Senate Handbook (Nova Roma)/Rank of Senate actions within our constitutional framework

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Rank of Senate actions within our constitutional framework

  • 1st Constitution
  • 1st when in effect the edits of a legally appointed dictator
  • 2nd "edicta issued by consuls acting under the Senatus consulta ultima”
  • 3rd "laws properly voted and passed by one of the comitia"
  • 4th "decreta passed by the collegium pontificum"
  • 5th "decreta passed by the collegium augurum"
  • 6th "Senatus consulta"
  • 7th magisterial edicta of a Censor
  • 8th magisterial edicta of a Consul
  • 9th magisterial edicta of a Praetor
  • 10th magisterial edicta of a Curule Aediles
  • 11th magisterial edicta of a Plebeian Aedile
  • 12th magisterial edicta of a Quaestor
  • 13th magisterial edicta of any of the Vigintisexviri (The Twenty-Six)

"Legal precedence. This Constitution shall be the highest legal authority within Nova Roma, apart from edicts issued by a legally appointed dictator. It shall thereafter be followed in legal authority by edicta issued by consuls acting under the Senatus consulta ultima, laws properly voted and passed by one of the comitia, decreta passed by the collegium pontificum, decreta passed by the collegium augurum, Senatus consulta, and magisterial edicta (in order of descending authority as described in section IV of this Constitution), in that order. Should a lower authority conflict with a higher authority, the higher authority shall take precedence. Should a law passed by one of the comitia contradict one passed by another or the same comitia without explicitly superseding that law, the most recent law shall take precedence.

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