Codex Juris: Ius Personarum

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INDEX: Return to the Codex Juris Novae Romae.

Ius Personarum

This book contains all the legislation on personal law. Personal law pertains to the rights of persons. Those rights that, in civil law, belong to persons as such, or in their different characters and relation; as parents and children, masters and servants, etc.


Legislation on Individual Persons

The following legislation includes policy that affects any one individual, their status, title or order.

Primary Legislation Description Modifying Leges Modifying Senatus Consulta Modifying Edicta Related or Complimentry Legislation General Praetores Commentary
Lex Vedia tributaria

(#VIII, 2752)

About the allocation of citizens to tribes. Lex Vedia de assiduis et capite censis
Lex Cornelia et Maria de mutandis nominibus

(#XXXIII, 2754)

About adding, altering or substituting any portion of a civis' Roman name. *Included in the Ius Privatum
Lex Arminia de fovenda lingua latina

(#XC, 2757)

About the award of Latinist as a title. Lex Cornelia de Arminia de fovenda lingua Latina corrigenda *Included in the Ius Privatum
Lex Apula Popillia de nominibus approbationibusque

(#CX, 2758)

About the framework of how prospective citizens can choose their roman name. *Included in the Ius Privatum
Lex Cornelia de punctis censualibus

(#CXXXII, 2766)

About the award of Census Points to citizens. lex Arria de censu civium aestimando Lex Arria de censu civium aestimando

(Intended to be replaced by this lex)

*Included in the Ius Privatum

NOTE: Will become redundant after new lex is fully implemented.

Lex Cornelia de rebus ordinis equestris

(#CXXXV, 2766)

About a constitution amendment on the definition of the Ordo Equester (Equestrian Order) Lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda

(Modifies this lex)

*Included in the Ius Publicum

NOTE: Marked as 'Merged with Constitution' in the List of all passed laws.

Lex Cornelia de Arminia de fovenda lingua Latina corrigenda

(#CXXXVI, 2766)

About the application, grant and title for recognized skilled Latinists. Lex Arminia de fovenda lingua latina

(Modifies this lex)

*Included in the Ius Privatum
Lex Cornelia de classibus et ordine equestri

(#CXXXVIII, 2766)

Creation and admission to the Equestrian Order. *Included in the Ius Privatum
Lex Arria de censu civium aestimando

(#CXLV, 2773)

About the award of Census Points to citizens. Lex Cornelia de punctis censualibus

(Intended to replace this lex)

*Included in the Ius Privatum

NOTE: Still pending full implementation and not yet in effect.

Legislation on Gentes and Familiae

Legislation directly pertaining to family rights and responsibilities. The basis of which is founded in Article II.D. of the Lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda.

Primary Legislation Description Modifying Leges Modifying Senatus Consulta Modifying Edicta Related or Complimentry Legislation General Praetores Commentary
Lex Labiena de praetoribus agendis in loco parentium

(#LXX, 2756)

About the conditions to be met for the Praetores to act in loco parentis.
Lex Equitia de gentibus

(#CV, 2757)

About a constitution amendment on Gentes, Domus, and Familiae. *Included in the Ius Publicum

NOTE: Marked as 'Merged with Constitution' in the List of all passed laws.

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