Cohors I Atilia (Nova Roma)

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Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus (Talk | contribs)
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Revision as of 12:56, 23 June 2023

The Nova Roman Cohors I Atilia is the legionary reenactment unit of Pannonia Provincia. It is a small unit currently consisting of three armored soldiers and four unarmed members, and it operates mostly in Aquincum. The Cohors I Atilia reenactment unit was founded by P. Atilius Severus in Q. Arrio (II) T. Domitio (III) cos. MMDCCLXXIII a.u.c. who is also the current praefectus cohortis, and he holds only the military rank miles gregarius as of yet. The cohors is logistically and financially maintained by the praefectus's private funds.

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