Senatus consultum ultimum de pietate, fiducia et fidelitate principum civitatis erga rem publicam revisum (Nova Roma)

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Enacted on: pr. Kal. Sex. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c. (In the year of the consulship of Q. Arrius and A. Tullia, 31st July, 24 ANRC / 2774 AUC / 2021 AD)


As is common practice, Nova Roma is obligated to address and manage conflicts-of-interest. For the ongoing benefit of all citizens, it is in the best interest of the Republic to protect the infrastructure and financial assets from entities that could cause damage to our society and organization, either through error or violation. This senatus consultum ultimum seeks to consolidate and replace the numerous and often contradictory policies on managing conflicts-of-interest and competing organisations that have been passed previously.

I. A. It is prohibited for any citizen of Nova Roma to run as a candidate for, or hold a high-ranking office, when any such citizen holds similar or comparable higher-ranking positions in another Roman, Byzantine, or Classical-era themed organization which conducts activities in the creation, development, and/or workings of a state or revivalism focus. Reenactment legions, gladiatorial schools, and similar organizations which lack Roman-style government frameworks do not fall under this prohibition.

B. 'A high-ranking official of Nova Roma' is defined as including the Senatorial order, provincial governor or any officer appointed by the Senate (unless specially appointed as a Nova Roman representative in another organization), vigintisexvir, quaestor, tribunus plebis, aedilis, censor, praetor, consul, and all corporate decision-making offices. The religious posts of the rex sacrorum, flamen, pontifex, augur, quindecimvir, epulo and Vestal are also considered prohibited positions to those Nova Roma citizens holding equivalent high-ranking offices in other organisations comparable to Nova Roma.

II. Nova Roma welcomes and encourages citizens to hold membership or citizenship in other Roman orientated organizations. These citizens, holding membership in other Roman organizations, may still run for high-ranking offices within Nova Roma provided they are not in violation of part I above. The Senate has evaluated the risk and accepts the potential ongoing ineligibility of a small number of citizens in exchange for the added security this policy provides. Citizens who hold high-ranking offices or corporate roles within organizations formally recognized by Nova Roma as a subsidiary, chapter, autonomous group, allied group, or friendly partner are permitted to hold a high-ranking office within Nova Roma. Our pater patriae M. Cassius Iulianus is an exception from under these restrictions defined in part I.

III. The Senate is permitted to suspend any high-ranking officials from the right to exercise their powers and duties if there is reasonable suspicion that there has been a violation of part I. Any individual under suspicion will be subject to an investigation by the praetors, or in case a praetor is suspected, the remaining praetor. In a case where both praetores are suspected of violation, the consules will conduct the investigation. If both consules are also suspected, then any inspection will be conducted by the aediles, with the tribuni plebis conducting investigations if the aediles are also under suspicion. If all tribuni plebis are also suspected, inspections by the quaestores will then occur. After any investigation with findings, the jurisdictional process can deem the final judgement of the accused individual(s). If they are found guilty though due process, he or she will be automatically removed from office. Determined innocence through a judicial process or an inconclusive investigation immediately ends any suspension of office without further record in the subject citizens' acta.

IV. This senatus consultum ultimum repeals the following senatus consulta and condemns the policies and attitudes behind them as an incorrect approach. These policies are not in the cordial spirit of Nova Roma in which we extend toward all Roman organizations in the world:

A. Senatus consultum ultimum on competing organizations
B. Senatus consultum on the "Res Publica Romana" as a competing organization
C. Senatus consultum on the "" as a competing organization
D. Senatus consultum on the reapplication process for citizenship
E. Senatus consultum on conflicts of interest
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