Session June 2767

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Senatus Consultum on the procedures for the publishing of the Senatus Consulta in the Nova Roma website

1- By this Senatus Consultum the Senate defines the procedure by which the Senatus Consulta approved in the Senate are posted in the Nova Roma web site.

2- All approved Senatus Consulta must be posted and be accessible in the Nova Roma web site.

a) The section of the Nova Roma web site dedicated to the Senate sessions and Senatus Consulta is under the authority of the Censores.

b) The page where the approved Senatus Consulta information and links to their texts is presently at

c) The Censores may by collegial decision and in consultation with the Magister Aranearius change the location of the page within the Nova Roma web site ensuring always that it is accessible to the citizens of Nova Roma for reference and consultation.

3- The presiding magistrate after ending the Senate session has 8 days to send the approved Senatus Consulta texts and voting results to the Magister Aranearius with copies to both Censores and Praetores.

4- If the presiding magistrate fails to send the Senatus Consulta texts and voting results as stipulated in 3 the Praetores must send this information to the Magister Aranearius with copies to both Censores.

5- The Magister Aranearius has 16 days from the reception of the information from the presiding magistrate or from one of the Praetores to publish the texts and voting results of the approved Senatus Consulta on the Nova Roma web site.

6- The Censores are the maximum authority in ensuring the texts and voting results are in accordance with what was approved in the Senate session."

Voted in favor by 12 members of the Senate
No votes against.

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