Senatus consultum de rogatione Arria Tullia de quibusdam legibus obsoletis abrogandis corrigundisve (Nova Roma)
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Enacted on: a.d. V Kal. Ian. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c. (In the year of the consulship of Q. Arrius and A. Tullia, 28th December, 24 ANRC / 2774 AUC / 2021 AD)
I. The Nova Roman people hereby repeals the following laws because they became obsolete or unnecessary:
- (1) The lex Vedia tributa:
- (2) The lex Arminia de imperio:
- (3) The lex Cornelia de civitate eiuranda:
- (4) The lex Cornelia poenalis:
- (5) The lex Cornelia de vigintisexviris:
II. The lex Salvia iudicialis and the lex Salvia poenalis (formerly both known as lex Salicia) are hereby restored with the repeal of the lex Cornelia poenalis.
III. Until the lex Arria de censu civium aestimando takes force, the lex Fabia centuriata shall regulate the census points of the citizens together with any additional instructions by the senate.
- III.A. Sections III.A.3-4 of the lex Arria de censu civium aestimando is hereby modified as follows:
- “III.A.2. Past Service Points are given per terms at the end of each term if the position has a fixed term. If the position is repeated by prorogation, or by confirmation in office by the next employer, each started prorogation or confirmation counts as a new term. If only the title of the office changes but the duties do not, it does not count as a new term. Only a new appointment or a new prorogation counts as a new term.
- III.A.3. If the position has an indefinite term, or is linked to the superior's term, Past Service Points, if not regulated otherwise by law, are calculated cumulatively, and assigned, after each completed one year period (12 months): the first amount is given after starting the second year in office (the officer receives one amount of Current Office Service Points, and one amount of Past Service Points), the second amount is given after starting the third year (one amount of Current Office Service Points, and two amounts of Past Service Points) etc.
- III.A.3.a. The term of apparitors and other officers appointed by higher officers, by the senate, or by other institutions, if not otherwise defined in the appointment, is considered to be the period of time between the appointment and the date when the appointing superior honorably discharges his or her lower officer, but their Past Service Points are calculated according to III.A.3, as if 12 months were the term of office that they were supposed to complete. If superiors, before the end of their term, do not explicitly remove their appointed officer, the term of office of the appointed officer is considered to end on the day when the appointing superior steps down, at which time the officer is automatically renewed for a new term unless explicitly removed by edict within one month from the new superior’s first day of term. This removal within one month shall have a retroactive effect and dates the removal to the last day of the term of the previous superior.
- III.A.3.b. Governors and certain officers defined by law may not receive additional Census Points for a longer than 12 month service unless appointed or prorogued for a new term.
- III.A.4. If an officer serves only part of the term of office, only partial Past Service Points shall be given. The amount of Past Service Points shall be proportional to the amount of time spent in office from the full term, and the exact method of calculation shall be defined in edict by the curator rei informaticae on the basis of practical considerations regarding the information technology aspects of the system, but each officer shall receive at least one quarter (rounded down) of the Past Service Points total just for entering office, calculated from the full length of term of their office, which is added to whatever partial amount past officers would have based on the time spent in office, so that they should have the total of what is due for 12 months after commencing the fourth quarter of their 12 month period.
- III.A.4.a. In case of officers with indefinite term of office, the basis of calculation of partial term Past Service Points shall be the one year (12 months) as described in III.A.3 (for example, such an officer serving for 2 years and 4 months will receive 2 and 1/3rd times the Past Service Point amount, plus 1/4th which is due upon entering office, after stepping down from office; while in office, partial term points will not be given: the same officer would hold only two amounts of Past Service Points for the two full years, plus the Current Office Service Points).
- III.A.4.b. The Past Service Points of governors and certain officers defined by law shall be calculated the same way as described in III.A.4.a, i.e. partial points shall be calculated from a fictive 12 month full term, but they shall not receive Past Service Points for more than 12 months if their term is longer. Each appointment or prorogation is considered a term. (Example: a governor serving for 8 months would receive the Past Service Points what is due for serving the 2/3rd of a term, but a governor serving a term of 1 year and 8 months would receive only what is due for 12 months.)
