Aedilitas curulis MMDCCLXI - Edict n°61-02

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- PMA 61-02 concerning the European conventus 2761 to 2763 auc (2008 to 2010)

EDICT n°61-02

CURULE AEDILE P. Memmius Albucius edict (n° 61-02) concerning the European conventus 2761, 2762 and 2763 (Edictum aedilis Memmium curulis de Europaeo conventu)

I, Publius Memmius Albucius, aedilis curulis, by the authority vested by the constitution, the laws and the Senate of Nova Roma, and in view of the constitution Novae Romae,

Considering the « Pactum de Convento Novae Romae in Europa » 2758 a.u.c. ;

Considering the decision taken by the European governors present in the Conventus Romae 2758, to propose the common candidacy, for the yearly European conventus, of Carlisle 2759, Hispania 2760, Dacia 2761 and Gallia 2762 ;

Considering the formal or unformal decisions taken by the previous curule aediles, specially to declare Dacia and Gallia as the provinces chosen to organize the European conventus respectively in 2761 and 2762 ;


Article 1

The res publica confirms its support to the organization of the Nova Roma European conventus in :

  • Dacia in 2761 auc :
  • Gallia in 2762 auc.

Article 2

As recognized and supported by the res publica, the organizing provinces are allowed, if they wish to, to request from now on, from the Senate, a financial participation to the expenses of these events.

Article 3

Considering the special conditions of the confirmation last year of Dacia's designation for this year 2761 a.u.c., provincia Dacia is authorized, by its governor or every duly appointed delegate, to delay exceptionally the sending, to the curule aediles, of its Conventus 2761 organizational file for next 31st March.

Article 4

A further edict will define the dates and the rules, this year, for the registration of the candidacy files for 2763.

Article 5

Every novaroman public officer and her/his departement must, as far as each one is concerned, enforce the present edict, which will be published in the Tabularium Novae Romae at

Issued in Cadomagus, civ. Viducassium, Gaul, pridie Nonas Ian. MMDCCLXI a.u.c. (4 January 2008 c.c.) during the consulate of M. Moravius Piscinus Horatianus and T. Iulius Sabinus.

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