Senate Agenda (Nova Roma)

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{{LanguageBar|Senate Agenda (Nova Roma)}}
{{LanguageBar|Senate Agenda (Nova Roma)}}
The [[Senate (Nova Roma)|senate]] is not currently in session. Its [[Senate Report MMDCCLX September 10 (Nova Roma)|last session]] closed {{Sep 10}} {{2007}}.
<!-- The [[Senate (Nova Roma)|senate]] is not currently in session. Its [[Senate Report MMDCCLX September 10 (Nova Roma)|last session]] closed {{Sep 10}} {{2007}}.
The [[Senate (Nova Roma)|senate]] was convened by [[consul (Nova Roma)|''consul'']] [[Marcus Moravius Piscinus Horatianus (Nova Roma)|]] to vote on the following items.
The [[Senate (Nova Roma)|senate]] was convened by [[consul (Nova Roma)|''consul'']] [[Marcus Moravius Piscinus Horatianus (Nova Roma)|Marcus Moravius Piscinus Horatianus]] to vote on the following items.
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Revision as of 09:32, 17 January 2008

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The senate was convened by consul Marcus Moravius Piscinus Horatianus to vote on the following items.

M. Moravius Piscinus Horatianus Consul: T. Iulio Sabino Consuli collegae, Praetoribus, Tribunibus Plebis, Senatoribus Patribus Mátribusque Conscriptís, viris clarissimis et castissimae mulieribus, omnibus quibusque in senatu senteniam dicere licet: salutem plurimam dicit:

Consul edicit ut senatus frequens adsit:

The auspicia having been taken, "Aves admittunt!" These results having been confirmed by the Augures: "Nuntiatio ab silentio": I come seeking the advice of the Senate on the following agenda.

The Senate shall be called into session during the first hour (05.40 hrs. CET) on Thursday 17 Jan. 2761, with discussions to continue until approximately sunset in Rome (17.00 hrs CET) on 21 Jan. 2761. That is, I hora bona Veneris a. d. XIV AUC MMDCCLXI to the conclusion of XII hora communis Mecuri a. d. X Kal. Feb. AUC MMDCCLXI.

Voting on the Agenda will then begin in the second hour at 06.45 hrs CET on Weds. 23 Jan. 2761 and conclude at 17.00 hrs CET on Sat. 26 Jan. 2761. That is, II hora bona Iovi a. d. VIII Kal. Feb. AUC MMDCCLXI until XII hora communis Lunae a. d. V Kal. Feb. AUC MMDCCLXI. Senatores and Senatrices should not vote during night time hours of their respective locations.

Sententiam rogo Senati. Quid de ea re fieri placent?


Our Ancestors placed the Gods as their starting point in every important matter, and thus it was that when Varro advised Pompeius Magnus on the proper ways of convening the Senate, he pointed out that questions related to the Gods ought to be brought before the Senate before any other matters. Therefore:

The Senate instructs the Consul to consult with the Collegium Pontificum on preserving the Pax Deorum and to act on the advice of the Pontifices wherever the Pax Deorum is in need of repair.


The Senate gives its assent to the tax rates for MMDCCLXI as provided by the Consul.


The Senate extends its special thanks to Senator Marcus Octavius Gracchus for his many years of service as Magister Aerarii and in assisting the Magistri Aerarii, providing Nova Roma with a server, restoring the website, archiving our records, and often single handily providing technical support for our magistrates and Citizens alike.


The Senate appoints Quaestrix consularis Equestria Iunia Laeca Curatrix Aerarii (Finacial Officer) for a term lasting two years from the kalendae Februariae MMDCCLXI AUC (1 Feb. 2008) until the kalendae Martiae MMDCCLXIII AUC (1 March 2010CE). In the event that the Senate does not appoint another Curator Aerarii before Kal. Martis 2762 AUC, Equestria Iunia Laeca shall be eligible to act in the capacity of Chief Financial Officer of Nova Roma Inc. under the direction of the Consuls until the Senate reconfirms her in office or replaces her. This appointment may be superceded by senatus consultus or enactment of legislation that establish financial officers for Nova Roma, Inc. by other means.


The Senate authorizes Senator Curius Saturninus the use of the Nova Roma name and logo in the production of "official Nova Roma Calendars" for the years MMDCCLXI through MMDCCLXVI (2008 - 2013 CE).