- III.A.4.c. If any law would penalize resignations or removal from office, mere resignation, when it is a traditional stepping down from office due to custom, does not count as a resignation: the resignation of extraordinary magistrates, the dictator, magister equitum, or of other extraordinary officers appointed for a task with a term but having finished the task sooner, or the resignation of a censor after the death or resignation of his or her colleague do not count as resignations but complete terms. Honorable discharge is also not considered removal from office, but as completion of the term.”
- III.B. Section III.A.6. of the lex Arria de censu civium aestimando is hereby modified as follows:
- “The senate and comitia shall have the authority to issue points for special positions, for new offices, or other positions not included in this lex, as well as for special services performed on behalf of the State.”
- III.C. Sections III.F.1-3 of the lex Arria de censu civium aestimando are hereby modified as follows, and III.F.4-5 renumbered accordingly:
- “III.F.1. In cases where there is no objection, the four aediles may collectively award citizens who excel in public activity, in public service, in the forums with exemplary conduct, productivity, and usefulness to the commonwealth within a given month. These awards will demonstrate these citizens as examples to follow:
- Award for excellence in the month:
- 1 CP Award Point
- III.F.2. All magistrates and officers with the ius edicendi may award members of their staff, once in a year, for excellent service. This award may only be granted on the last day of the term of office of a magistrate or officer, or if the term of office does not have fixed term, on the last day of the year:
- Award for excellent service in the year:
- 2 CP Award Points
- III.F.3. Magistrates or promagistrates, with imperium, and the senate may grant awards for significant achievements, strictly within the frames of Nova Roma, that advance the cause and the mission of Nova Roma, or for extraordinarily exemplary actions, inside or outside the frames of Nova Roma, that may inspire other citizens and may increase the reputation of Nova Roma in the world. These awards may be issued only during legally defined and obligatorily observed national holidays of Nova Roma, and shall be presented as “given from the occasion and in honor of the holiday.” (At the time of the enactment of this lex, these are the New Year’s Holiday, Concordialia, Ludi Novi Romani, Anna Perenna Holiday, Megalesia, Parilia, Cerealia, Apollinaria, Volturnalia, Ludi Romani, October Horse Holiday, Ludi Plebeii, Saturnalia, Civilia). These awards may be issued under various titles decided by the awarding authority, and by future senatus consulta or leges. Governors may issue only the lowest grade of this award, 3 CP:
- Award for a Nova Roman achievement:
- 3 CP Award Points
- Major award for a Nova Roman achievement:
- 6 CP Award Points
- Highest award for a Nova Roman achievement:
- 9 CP Award Points
- III.F.4. The censores, jointly, may grant the censorial award for major Nova Roman achievements or extraordinary excellence in virtue, morality and civic life between two censuses, only to be awarded upon the conclusion of the census, after the lectio senatus and the recognitio equitum, as an alternative to reward those who have already been admitted to the public knighthood or to the senate, or those who should not yet receive the highest distinction of being elevated to the knighthood, but whom the censores would like to honor with a distinction:
- Censorial award for most excellent citizenship and achievements in a lustrum (period between censuses):
- 12 CP Award Points
- III.F.5. Only the senate can grant the following extraordinary awards for actions and achievements that merit extraordinary prize. These awards may have various titles decided by the awarding authority, and by future senatus consulta or leges:
- Extraordinary award, amount decided by the senate depending on the merit:
- 13-399 CP Award Points
- Major extraordinary award, equal to equestrian census:
- 400 CP Award Points
- Highest possible extraordinary award, equal to senatorial census:
- 1000 CP Award Points”
- III.D. In the entire text of the lex Arria de censu civium aestimando the Censorial Committee of Latin Teachers shall be renamed as Censorial Board of Latin Examiners.
IV. With the repeal of the lex Cornelia de civitate eiuranda, the lex Minucia de civitate eiuranda is returned to its original form, with the following modifications (full text included):
“Citizenship in Nova Roma may be voluntarily relinquished or involuntarily revoked according to the Constitution, or may be temporarily suspended under the Lex Fabia de Censu, paragraph VI. Outlined in this lex are the procedures by which a citizen may voluntarily relinquish his or her citizenship by a process of renouncing Nova Roman citizenship, and procedures to be followed when a person returns into citizenship following suspension of citizenship or relinquishment of citizenship.
I. Supersession
The lex Vedia de civitate eiuranda and lex Equitia de civitate eiuranda are hereby repealed.
