderatores for each chariot are not too many to have the horses lining up : one for each outside horse, one man for the middle horses. This last one is the stronger of the three, for the place is the most dangerous one, specially when the horses panic and lash out.
Everything is back in order now, and the moderator maior has raised the hand in the direction of the cella, where stands aedilis curulis P. Memmius Albucius. Here it is : the aedilis has seen the signal. He holds now the white mappa, aloft at arm’s lenght. And the mappa falls, and falls the alba funis, hold by the hermulatores, releasing both veneti rigs!
Lucius Fulguris has decided to eked the best of his horses in this first straightaways, and he has taken the lead before the first curve. Incitator is behind, but we are just in the beginning of the race...
The first egg has fallen, and the position is unchanged... again the triumphalis bend, and now the Palatine straights... Delectus consulis speeds up... and get past ! Fulgur II decides not to fight here, and leave his opponent the lead. Second dolphin, the Aventine straights, still Galerius’ rig in one and Fidelius’horses in two. Soon the third lap... here we go...Lucius’chariot is now picking up speed and... yes ! overtakes Incitator, who glances his rival when he comes alongside. Lucius keeps the head when both round the pompeus turn, and that begins the 4th lap. The curve...the Palatine line... and still, in the eve of 5th lap, Lucius ahead by a short lenght nowww...... Incitator, reining his steeds forward, manages overtaking young Lucius in the Aventine ! ! Ah, things are getting serious, for we are in the last half of the race. No change in the Palatine, and here is the 6th lap. Fulgur II has not said its last word, and tries to overtake in the southern spatium.. once... no... twice... no more success... Mmmhhh.. young Brasilian driver may burn out his rig’s strenght that way. He seems to weaken a bit before the pompean curve, and here is the final lap !
Delectus consulis is ahead with three lengths and seems rather confident.. he is turning around the triumphalis now, but here is Fulgur II which seems to give its best... oh probably Lucius tries to take benefit of the turn, and that Incitatus’ attention be on the curve and slackened by its lead, to come back closer. Yes... Lucius has come fast in the outside half of the track and angled to cut its curve. This curve was perfect and he is now back in Incitator’ s heels and wheels. The last Palatine is swallowed in a dust cloud, and the crowd is roaring. It is incredible, but it seems that the experienced Incitator is now the prey and young Lucius the hunter, the venator. Here is the last curve ! Lucius is taking many risks for if Incitator speeds down, sure that Fulgur II will collide with Galerius’ rig ! But Incitator seems thinking of nothing, instead keeping the lead in this... first part of the Aventine... Lucius still tailing him...and trying overtaking....Incitatus... Lucius... alongside... neck and neck... the horses look winded... all of them....both drivers are shouting, bent forward... but Lucius... last three hundred feet... yes ! It is Lucius in the most perfect hold-up ! Lucius on Fulgur II, owner L. Fidelius Lusitanus winning this third quarter before Delectus Consulis, favorite of this race and probably one of the best bet for the whole Ludi.
The Brasilian team is exulting, and Censoria equaria seems appalled. This was a great race, and honor to both rigs ! Lucius and Fulgur II qualified, Delectus consulis and Incitator eliminated.