The Senate, at the request of the Censores in MMDCCLX, hereby revokes the reprimand to former Citizen Lucius Marius Fimbria.


  • Ref: Censorial apology and withdrawal of nota:

http://groups. group/NovaRoma- Announce/ message/1049


The Senate lends its support to the Consul to issue an edictum instructing list owners to approve without exception the requests of all Senatores and Senatrices to subscribe to any and all lists that are recognized as necessary in the administration of Nova Roma. These lists shall include:

  • the "nova-roma@yahoogrou",
  • the "novaroma-announce@ yahoogroups. com",
  • the "NovaRomaComitiaCent uriata@yahoogrou",
  • the web-based message board linked to www.novaroma. org,
  • the "newroman@yahoogroup"
  • the "religioromana@ yahoogroups. com",
  • the "NRCollegiumPontific um@yahoogroups. com"
  • the "CollegiumPontificum @yahoogroups. com"
  • the "CollegiumAugurum@ yahoogroups. com"
  • the "NRPriesthood@ yahoogroups. com"
  • the "SenateNR@yahoogroup"
  • the "SenatusRomanus@ yahoogroups. com" and all other Senate lists,
  • the "NRWiki@yahoogroups. com",
  • the "CONVENTVS_GVBERNATO RVM@yahoogroups. com",
  • the "NRmagistrates@ yahoogroups. com",
  • all provincial lists and those lists of all sodalitates that are chartered by the Senate of Nova Roma.

Where Senatores or Senatrices are not entitled to subscribe to a specific list by virtue of a magisterial or priestly office, or by membership in a sodalitas or provincia, or special priesthood, list owners shall none the less be instructed to subscribe members of the Senate upon request, although the list owners may under such circumstances subscribe members of the Senate as moderated observers.

Not to be included in the edictum shall be any private lists of a semi-public nature, such as lists established by magistrates to hold discussions with their advisors and appointees.


The Aediles Curules have requested an amendment to the SC governing the Aedilician Fund. As it is currently written, the Aediles are given fiduciary responsibility for the fund, but hold no actual control or access to the funds, and must rely on others even for reports. The intent of this amendment to the SC is to clarify and define those relationships.

The current Senatus consultum issued in July 25th 2756, which creacted the Aedilician fund, can be found at: http://groups. group/Nova- Roma/message/ 13411 (ML 03/07/25).

It is the last section that the Aediles Curules wish changed from the following:

"IV. The Aedilician Fund is under the Aediles Curules' responsibility. A detailed record of all donations and their destinations will be kept by the Quaestores assigned to the Aediles Curules. The Curule Aedilician Quaestores will also provide the Consules with quarterly reports on the Aedilician Fund to be attached to the national budget of Nova Roma."

The proposed and expanded version is thus:

"IV.a The Aedilician Fund is under the Aediles Curules' responsibility. As such, the Aediles define, in a common edict and in the frame of the present senatus consultum, the rules concerning the management of this fund;

IV.b The Aediles Curules are assisted by one or more quaestors who shall be responsible for:

1. preparing all statements and reports of receipts and disbursements of the fund, based on the information they receive from the assigned consular quaestor(s) that concern donations to and disbursements from the Aedilician Fund;

2. reporting regularly and each time requested to the Aediles Curules on the status of the Aedilician Fund;

3. serving notice to the Aediles Curules immediately whenever difficulties arise in the performance of their duties;

4. upon request of officers of the Senate, preparing reports for the Senate, reviewed by the Aediles Curules, on the state of the Aedilician Fund;

IV.c: Upon request, the Aediles Curules shall inform the Consuls and every concerned magistrate on the state of the Aedilician Fund, based on the reports made to them by their assigned Quaestores Aediles.

IV.d: The Aediles Curules shall prepare the annual accounting of the Aedilician Fund, based on the records of their assigned Quaestors, and present this report in a timely fashion to the Consuls in order that it may be included as an attachment to the annual budget.

IV.e: In the case of an emergency concerning the Aedilician Fund, the Aediles Curules shall request and shall be granted permission by the presiding magistrate to address the Senate directly and respond to any questions made by its

Vos quod fexitis, Senatores et Senatrices, Deos Omnes fortunare velim.

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