II. Renouncing from citizenship
- A. Citizenship from Nova Roma may be voluntarily relinquished by notification of the censors. Submission to the censors of an intention to renounce citizenship should be made in writing with the intention clearly stated, and may be transmitted in writing via any available means. When a citizen renounces citizenship in Nova Roma, the loss of citizenship will not take permanent effect for a nundinum (8 days, 192 hours) from the date of the censors being notified. If the citizen desires to withdraw his or her resignation during this nundinum and remain a citizen, that citizen may freely do so without penalty. The citizen can withdraw the renunciation of citizenship during this nundinum by notifying the censors of this decision.
- B. A parent or guardian may voluntarily rescind Nova Roma citizenship of impuberes (minors) as provided for above.
III. Forfeiture of offices
If citizenship is resigned, any and all public offices, titles, positions held by the citizen are immediately vacated at the time that the censors receive a resignation. No public offices, elected or appointed, shall carry over into a new citizenship should a resigning citizen later reestablish citizenship.
III. Reinstatement
- A. Reinstatement of citizenship, after the expiration of the grace period of the resignation nundinum, is granted at the discretion of the censors or the censorial office. Against the decision of the censors, former citizens wishing to be reinstated may turn to the praetors or to magistrates with the right of jurisdiction to start a legal proceedings to appeal against the decision.
- B. When a former citizen applies for reinstatement of citizenship, he or she shall have restored his or her census points, which may be subject to penalties due to relinquishment of citizenship.
- C. Former titles and offices may be restored by the relevant authorities at their discretion.”
V. The lex Minucia de eiuratione magistratum shall be corrected in the following points:
- V.A. The Preamble of the lex Minucia de eiuratione magistratum shall be corrected to read:
- “The language of this lex is binding on resignation of magisterial offices elected in the in the Comitia Populi Tributa and in the Comitia Plebis Tributa.”
- V.B. The phrase “Comitia Populi Tributa” shall be completed as “Comitia Centuriata and Comitia Tributa” throughout the lex. The phrase “twenty-four (24) hours” and “forty-eight (48) hours” shall be changed to “a nundinum (192 hours)”, and the phrase “45 days” to “a month”. Section II.B shall be completed with closure:
- “The resigning magistrate may not use any of his or her powers and rights as a magistrate from the moment of announcing the resignation. The loss of magistracy will not take permanent effect until the presiding official accepts it, but if the resignation nundinum expires, it becomes permanent automatically. The resigning magistrate may withdraw the resignation during this nundinum, and resume full powers and rights as a magistrate, unless the presiding official has formally accepted and made it official record already. The resignation will be dated to the time when the resignation was announced by the resigning magistrate. If a presiding magistrate claims that a magistrate resigned in private communication, but the magistrate in question denies it, and there is no public evidence of the resignation, the resignation shall not be considered to have happened.”
VI. The lex Iunia de iure iurando shall be adjusted in order to be more concise and focused to provide an oath of loyalty and service to Nova Roma, and it shall be modified to read as:
“This lex is hereby enacted to put in place an oath of office for any citizen assuming any magistracy of Nova Roma or any office, whether elected or appointed. Besides the oath of office, a magistrate, governor or a promagistrate with imperium must be inaugurated and invested into his or her office according to regulations determined by the Collegium Pontificum. The oath must be taken on the day, or as soon as possible afterwards, that the office is to be assumed. An officer who is required to take an oath may not take any official action or use any powers of the office until the following oath is taken:
- “I. The following oath must be taken publicly in the main official forum of Nova Roma before someone elected or appointed to any magistracy of the people can exercise the rights of his or her office. Promagistrates and governors must also take this oath. Commissioners, apparitors and other lower officers of the state must take this oath only if required by the appointing authority.”
- “I, [enter Roman name here (enter macronational name here)], as [enter the title of the office here] of Nova Roma, do hereby solemnly swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Senate and People of Nova Roma, the New Roman Republic, Nova Roma, and to the majesty of the New Roman people, the Quirites.
- I, [enter only Roman name here], swear that as [enter the title of the office here] I will serve, protect and defend the republic, the laws and the Declaration of Nova Roma, that I will always act in the best interests of the Senate and People of Nova Roma, and that I will fulfill the obligations and responsibilities of the office of [enter the title of the office here] to the best of my abilities.