4th quarter

This missus aerarius, or last race of the day, is thus the last quarterfinals. It will opposes Incitatus and Pilum.
The chariots are in the moderatores’ hand. Remember that ... the mappa... they are gone !... yes, remember that Incitatus and his young driver Stolo....second straights and Pilum ahead... yes, Stolo, has created the big surprise in the opening missus, eliminating one of the favorites, Aoife on Biga fortunae... Second lap... still Pilum ahead... the pace is not so quick now... and now that Delectus consulis has been ousted by Brasilian Fulgur II, everything is possible for russatus Petronius Dexter’s driver, if he puts down albatus Samicus driving Pilum, owned by Lacus Magni citizen Q.Cornelia Quadrata. But sure Samicus is considering that he has also... we are beginning the third lap... that he has now also a wide open way ahead in the Circenses. He is currently one of the most skilled driver alive at this time of the competition.
Stolo has attacked in the Palatine ! The third dolphin has dived and the fourth lap is on. Samicus speeds up his beasts, and here he’s back in first place ! The curve.... They are back westward, and Stolo cannot or do not want to take again this just lost first place. Four dolphins now and fifth lap...hooves are pounding stronger and clouds of dust are hidding both chariots. Oh ! Incitatus has angled well and cut Pilum off in the triumphalis curve !
The line....Pilum again ! He just overtook Incitatus ! Just hear the crowd, this crowd that rejoices of the race but also that, at last, we have two different factiones vying for victory here ! Again the Palatine straights in this 6th lap, and again the pompean curve. Here we go, the final lap and the last 600 paces. Pilum ahead... both alongside... Incitatus before the curve ! ! ! Pilum in the curve, for he has just best hugged the meta ! Stolo has not said his last word, and he’s back now half straights, heeling his elder.. the last curve... very important... still Samicus ahead... but they are really neck and neck instead... but... here is the young defying the elder ! ! ! See ! ! The whole daring of youth... and he goes on... and.... and... it works ! ! ! Again ! ! ! After Fulgur II, the tiro has defeated the more experienced driver ! ! ! Ahh ! ! ! Nothing is better than Circenses, really ! ! ! ! Do hear the crowd, while Samicus has reined his chariot forward on the track, at small pace, for a honor lap, what he really fully deserves. The audience does know it, beyond any factio preferences, and Pilum receives an ovation while Stolo is on his teammates shoulders, near the triumphalis curve, and waving to the Aventina degrees audience.
So Incitatus’ Stolo, owner Petronius qualified in semis, and the end of the adventure for Pilum’s Samicus, owner Cornelia !

I know that we have not much time, so here was O. Pedanius Speratus reporting from Circus Maximus for CLC (Catena Ludorum Curulium). Wonderful quarters, new surprises, and exciting semifinals ahead with two russata and two veneta esseda !


1st semi-final

It’s a gorgeous late summer day in Rome and excitement fills the air as the races are about to begin. Alas, the partisans of the Praesina faction are disappointed as there was no entry from their beloved Greens this time, while the Albata fans are saddened at seeing all of their entries defeated early on. Perhaps that is why the birds have stopped singing, too, but perhaps the daylight showing between their wing feathers as yet another plume flutters earthward may be involved as well.

The field for this race is rather skimpy, but both Veneta and Russata are represented, albeit by a single entry each. Incitatus, owned by C. Petronius Dexter and driven by Stolo, both newcomers, runs for Russata, while Babientes, driven by Scorpianus and owned by a regional prefect, L. Rutilius Minervalis, hopes to uphold the glory of Veneta. The spicy additional thing is that Rutilius is currently Petronius' regional prefect, of Celtica Gallia. Here is Gallia! Citizens constantly defying the authority!
The chariots approach the starting gate, horses and men alike blinking in the brilliant sun as they emerge from the holding area. The horses prance, eager with expectation, and the charioteers must rein them in lest they start too soon. Now they are towards the starting line, the alba linea, and all eyes turn to the presiding aediliciana, praetoriana A. Tullia Scholastica in the cella. Aed. Memmius has asked her to chair today, in order to thank her for the watch she had upon the Ludi. Maybe also aedilis Memmius, who is also the governor Galliae, is happy not to be in charge of the defeat of one of both Galli, in this first semifinal!

Tullia lifts the mappa aloft and wave it; they drop it...and they’re on the track! No need to hurry yet; one must conserve the horses’ strength for the final laps, but one cannot walk around the track, either. Already Stolo is steering close to the spina, while Scorpianus holds to a steady and none-too-fast pace. Time and again, Stolo takes the lead as he comes round the spina, but Scorpianus catches up every time as the first, second, and third dolphins are turned. Now the pace quickens as the two charioteers vie for position at mid-race, but there still is little change. As they enter the sixth and penultimate lap, Stolo is hugging the spina so closely that he almost seems ready to shake hands with the statues. Sparks are starting to fly, and now he is taking a turn on one wheel...a dangerous tactic, and one which cost him time as Scorpianus passes him with ease. Coming into the seventh and final lap Stolo again grazes the spina in the Palatine straights, but this time the risk is worth it and he pulls well ahead of Babientes and Scorpianus, whose horses seem to be tiring. The final curve is there, and now the finish line in sight, Babientes will not be back, and Stolo crosses it four lengths ahead of Scorpianus. In this race, the palm goes to Russata.


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