- I further swear that as [enter the title of the office here] I will follow the mos maiorum, I will honor the Gods of Rome in my public dealings, I will uphold and defend the Roman religion as the State Religion of Nova Roma, and that I will promote the culture of ancient Rome and pursue the Roman virtues in my public and private life.
- In the presence of my ancestors and the Gods of the Roman people, by their will and favor, I hereby accept the office of [enter the title of the office here] and all the rights, privileges, obligations, and responsibilities attendant thereto.”
- “II. The same regulations apply to magistrates of the Nova Roman plebs, the tribuni plebis and aediles plebis, but they shall also swear a special allegiance to the Plebs, and the first part of their oath of office shall read as follows:”
- “I, [enter Roman name here (enter macronational name here)], as [enter the title of the office here] of Nova Roma, do hereby solemnly swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the New Roman Plebs, the Senate and People of Nova Roma, the New Roman Republic, Nova Roma and to the majesty of the New Roman People, the Quirites.
- I, [enter only Roman name here], swear that as a sacrosanct [enter the title of the office here] I will serve, protect and defend the plebs, the republic, the laws and the Declaration of Nova Roma, that I will always act in the best interests of the Plebs of Nova Roma, and that I will fulfill the obligations and responsibilities of the office of [enter the title of the office here] to the best of my abilities... (The rest of the oath shall be the same as the oath of the magistrates of the people.)”
“III. The oath, in its published written form, must be taken in Latin and in the mother tongue of the officer who is taking it. In its spoken form, it is acceptable to take the oath in only one of these languages. Official translations shall be authorized by praetorian edict.”
VII. The lex Octavia de sermone shall be corrected because it is now in conflict with the Constitution: wherever it mentions praetors, the term aediles shall be substituted, and the word “scribae” shall be replaced with the phrase “apparitores or other officers”.
VIII. The lex Salvia de intercessione shall be corrected in its Sections II and IV.A: the phrase “to at least one of Nova Roma’s main communications fora” shall be corrected to “to the main official forum of Nova Roma, and if the intercessio is made in a senate session, to the discussion board of the senate, as well”. The phrase “(as defined by the Constitution)” shall be corrected to “(as defined by law).
IX. The lex Didia de potestate tribunicia shall be corrected because it is now in conflict with the Constitution: section II.A.3-4 shall be removed, the remaining section after it renumbered, the phrase “three elements” shall be changed to “four elements”, and II.A.1.a-c shall be changed to read as follows:
“a. The name of the citizens who have requested auxilium; or if the tribunus plebis acted on his own initiative, ex-officio.
b. The name and office of the magistrate against whose act or acts the intercessio or auxilium has been interposed; or an exact reference to the edictum, decretum, motion (rogatio, draft senatus consultum etc.) which is being vetoed.
c. The articles of the law the letter or spirit of which is violated, according to the interpretation of the interceding tribunus plebis, by the magistrate’s act or the by the edictum, decretum, motion (rogatio, draft senatus consultum etc.) which is being vetoed; or a clarification what rights and interests of the plebs, a plebeian citizen, any citizens, or what part or aspect of the mission and function of Nova Roma would be violated by the action or law that is being vetoed.
d. An explanation by the tribunus plebis why and how the vetoed action or law would violate, in his or her interpretation, the letter or spirit of the referenced law at II.A.1.c, or why and how the rights and interests of the plebs, a plebeian citizen, any citizens, or the mission and function of Nova Roma would be violated by the action or law that is being vetoed.”
X. The lex Vedia de mutandis nominibus shall be corrected in the following points:
- X.A. Section II.F of the lex Vedia de mutandis nominibus shall be corrected to read:
- “II.F. Agnomina of distinction include, but are not limited to, the following: Augur, Augustus, Felix, Imperator, Invictus, Magnus, Maximus, Pius, and adjectives indicating conquest of a land. Among these, Augustus, Imperator and adjectives of conquest may only be awarded by the Senate; other names, if approved by the censors, may be used as simple cognomina. Note that these restrictions do not apply in any way to agnomina under which citizens have already received citizenship.”
- X.B. In section IV.B.2, the part “(Maximus, Felix, et cetera)” shall be deleted.
- X.C. Section IV.B.4 shall be completed with the closing “and shall be according to the sex in which the citizen is officially recognized by their country of macronational citizenship”.
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